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So its been a week since Nikki had the miscarriage Nikki wasn't the same she doesn't really talk to me that much and she never leaves the house anymore she's just been really depressed.

And for me I've been depressed to but I still go out just to take walks and see Kassie I haven't said anything to Lizbeth about what happened to Nikki but she's noticed how I've been different lately.

I dont bring Kassie over to the house on the weekends anymore because I think its just gonna make Nikki more upset about what happened to Jeremy.

I was in the house with Nikki and we were just sitting on the couch watching tv not speaking.

"Babe maybe we should go out tonight and get out the house you know?"

She looked at me and sighed "nah I'm ok I think I'll just stay in the house" I turned to her and held her hand.

"Look I know your still upset about what happened but you can't just stay in the house baby its not good for you and it won't help you get over what happened"

She moved her hand away and got up and walked away from me "where you going what did I say wrong Nikki"

I got up and walked after her and got her arm and she pulled it away turned around and looked at me "how can I just get over this huh!? Or son is dead Christian and I'm the only one who seems to care your acting like nothing even happened"

"That's not true Nikki I care that he's gone .. You think I wanted him to die" my eyes started getting watery " I didn't want him to die I wanted to have a son with you and be a family with you and be happy I didn't want this"

She hugged me and I pushed her off me "how could you think I dont care I was attached to him just as much as you were Nikki so why would you say that!?"

"Christian I'm sorry I'm just upset I know you care please stop I'm sorry , we can go out to eat and all that ok?"

"Nah forget it" I walked away from her and walked out the house and just started walking.

I took out my phone and called Damon.


"Yo wassup man meet me at the bar I got talk to you my nigga"

"Ight I'm on my way now" I hung up the phone and headed over to the bar, 30mins later I walked in and saw Damon sitting down drinking whiskey.

"My nigga why you drinking that , you couldn't get some Hennessey" he laughed and looked at me.

"Nigga shut the fuck up and tell me what you had to tell me" I sat down and ask for some shots of henny.

"So man I didn't tell you this but Nikki gave birth few days ago"

"That's great man how's the baby"

I paused and felt my eyes start to get watery so I took a shot "she had a miscarriage bro"

He froze and looked at me and you can see he felt bad for me "damn man are you serious? I'm so sorry to hear that man how you guys holding up?"

"Its hard man but I know Nikki is taking it worse then I am , I really wanted to have a baby with her and I couldn't" he patted my back and I kept taking shots I didn't want to cry anymore.

"Calm down man dont drink to much I know your upset but dont let drinking be the solution"

"I'm not man I just haven't drank in awhile so might as well" he looked at me and then drank himself.

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