Tears and Hugs

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I walked the empty streets, quickly making my way to Brandon's small house. The white and beige building came into view, causing me to break out into a sprint. I could feel my asthma start to kick in, but I didn't stop and made it to the front door. I searched my purse frantically, finally finding the extra key and started jingling the silver metal around in the lock. It clicked and I rushed in, my eyes going wide. A loud gasp fell from my lips, Brandon was hanging there still moving. The chair he used was kicked away and fallen on the floor out of reach. I pulled it up under his legs and shoved him on it, hearing him catch his breath. Tears fell from my eyes and I undid the nuice from his neck, letting him come down from the chair. Marks from the rope being rubbed across his neck were red and started to bruise. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, tear streaks running across his cheeks. I wrapped my arms around his waist, sobs escaping my lips and tears fall freely down my reddened face. He enveloped me into his warmth, kissing my forehead. A crash was heard from outside, a freaked out Jessie running through the opened door. He froze in place, his mouth agape. "Um...Lani I need to speak to you." He mumbled, concern written on his face. I pulled from the brunette I was hugging, walking over to Jessie and went outside. "Hey, do you think you could watch over him for a few days, I gotta go down town for this job interview." He explained, hope filling his gaze. "Sure, he just needs to get his stuff together." I replied, grabbing my car keys and start my way to my car. "Ok, I'll tell him," Jessie sighed, walking back into the house. I unlocked my car, sitting in the driver's side. Brandon came​ out seconds later, duffel bag in hand and his phone in the other. He jumped into the passenger seat, throwing his bag in the back seat. I started the car, the radio immediately turned onto Fall Out Boy. I bobbed my head to the music, watching cars drive by. Brandon rested his arm on the center console, I didn't mind it since I don't use it. We came to a stop light and I already knew that we we're gonna be here for awhile. I was still bobbing my head slightly, looking around the car for some odd reason. That was when I looked down to Brandon's arm. It had multiple scars and cuts starting from his wrist and down his forearm. I gasp and my eyes go wide, grabbing his wrist. I made sure to be gentle, looking at his scars. The ones on his upper part of his arm they weren't that deep. But as it went down his wrist they got deeper. I lightly ran my thumb across the first one, feeling the scabbed over skin and I looked to him. "Why?" I ask sternly, meeting his eyes. He gulped loudly, glancing down at his arm. I knew he wasn't going to answer, I pushed his arm away out of anger and looked ahead. The light turned green and I floored the pedal. Brandon held on to my arm and the handle, a terrified gleam in his eyes. "Lani, please slow down." He pleaded, tightening his grip on my arm. I didn't listen, keeping my eyes glued on the road infront of me, swerving past people. "PLEASE!" He shouted, tears falling down his cheeks. I turned, pulling into my apartment parking lot. I turned off the car, facing towards Brandon. An angered expression spread across my face. I was pissed. He looked at me, reddened eyes and his lip quivered slightly. "W-Why'd you d-do that?" He stuttered, wiping his tears away from his cheeks. "Now you know how I feel, the rush of terror that runs through you when someone puts their life in danger." I let the words slip from my tongue, falling into the silence air. I opened my door and slammed it shut after I got out, causing Brandon to jump. A scowl spread across my face and I shook my head as I started to open my apartment door. I feel a warm presence behind me, already knowing who it was. "I'm sorry..." He apologized, hugging me from behind. I stopped what I was doing when I felt him lay his head on my shoulder. He nuzzled the crook of my neck, kissing it lightly. "I'll stop cutting, for you." He whispered, looking at the profile of my face. A small smile tugs at my lips, turning my head towards his. "Promise?" I ask, facing towards him in the hug. "I promise," He kissed my nose and pulled me in for n actual hug.

Brandon Calvillo (Fluffy Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now