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Ok, first off, hi! Secondly, this idea was a dream I had last night (1/1/17), but instead of Brandon, it was of Thomas Sanders, so yeah. It was weird but cute. One last thing, HAPPY NEW YEAR BITCHES!!! On with the story!!! 

I walked the winding sidewalks, feeling uneasy in my new territory. New house, new state, new job. A sigh left my lips, wandering off into the cold L.A. streets (don't actually know if it's cold there, hopefully Markimoo will tell me :D) My attention was on my shoes, finding them quite interesting. A nice fitting to my normal outfit, black, ripped jeans, an oversized hoodie and a bea-shit my beanie! I groan quietly, watching as people on the streets give me weird looks or death glares. I ignored them like usual and walked into a small shop with only few people inside. The cafe smelled of caramel and egg nog. I inhaled the wonderful scents and sighed with my eyes closed, taking me deeper into the trance I was pulled into. I reopened them, walking over to the front counter, which was surprisingly empty and placed my filled out application on the polished wood desk. I waited patiently for the lady behind the counter to finish a previous order and come assist me. When she finally approached me, she had her pearly whites showing. I then noticed how pretty she was. She was a brunette with chocolate brown eyes, quite petite and her eye brows be on fleek. I mentally laughed at my own joke and handed her the creme colored piece of paper. She nodded looking over my information, her bangs bounced slightly when she glanced back up to me. "(Y/N), right?" She questioned, eyeing me as I grabbed my ID. "Yes, here ya go." I replied, handing it into her small hands. "Alrighty then, go ahead and head into the back, you have to meet everyone." She explained, opening up the door thingy (sorry I'm stupid XD). I walked through, closing it behind me. I approached a room beside the coffee maker that had a sign, which wrote, "Employees only." I smiled, knowing I was special and could go in this room. I grabbed the brass knob, turning it and pushing open the hard wood door. Three figures came into vision and I immediately felt my body fill with nervousness. They all turned to me, giving me smiles and small waves. I waved back, slowly walking over to the group. "Hey you must be the new girl, I'm Noah." One greeted, a blonde to be exact. His eyes were a piercing blue, showing excitement and curiosity. I nodded in reply, shaking his hand and moving on to a fellow female. She had black hair with deep grey eyes. Her smile was shy, small and petite, unlike the others. Her eyes showed no emotion and had no spark to them. "Emily," She mumbled, taking my hand lightly, as if it were a piece of china or if I could break easily. My breath hitched as I came to my next co worker. He was absolutely outstanding. Stunning. His dark brown hair fell over his dark brown eyes. They were full of...lust? Interesting, very intriguing indeed. I hold my hand out to him waiting for his. It took me by surprise, shocking my hand. "Ow!" I whine, pulling my hand back, him doing the same. "What the hell?!" He boomed towards my fragile figure. I winced, remembering the horrible memories of 'father.' A tear falls from my (E/C) eyes, staining my hoodie. I fall back, hitting the cold tile floor. "Miss are you ok?" Noah questions, kneeling down to my eye level. I turn my head and lift up my hoodie sleeve, revealing 18 years of cutting. I hear a gasp and I pull my knees to my chest, trying to comfort myself. I feel a rough, heavy hand lay on my shoulder. I flinch and wrap my hands around the figure I just met. I still don't know who it was but, they were taken by surprise before enveloping me into warmth. They're scent was nice, consisting of pine needles and lavender. The stranger and I sat like this until we heard the door to the room  open. I lifted my head from his or her shoulder, watching the brunette from earlier walk in. "Brandon, you're already hugging her? Holy cheese and crackers." She questions, sarcasm threaded through her words. I look down to the strange boy that was cuddling my waist. "She knows what it feels like..." I hear him mumble from my lap. I question him mentally, patting his head lightly. He finally detaches himself from me, standing up and holding his hand out for me. It sent tingles up my arm when I grabbed ahold of it, making me jump a bit. "(Y/N)," I said, shaking his hand when I'm fully stable. "Brandon," He replied giving me a small smile before he turned to Noah and pushed him out the door. 

~Time Skip~

I found out the brunette's name was Jesika and we exchanged numbers. I also gave my number to Brandon, Noah and Emily. They all seemed nice, giving me the drill on what I would be doing at the cafe. I made it back home, texting Brandon as I walked. We were playing 20 questions, which ended up turning into just asking random questions that came to mind. I unlocked the door to my dark little apartment. The clacking of the nails on my dog were heard, letting me know she was trotting my way. "Hey, Callie," I greeted the semi-blind Dalmatian. She blinked at me, walking back over to the bedding she has. I sighed, walking over to my fully furnished bedroom, going straight to the small white dresser in the corner. My hands grab the brass handles, pulling just enough to open the ancient drawer. I grab a pair of sweats and a tank, stripping of my clothes and putting the more comfortable one's on. I flop onto my bed and let darkness take over.

~Time Skip 16 months~

I had arranged a meet up with Brandon today, at my house. He seemed to enjoy my company, which surprised me. He was always so quiet though, it made me worry about his mental state at times. My train of thoughts were interrupted, a knock at the door rang through my ears. "Coming!" I yell, placing my cup of coffee down on the counter and run to the door. I was greeted with an upset Brandon, surprising me for a second. "Aww, what's wrong with my Brandon?" I question, opening the door more to let him into my apartment. A sniffle was let out from the brunette. His puffy eyes met mine and I closed the door. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the couch. I sat down, letting him place his head on my lap. "Now tell me, what happened?" I ask, ruffling his dark brown hair with my fingers. "M-Meagan, d-d-dumped m-ME!" He wailed, wrapping his strong arms around my stomach, crushing my organs and knocking the wind out of me. "Can't.....breath," I huff, patting his arms. He loosened his grip, looking up at me. "Sorry," He mumbled, placing his head back on my lap. "Want to go get something to eat?" I asked, running my hands through his hair. "That sounds nice." He replied, wiping stray tears off his cheeks and re-adjusting his coat . I smiled at him and walked off to go get changed out of my pj bottoms. I pulled on a pair of jeans, my favorite light gray hoodie and my leather jacket. I slid on my skater shoes and headed back towards Brandon, watching him hold one of my glass flower vases. "Ready?" I questioned the brunette, startling him which ended up in him dropping the china. His eyes went wide as he looked up to me, worry and sympathy written all over his face and gleaming in his eyes. "I'm so sorry," He rushed out, crouching down to pick up the shattered pieces. I laughed lightly towards the male, crouching along with him. "It's fine, doof, I didn't like it all too much anyway." I joked, picking up the last of the white shards. I glance up making eye contact with him and sighing. He had worry still in his eyes as he picked up his half of the mess and threw the pieces in the nearby trashcan. He abruptly turned towards me, noses touching and eyes connected. "Hello there." I smiled, staring into his eyes, switching from one to the other. "" He replied, looking for words to say. I grinned once again, closing my eyes slightly. That's when it happened. His lips crashed into mine, moving in sync with my own. My eyes fluttered shut, wrapping my arms around his neck slowly and pulled him closer to me. It deepened the kiss which made him smile. We pulled away, breathing in the lack of air. I looked to him once more. "Brandon Calvillo, I think I love you." "I'm pretty sure I love you too."

Brandon Calvillo (Fluffy Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now