My Little Thigh Whisperer

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I was currently sitting on the couch, watching Catfish the T.v. Show. Poor guy didn't get the girl he wanted, fake bitches. I laugh at my own thoughts and snuggle under my blanket more. "Honey I'm home!" I hear Brandon shout throughout the house and I turn my head towards him. He has huge grin n his face and he pounced on my warm body. "God today was hard." He states, laying his head on my boobs. "Brandon, all you did was go shopping for milk and eggs." I giggle, playing with a piece of his hair. "Sh, just let it happen. " He sloppily put his finger to my lips and I laughed harder. "You're a dork," I sigh looking down to the brunette, watching him look back up to me. "But I'm your dork," He smiled, placing a tender kiss on my lips. I grinned right after and I placed a kiss lightly on his forehead. His face flushed with color and I looked back to the T.V. "Y/nnnnnnnnn, I need more love!" Brandon whined, kissing my boob. I gasp at the sudden contact. "You're already cuddling...." I didn't finish my sentence because I was so concentrated on the show. "Baaaaaaabe, I need attentiooooooon." He pouted and started kissing my neck. I patted his head like a small child, my eyes still glued to the screen. "Ugh, you're so lame." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist. He then unwrapped them and I glanced at him. He was making his way down my stomach and he laid between my legs. He used my stomach as a pillow and he was cuddling my thigh. He started rubbing it and he mumbled something. Finally my show went to a commercial and I looked down at Brandon. He was drawing circles on my inner thigh and he was talking to it. "Who's a beautiful piece of art? You are~" He cooed, kissing the top of my thigh. "Brandon what on Earth are you doing with your life right now?" I question, laughing hysterically. He looked at me and a huge smile tugged at his lips. "Hey, don't question me and my weirdness, I get it from you." He chuckles, pointing at me. "Whatever tickles your fancy." I reply, shaking my head and look back to the T.V. screen. "Can we cuddle now?" Brandon asks, giving me the puppy dog eyes. Who can resist the puppy dog eyes? "C'mere," I coo, opening my arms. "YAY!" He screeches, flying towards me and landed with an 'oof'. "I love cuddling with you, y/n." He confesses, pecking my lips. "I love cuddling with you too, my little thigh whisperer." 

A/N: Alright, hear me out. I wanted to get something out before school starts and I wanna try to get this sort of stuff up. My chapters might be a little short for awhile but I'm gonna try and update more frequently if they do shorten a little bit. I just wanna wish you guys the best of luck in school and that you guys will be doing just fine, I promise. Lots of love! Bye Babes! ~Lani

Brandon Calvillo (Fluffy Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now