The Ghost Who Can't Love

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This is based off of a song I wrote and I don't wanna post it because someone might steal it, then I will cry. ANYWAYS! It's called The Ghost Who Can't Love, hope you like it!

Time stops and he's gone again. He left me, he's gone. "You're too complicated." "Drama queen." "Attention whore." "Kill yourself."  Why? Did I do something wrong? Doesn't matter anymore, he left. But yet he comes back after awhile. He's like a ghost, a ghost who can't love. But he's fucking around with that one slut when he can't do it with me. What does he see in her anyway? All she does is hook up with other guys behind his back. It's not my business, I just need comfort or something. I glance at the clock sitting on my bedside table. My visions blurry from the tears that keep falling down my fucked up face. I feel a presence but I know in reality he's not really here. I can feel him rub me in a comforting way. "Go away, I don't want you here." I growl, swatting his hand away from me. There's nothing there. He's no longer here beside me and I can't seem to take that even though it's happened multiple times before. I sob quietly, pulling the blanket over me. I miss his warmth, his affection, none of it was true though. Everything he "confessed" was fake, fake, fake. A shiver runs down my spine and I can feel his cold presence again. "Brandon, you hurt me, you lied I don't want you anymore." I sob, letting my tears run freely. He thought I was lying, but in reality he was the one that was. "You're a slut." "Going behind my back." "LIAR." The memories of our fight hit me like a bus full of bricks. A pang of guilt, pain and anger hit me all at once. I touched the now bruised cheek I have. He hit me. I didn't have the energy to get up for ice. It all was emptied out from all the yelling, fighting and crying. I was tired but I couldn't seem to sleep. I snuggled farther into my bed, hiding from the world around me. The sound of the front door opening and closing rang through the empty house. I didn't care for who it was, I just wanted to be left alone. The bed dips and I feel the actual presence of someone this time. They were warm and I rolled over, facing the wall. "Y/n, liste-." I cut him off, not caring for what he said. "No, you're just a ghost to me now, a ghost that can't love, a ghost that I loved, but you keep coming back to me and playing with my heart." I turn towards him, anger threaded through my words. "And you thought I was cheating on you even though you were hitting that one chick," My words dripped with venom and I kicked him off the bed. "I don't fucking like you, you hurt me multiple times and now I'm done. "I thought we were friends," I sobbed, rolling back over and covered my face. "Y/n, I still love you." His voice was fake and I could tell. "You never loved me!" I cried, pointing my finger at him. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I screamed pointing towards the door. "Bu-" He started but I slapped him. "GET OUT, CUNT!" I screeched, breaking down on the floor. "You're never really here anyways, doesn't even fucking matter." I whined, letting out all of my bottled up feelings. "Just leave."

Ok, ok. I know it's not all lovey dovey but this is reality though, gotta write about this shit too.

Brandon Calvillo (Fluffy Imagines)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora