Lunch Roasts

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I sat at the table filled with boys and greeted them with a slightly flirty 'hey.' The table consisted of Curtis, Christian, KC, Brandon, Thomas, Lance, Baylor, Logan and John. They always have had my back, so we're all pretty close. I take a bite of my cheeseburger, watching as Lance pulls out a bag filled with quarters. "I worked hard for this." Lance jokes, patting the bag. I laughed, swallowing my bite and thought of a smart ass remark. "Did your mom work overtime at the strip club last night?" I ask, causing all the guys to bust out laughing their asses off. "You're gay." Lance mutters, looking through his backpack. "Not as much as you." I giggle, taking another but of my sandwich. "You're real funny." Lance said with sarcasm, shaking his head and started eating his salad. "Thank you!" I cheered, watching KC chuckle silently. Me and Lance were always like this. "But it's ok, because KC would be the one throwing the coins at her." I laugh loudly, pointing to the male infront of me. "Aw, c'mon..." He sighed in annoyance, finishing his meal. Then Christian would be picking them back up and throw them at her again!" I bellowed, laughing till my side hurt. My lungs finally started working again and I inhaled deeply. I stand up to throw my trash away, accidentally hitting the side of the table. Ranch fell all over under the table. "Fuuuuuuuuck me..." I sigh, glaring at the white puddle on the concrete. "I bet Brandon would do that for you." Curtis jokes, making sexual noises and the boys start moaning. Brandon's face turns bright crimson, causing him to hide his cheeks. "But you have to clean up his puddle, he got a little excited." KC giggled, pointing at the puddle. I crawl under the table with a handful of napkins, making my way to the puddle. "Damn Brandon I knew you liked her but fuck man, at least wait till you're alone." Logan chuckled, causing the rest of the boys to burst into laughter again. "Please, he just can't resist me." I teased, rubbing his thigh with my free hand. I finished cleaning the mess off the floor. "The lesbian whore finished her job." I popped my head from under the table and look directly at Lance. "Bitch I'm as straight as the pole your mom dances on." I say, jolting my head to the side to add emphasis. The boys all 'ooh' and laugh loudly at my sassy comeback. " How do you like them apples?" I joke, licking my finger, placing it on my butt and make a sizzling sound. "YOU JUST GOT ROASTED!!!" Baylor shouts, dabbing repeatedly. "Y'all are dorks." I giggled, walking past Lance and Pat his cheek lightly. "But I've got one dork in my mind." I say, squeezing Brandon's thigh and throw my trash away. "Damn, better get with her before I do." John comments, a dazed look in his eyes. "Oh yeah then Brandon, we're dating now." I giggle, kissing his cheek and sit down next to him. "Sure." He replied, a deep blush dusted on his cheeks.

A/n: ok, ok, I know it's short but it was a little memory that I remembered, I was just thinking and this specific memory stuck out and I decided to write about it. So yeah, I got a chapter out and I'm sorry for the long updates, I'm trying my hardest. So I will see you guys in the next chapter, love y'all byyyyyyyyye😘

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