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When we got to the hospital they rushed inside and we tried to get into the room they was examining him in but they said we couldn't go inside  and just made us wait in the waiting room.

"Man why won't they let us in with him we basically his family" Marcus said pacing back and forth in front of his seat.

"Yo relax man just sit down, he's gonna be alright he told me that before the ambulance came" I said tryna get him to relax.

"Christian shut the fuck up this is your fault anyway he wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you" he got in my face and Maleek got out his seat and held him back.

"Nigga sit the fuck down" Maleek said, I didn't speak I couldn't believe someone I call my bro is really saying this to me.

"Nah man fuck that , Christian all you been doing is fucking up people's life and now cause of you Jason could die" he sat in his seat and stayed quiet and started shaking his leg.

I exhaled and just sat there in silence. Marcus looked at me and sighed. "Man I'm sorry I didn't mean to go off like that I didn't mean it I'm just upset that Darren shot him my fault man"

I looked at him and stuck out my middle finger at him and just ignored him, I checked my phone and saw that Nikki had called me like 12 times and just put my phone back in my pocket.

I looked up and I saw the police come into the waiting room and I got stiff why were they here did they find out about Danielle, did Lizbeth snitch? They walked this way and my heart was beating a mile a minute and I looked up at one of them hoping he wasn't gonna say anything to us.

"Excuse me can you guys come with us for a minute down to the station for questioning" I looked at Marcus and them and got up and so did they.

"Wait wait what about Jason we can't just leave him" Marcus said.

"Dont worry you'll be back before he recovers" said one of the officers and they walked us out the hospital and we all got into one cop car and drove down to the station, I was shaking a little because I was so nervous I didn't know what they was gonna ask me.

We got to the police station and we all got out the car and walked into the place and saw that it was kind of empty a few people were sitting on the bench cuffed up but nothing to serious.

"Alright you 3 sit down over there and you come with me" me, Marcus, and Maleek sat down on the bench while they took Damon to the back.

"Man this is bullshit why are we all here because of you Christian" Marcus said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Marcus shut up nigga all you doing is complaining. He looked at me and pushed my shoulder and started to whisper.

"I'm not going to jail for you and ur the one who killed Darren"

"Can both of you shut up and just seat next to each other without acting like kids!" Maleek said "Marcus I understand your scared but be a man and just chill out and relax before you slip up and get us all in jail!"

"Man fuck yah both I'm not going to jail" I looked at him like nigga are you serious.

"Marcus does it matter? you dont do shit anyway, you dont have a job, you not in school you live with your mom and you dont make no fucking money. Its not like your out here tryna make a difference if you go to jail you'll still be doing the same shit you do outside your bumass just won't go outside"

"Fuck you Christian"

Marcus leaned back in the seat and didn't speak after that.

We sat there in silence for like 30 minutes then Damon came back out and they told Marcus to come to the back.

Damon sat down and me and Maleek looked at him. "Yo what did they ask you"

He started to whisper "Nothing serious he just asked what happened and I told him it was self defense but I ain't say nothing about you Christian dont worry, they dont even know Darren's dead"

We all sat back again and just waited  till Marcus came out but this time he was taking longer then Damon did, what the fuck was they talking about. We finally saw them walk out and the cops came straight for me and turned me around and cuffed me.

"Yo yo!! What are you doing" they tightened the cuffs and they put me against the wall face first.

"Shut up you piece of shit you killed Darren dont act dumb. Your friend over here told us everything" said one of the officers.

"No no it was self defense I didn't do it purposely he was gonna shoot me if I didn't do anything" I looked at Damon and Maleek they were looking at Marcus in disbelief.

More cops came and hand cuffed Damon and Maleek and put them against the wall next to me and the officer told them both " you were both accomplice's to the murder of Darren Anderson and didn't stop your friend from killing Darren Anderson looks like yah getting locked up to yah knew what Christian was gonna do and you  both played along"

"WHAT THAT'S NOT TRUE" Maleek said.


"I'm not lying!! I walked out after we beat him up in the club and then yah did what yah did outside, you handcuffed and you still lying are serious!?"

I was fucking pissed I wanted to kill this nigga someone who I thought was my bro, my day one nigga I helped this nigga through the hardest times in his life and he really fucking ratted me out and lied to the fucking cops.

"MARCUS WHY THE FUCK YOU LYING LIKE THAT I THOUGHT WE WERE BOYS" I tried to get out the cops grip but he pinned me against the wall and put my face the other way.

All I heard after that was Marcus and he said "I'm not going to jail for all yah mistakes we was boys before yah killed someone and then yah fucked it up I'm not being cool with no killers" then they took me away and put me in the cell along with Maleek and Damon, and Marcus walked out free.

"Yo I can't believe this nigga really lied to them just so he wouldn't get caught for being apart of it too" I said.

"Son no one knows we in here, Marcus is not gonna tell Lizbeth or Jessi or even anyone that we in here god knows how long we gonna be in here" Damon said.

We didn't do nothing for the next few hours we all still couldn't believe it. We were really in jail and half of the reason we was in here wasn't even true.

The next morning I woke up and I was in the cell by myself and I got up to see where Maleek and Damon were and I didn't see them still.

I saw an officer from last night and decided to ask "Yo where the other two guys that were in here with me last night"

"They left in the middle of the night to a different jail but luckly you can stay right here with us just upstairs" he took me out the cell and we went upstairs and there were more cells and people in them and he put me in a empty cell and took of my cuffs and pushed me inside.

"Have fun" he said as he closed the door smiled at me and locked me in.

I sat down and looked around and I couldn't believe I was really in here I was in jail, I never thought I'd be in here not even from killing Danielle but here I am.

The guy came back with a orange jump suit and threw it at me "change boy and give me your regular clothes and don't try anything funny"

I looked at him and took off my shirt and this nigga was still watching me "can you not fucking watch me" he didn't say anything and just looked away and I finished changing and gave him my clothes and he walked away.

I went back and laid down all I could think was how long was I gonna have to stay here until someone noticed I wasn't around. What if I had to stay in here and Lizbeth just thinks I abandoned her and our baby.

I was praying that Damon or Maleek were gonna get out before me and tell Lizbeth or something. And what about Nikki what was she gonna think. Was she gonna even notice that I wasn't around.

I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life here and I couldn't do anything about it I fucked up big time and now I dont know if I can fix this mistake cause once you in jail you can't take it back.

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