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When I got back to the house I texted Jessi to just come pick up her car. I walked in the house and went straight to the bathroom and looked at my face they busted my lip and left cuts all around my face but didn't do to much damage, I took off my shirt and saw  the burses all around my stomach and chest and some on my back.

I heard the door bell ring and I went downstairs opened the door and saw Jessi her eyes widened and she looked me up and down "what happened!?"

"Nothing Jessi just leave it alone , here's your keys" I wasn't tryna talk about this especially not to Jessi cause she won't even believe me.

"No your gonna tell me I'm not leaving yet" she pushed past me and sat down.

"Ok so one ... Ouch and two Jessi get up we can talk about this later not now" she made me sit down and she grabbed my face and looked at me.

"You gonna tell me what happened, now what happened!?"

"Alright alright" I sighed and looked at her "Darren and his boys did this" she looked down and I could she was thinking no way not Darren.

"Darren did this to you why? ... See I told you not to go down there but you ain't wanna listen"

"Look I walked out next thing you know he has me against the wall punching me then 5 other guys come and they jump me and i had to go it was for Lizbeth"

She got up and made me get up with her and we went into the kitchen and she got the peroxide and started cleaning my face and I flinched a few times cause it hurt.

"Relax you can take a little sting can't you?" It was nice of her to help but I didn't want her their I just wanted to be alone.

"I can handle it ... You dont believe me dont you?"

She looked at me and shook her head "look just cause you did what you did Lizbeth doesn't mean I'm not gonna believe you anymore especially with something like that why would you think that?"

"Because your Lizbeth's cousin so you probably hate me" she put the tissue down and looked at me.

"I dont hate you dumb ass I'm just disappointed in your decision" she went back to dabbing my face.

"Alright why does everyone keep calling me that" she looks at me like really nigga "um because you are Christian"

"Look Christian you needa tell your boys what Darren did because that's fucked up he can't just put his hands on you and get away with it"

"Chill dont get them involved I dont want even more problems cause that's what'll happen when they find out"

"Well if you not gonna tell them I will" she walked away from me and got my phone and I snatched it away.

"What are you doing stop Jessi"

"No move I'm calling" she walked away from me and called Marcus and I knew they'd all come together because they always at Marcus house.

She left the room so I couldn't hear what she was saying and 5 minutes later she came back and smiled.

"Their coming over in a little your welcome" she sat on the couch and turned on the tv.

I went and sat down next to her and put on my shirt " you know I hate you right?" She laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

"You'll be ight" I rolled my eyes and then next thing you know I hear the door bell and they just come in.

"Damn yah can't knock"

When I saw Jason, Damon, Maleek, and Marcus I knew they were ready to fight.

"Yo Christian you really let this nigga jump you and you wasn't about to tell us I thought we was boys" Marcus said

"I wanted to handle it myself I got this" they looked at me and Damon said "really you got it cause that's not what it looks like to me bro"

I rolled my eyes and smirked "fuck you my nigga"

"Yo let's get this nigga what's his name Jessi" Maleek said and they all looked at her.

"His names is Darren" they all looked at me and smiled.

"DARREN!?" They all said together "Christian you've wanted to fuck this nigga up for the longest and you not gonna tell us" Damon said.

I laughed and looked at them look "I can do this alone"

"No you can't man let us help you we can jump him and you'll feel better" said Marcus.

"No I won't because Lizbeth will find out it was yah and then she'll think I made yah do it and she'll be pissed at me"

"Fuck her yo" said Jason "this isn't about Lizbeth this is about what Darren did to you and we gotta get him back"

" idk about that man if yah wanna do something go ahead but do it when he's alone"

"Ight man we got you but no promises we won't kill him" said Marcus.

They started to head towards the door and looked at me "you know where he live?" Jason said "Nah yah gotta find that out yourselves but do it in the morning or something its mad late"

"Will do sir" said Marcus with a smile "yo you still gonna put me on to Jessi bro" Marcus really wanted Jessi But she wasn't having it, but shit can't to put my bro on.

" yea man I got you" he turned and left with the rest of them I turned around and closed the door.

"Ight so you still here" I looked at Jessi and she kept watching tv.

" Yea I'm still here is there a problem" I rolled my eyes and sat next to her. "So you staying or something cause if you stay your ass is sleeping on the couch"

"Um no I'm not staying imma leave in a little because I got stuff I gotta do"

"Oh yeaa you mean Marcus?" She looked at me with a stank face.

"Hell no not Marcus I don't want that nigga he get to many bitches" I laugh and look at her like she crazy.

"He not a fuck boy he faithful give my son a chance"

"No he don't got nothing going for him he not in school he don't go to college he don't got a job"

"My son will still treat you like a queen"

"How if he out here selling drugs and be stupid its not he's like a good nigga and got his shit together and got goals"

"Ight I can't have you violating my bro"

"Well I don't want him" I laugh and looked at her.

"Ight well what kinda guy you want then since its not my bro" she looked at me and she looked like she was thinking of her answer.

"Well a guy who's nice and got goals and got a nice house and has money and treat girls good and not think all girls are just pussy" you know.

"Yea I get what you saying" she looked at me and smiled.

"Someone like you would be great" I looked at her mad confused.

"Wait what, you like me?"

"No stupid that's not what I'm saying" she rolled her eyes. " I meant someone who isn't you but got the same goals as you".

"Ohhh ok well I think you'll find someone like that dont worry just give it time cause you a great girl anyone would be lucky to have you, that's why my bro want you your special to him."

"No I dont want Marcus ew but thanks Christian"

"Ight" I said laughing

We started to watch the movie and I dont know why but things got a little awkward but I didn't pay it no mind. We kept looking at each other from time to time during the movie and I dont know what it was or what happened but like 40 minutes into the movie she called my name.


"Yea?" And then she leaned in and kissed me. My eyes widened while she kissed me and then she let go "why you did that?"

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