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So guess what guys because of this nigga Marcus I spent the next 2 months and still going in jail. Today was Wednesday September 2nd and I got in jail June 20th, but through those 2 months I've talk to Lizbeth and Nikki and they both told me they were gonna try to get me outta here.

Lizbeth is getting big this girl is 6 months and her belly is definitely showing. I actually couldn't wait to be a father to my child with Lizbeth.

While I been in jail I've got even stronger and they gave me books so I'm able to actually write down my thoughts instead of fighting and doing things that'll keep me in here longer. Jail ain't no place for anyone honestly, these niggas in here was reckless they'd fight and kill anyone in here for anything.

Like last week I was eating in the cafeteria and some nigga started yelling like yo you took my spoon nigga and a whole fight broke out over a spoon and 2 people died ... over a spoon. I haven't fought once since I've been here because with these niggas everyone in a gang or fucking insane stabbing you because you sat in there seat so what can I do.

I laid down on the most stiff rusty broken bed I've ever seen, it was never comfortable and all I could do most of the time is just think, like am I ever gonna leave this place or will I have to stay here forever, I haven't heard from Damon or Maleek so I guess they ain't get out yet either.

I didn't know how I was gonna get out of here my bail was posted at One million dollars and the people I know they got money but not money like that and if they did they wasn't about to spend it on me, honestly I mean why would they.

Marcus was right everything that has happened is because of me and it sucks because I never intended on any of this to happen but because of me it did.

All I could think about while being in here was that it was my fault and that I wanted to get out but I didn't know when that was gonna be so I just had to wait.

One of the officers came to my sell and told me that I had a visitor so I got up with him and they cuffed me and we headed to the visiting area and I saw Nikki she was sitting down and when she saw me she smiled.

I sat down across from her and smiled. "Heyy Nikki what you doing here?"

"I miss you Christian and I just wanted to see you" she looked so good, I missed her to she visited me more then Lizbeth did which was crazy but nothing I could do about that.

"I miss you to Nikki" she looked at me and smiled.

"Why you smiling so hard babe"

"I got money for your bail Christian" my eyes widened and so much weight was lifted off my shoulder when she said that.

"You serious ... How'd you get all that money"

"I got connects and they gave it to me but I gotta pay them back" I couldn't help but lean over the table and kiss her.

It was crazy how this girl paying for my bail but Lizbeth obviously isn't trying hard enough, guess the people you dont expect to be there for you actually are and the ones you thought would be aren't.

"Come on we gonna get you outta here" she said, we got up and the officers grabbed me real quick.

"I'm here to post his bail so let him go" she said trying to pull me in her direction.

"I'll let him go when you actually give them the money then he'll be free but till then he's still a prisoner so he ain't going with you" said one of the officers. A different officer walked Nikki to the door and I stayed right with where I was.

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