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I can't believe I got caught and I fucked up again I gotta go through the same shit I went through basically a year ago.

I looked at Nikki leave and I had to go get her back. Lizbeth came up behind me and held me "looks like we can finally start over" I looked back at her and pushed her off.

"Lizbeth no! me and you are just parents to Kassie nothing more we shouldn't of did that , I need to leave"

I walked out the house and started walking fast back to my house I needed to hurry before she took her shit and left my house.

I finally got to my house after walking for 30 minutes and you won't believe what she did to my car. I walked up to it and she broke all the windows and scratched the paint with her keys and broke my lights and their were dents all over the car.

After I saw that I wasn't ready for whatever she was gonna do to me when I walked in the door, I walked up to the door and wrapped my hand around the door knob and opened the door slowly and I couldn't believe it.

She trashed my living room and I bet the rest of the house too ,she broke my tv, tore up my couch and there was clothes all over the floor and she broke my PlayStation 4 and my Xbox. I went upstairs and went into the bathroom and she broke my mirror and the doors to the shower and she threw the towels all over the floor.

I couldn't believe she trashed my house but then again I could understand why she was so upset. I walked into my room and my bed was a mess and my clothes were everywhere with bleach all over them , but she was no where to be found she did all this in 30 minutes.

I ran downstairs and went into the garage and everything was fucked up in there too. I opened the garbage door and got into my car started it and headed over to Nikki's place.

I finally got to her place and looked at her house I didn't see any lights on it looked like the house was empty. There was nowhere else she could be it was getting dark so I knew she was in there ... Maybe she was just waiting for me.

I walked up to the house and I knocked on the door but there was no answer, I knocked again and still no answer. I tried to open the door and it opened, it was dark inside.

"Nikki? Where are you?" I walked inside and it was so quiet I started to get nervous cause I didn't want this girl to pop outta nowhere and kill me or something.

"Nikki lemme talk to you please" it was still quiet I looked around and it was getting more and more dark so it was getting harder to see things.

I headed upstairs and before I could do anything she came around the corner and hit me with a baseball bat right in my nose and I tumbled down the stairs and I hit the wall.

That hit kinda fucked me up and I couldn't really see straight I looked up the stairs and she was looking at me with the bat still in her hand. I touched my nose and it hurt so much I knew it was bleeding.

"Nikki Nikki wait please! just lemme talk to you" she didn't say anything and started coming down the stairs I felt like I was in a horror movie I dont know what she was tryna do to me but I knew I was not gonna walk out this house untouched.

I got up fast and my head was starting to hurt I looked over at the stairs and she was already behind me and she started to swing the bat tryna hit me and I was dodging them.

"Nikki stop! I know your mad but please lemme just talk to you"

"Nah fuck you Christian after everything that happened you go and cheat on me, I'm not showing you no mercy" she kept swinging tryna hit me.

"I know Nikki I fucked up but she took advantage of me while I was drunk I'm sorry I really do love you Nikki"

"Stop fucking lying to me I doubt you know what love is , I know I'm no Lizbeth but at least I was there when you needed me I stayed by your side" I looked at her she looked hurt I felt so bad.

"I stayed by you to Nikki I was there through the whole pregnancy and even before and I wanna keep being here dont leave me" she started to swing a little closer. "Nikki stop please!"

She hit me in my head and then in my leg so I could fall. I started to get dizzy and I could barely see, I held my head cause I was in so much pain I couldn't react to it but I felt it.

I turned my head to look at Nikki and she looked like she was ready to kill me. "Nikki .. I know I hurt you horribly but I really am sorry"

"STOP SAYING SORRY don't you understand that no sorry is gonna fix how you made me feel knowing that you fucked Lizbeth you with another bitch a few days after my miscarriage! How do I know that this hasn't been happening since that day?!"

"No no it hasn't it was just today I swear ... Nikki put the bat down please" she dropped it and I looked at her and I tried to get up and it hurt but I did it.

The blood from my nose was all over my clothes when I got up but I wasn't focused on that at the moment.

I saw her start to tear up looking at me, I know she wasn't gonna forgive me but telling her the truth might help me.

"I know I fucked up Nikki but I wanna make it up to you please just let me I regret what I did with Lizbeth cause I know I hurt you and I didn't want to"

"No Christian were done" she walked away from me and I caught her hand before she got to far.

"Nikki please"

"Christian do you know how it feels to have a miscarriage, its horrible and I needed you a lot and you were barely there for me! You were out taking care of Kassie and god knows what else but you know what's even worse while I'm here dealing with this depression of losing my son your fucking the girl you use to love and had a successful birth with" she pulled away from me and walked upstairs.

I know I wasn't a women but I could see why she was upset with me I did so much to her in only a few days, something like a miscarriage happens and then this with Lizbeth really fucked her emotions up. I knew I fucked up but hearing her say that let me know I really really fucked up.

I wasn't gonna just let her go like I did Lizbeth . I ran up to her and held her.

"Baby I'm so sorry please Nikki just let me make it up to you I want to I'll never hurt you again I swear I won't please Nikki I'll do anything to gain your trust back" she turned around and looked me in the eyes I didn't know what she was gonna say.

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?"

"Yes Nikki"

"Alright yes but wait" she touched my nose and put it back in place I clenched my fist from the pain and moved away.

"Ah!! Ok ok you fixed it" she smiled and walked away.

Guess it really wasn't gonna be that easy. "Wait you trashed my house I can't sleep in there can I stay here?"

"Yup hope you like the couch cheater" she walked into a room and I went back downstairs and sat on the couch.

I was really going to try my best with Nikki but it wasn't gonna be easy seeing the way Nikki is but I'm still gonna try no matter what.

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