Not An Update

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So, I'm sorry in advance but I'll be taking a hiatus from all my stories. I have no idea how long I'll be gone for but I have alot of stuff going on. I got caught up in guy stuff, you might not wanna listen to the story....

But if you doooo (I know how you feel), I can tell you a brief explaination  of what has happened in the past like 4 days. So I've liked this guy named Sam for the past 2 years, but he's transgender and my family's Christian and they don't like that I like him because he's a female to male. But im like best friends with his ex and I told her because I couldn't just sit there and have her not know what the fuck was going on. It ended badly she ended up telling me to go fuck myself and yeah. I don't even know if me and Sam are gonna date. Which is fucking retarded because I lost a fucking friend for him but what the fuck ever. Sorry for the cussing but I hope you guys understand.

Brandon Calvillo (Fluffy Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now