"Sounds Personal"

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"Brandon what do you want for dinner?" I question, opening the fridge and start searching it. "Can we order some pizza? I don't want you to be too tired for the movie-thon." Brandon replies, grabbing his phone from off the counter and walks up behind me. "Yes, hello, I'd like a large pizza with-" I feel him lean into my ear, "What would you like, darling?" His voice low and arousing. I bite my bottom lip, a dark blush on my cheeks and feeling an all too familiar feeling touch my stomach. I quench my legs together and think of a topping I want. "Sausage," I quickly answer, not looking back at the brunette. "Sausage and peperoni, extra cheese." I walk over to the couch and start going through movies. Brandon finished the order and he came and sat next to me, watching as I flipped through the movies. 'Hush" pops up and I scream, jumping up and accidentally smack Brandon. "Holy shitake mushrooms! I'm so sorry!" I cried, taking his face in my hands lightly. His face started to turn red and I hugged him, petting his hair. But what I didn't know was that his face was in my boobs...awkward XD. "Oops, hehe..." The doorbell rung and Brandon pushed me off of his lap and yelled "PIZZA!" as he ran, opening the door for the pizza guy. I laid on the floor, waiting for the Brandon to return to me. He walked back over to me, holding an opened pizza box in his hand and a slice in his mouth. I pouted and crossed my arms, giving him the puppy dog eyes. "No cuddles for you, you left me for the pizza guy." I whined, quivering my lip dramatically and pressed play for the movie. I sat at the opposite side of the couch, pulling a blanket over me. Brandon shrugged, finishing his slice of pizza and grabbed for another one. I scoffed, watching as the girl's neighbor is shot in the back by the killer. I couldn't help but notice that the killer is a bit retarded. "I want pizza," I sigh, looking over at Brandon, watching him stuff his third slice into his mouth. "Sounds personal." He replies, grabbing for his next piece. I groan and pull my bitch face look. Then an amazing idea came into my mind and a large, evil grin is plastered on my face. I stood up from the couch, walking over to in front of Brandon. I straddle his waist, hearing him gulp loudly in nervousness. Now remember we weren't dating before this, just saying this for story purposes. I dazed into his eye and pulled him close to me. "Y/n, what're you do-" He was cut off by me crashing my lips into his, raking my hands through his hair. I pull away, a smirk on my face and I stand back up to grab a slice of pizza from the box. I turned and went back to my spot on the couch. "Goddamn it.." I hear Brandon huff under his breath, frustration clear in his words. I glance over and noticed that he had a major boner. I giggled and went back to watching the movie. "Y/nnnnnnnnn, this is not ok!" Brandon whined, stretching out my name. I gaze at him blankly and reply, "Sounds personal."

Shorter than usual but I'm working on another story, I'll try to get all your requests in if I can until then I will be doing some of my own ideas. Thanks for all the support and ideas, I love you guys, bye babes! <3

Brandon Calvillo (Fluffy Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now