Books and a Deck of Cards

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"Fuck..." I mumbled, trying to quickly make my way to Lightfoot's class to give him my finished essay that I had just written this morning, probably not the best idea. The halls were filled with teenagers that were horse playing and speed walking like me. A brunette jumped up infront of me, knocking the books out of my hand and laughing at the mess on the floor. "Ha, sorry, toots!" He yelled, already halfway down the hall and had a huge grin on his face. "Fucking Christ..." I sigh in annoyance, crouching down to pick up the scattered books. Everyone just seemed to ignore me, walking past and kicking my papers around like it was nothing. I mentally stabbed every person that just walked by. "Move!" A male's voice stated sternly, hearing a few papers rustle in the chorus of shoes hitting the tiled floor. I shake my head in disappointment and embarrassment as I keep picking up my books and scattered papers. I go for the last paper I can see, reaching my hand out. Another grabs it before I could and I look up to the person. It was a familiar brunette guy that hangs out around my group during lunch. "I hate when people do this, here." He smiles, handing me the rest of my belongings. I rudely snatch them out of his hands, huffing and then standing up. I start heading in the direction of the classroom I was originally going to.

"What took you so long?" Mr. Read, my biology teacher, asked as I rush into the classroom right after the bell rang. "I had to go to Lightfoot's." I reply, quickly sitting down in my normal seat. Nicki smiles at me before going back to explaining something to Lexi and Hayley. "I didn't know if you were here this morning." Justice says as she pulls out one of her earbuds. "I dropped all my shit in the hall and someone picked it up for me." I explain, organizing everything back into my binder. "Did you thank them?" My face turned blank, freezing in the position of shoving my journal into my bag. My head raises, turning to the black haired girl next to me. "Uh..." I mumble, adverting my eyes to my notebook and start to open it. "Goddamn it, Y/n..." Justice shakes her head in disapproval. "I'm sorry, I was in a rush and I was pissed off already, if I said anything to the guy, it wouldn't have been pretty." I explain, once again turning to her. "You have to do it," I nod, in agreement. "I will."

~Time Skip~

"Lunch time here I come!" I yell as I rush out of the double doors. I walk over to all my guy friends and start having weird conversations with them. "So, Y/n, how's life?" Jeremiah asks, slinging his arm around my shoulders. "Lonely as hell." I laugh, side hugging him. "Sounds fun," He chuckles sarcastically, patting my head. "Not really if I'm gonna be completely honest." "Goddamn it!" I hear someone say under their breath. I turn around to see a brunette right behind me, picking up a deck of cards. My initial instinct was to start helping him. I crouched down, picking up a few and making them face the same way. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the brunette look up at me. "Thank you...Hey you're the girl I helped earlier today." Confuzzlement fills my face as I turn to him. It was the guy that helped me pick up my stuff. "I helped you with your books now your helping me with my cards." I smile widely at him and hand him the cards I had. "I mean I did owe you one." We both stand up and he puts his hand out, which I take. "I'm Brandon." He grins, shaking my hand. "Y/n, but you can call me N/n." I reply, turning around to walk away. "Wait, I wanna show you something." (That's what she said huehuehue) I face back towards him. "It's just a magic trick, don't worry." He shuffles the deck, locking eyes with mine. "I've been working on it all day and I haven't showed anyone yet." He fans the deck and smiles at me. I pick a card, not letting him see it. "Alright now put it anywhere in the deck." I followed his directions, watching him shuffle them again and look through the deck, dropping them to the floor. My eyes widen, thinking he messed up. His smile only widens as he puts his hand behind my ear and pulls out a single card. It was my card, black sharpie written across it. There was a number and a small "call me" under it. I laugh and grab the card. "That was so fucking smooth."

A/n: So I'm trying to get a double update and then update again around Christmas, CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!!

Brandon Calvillo (Fluffy Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now