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I don't think I'm fucking with bitches anymore this girl over here really tryna play me like I'm some deadbeat or something. But I'm not gonna lie she is right and I do needa be apart of my kids life but Lizbeth never let's me but I do gotta try harder guess all I needa worry about is really my kid.


A few years later

Ever since that day I stop fucking with Mikayla and have actually just been all about Kassie, she's 3 now. Me and Lizbeth still not on good terms, she be tryna make Marcus seem like he the father I always be getting into it with him I dont care if he be living with her that's still my daughter, I havent spoken to Nikki either she got her new nigga now so I'm just focused of Kassie and myself really. I still see Nikki from time to time tho and I don't say shit to her I be grilling her cause obviously I hate her.

It's Saturday afternoon, I got up and headed over to Lizbeth's house and knocked on the door and waited for her to answer so i kept knocking on the door. I think to myself yo where is this girl come on now , the door finally opened and it was Lizbeth she looked so tired and she rolled her eyes when she looked at me.

"Nigga what do you want don't no one wanna see you" I looked at her and she was already pissing me off.

"I came cause I wanted to see my kid" she looked at me and her face expression was like she didn't believe me " Can I come in come on stop playing excuse me"

I tried to walk in but she just blocked my way "hell no you can turn yah ass around and go back home because she's not here" In my head I'm thinking if she not here then where is she

"where the fuck is my kid Lizbeth!?" she smirked at me.

"she's with Marcus, someone who actually treats her like she matters" She said, I was pissed at this point how the fuck you gonna have my kid with some other nigga especially Marcus.

"where are the?! the fuck is wrong with you you acting like I'm never there for Kassie, I was just here the other day" she just stood their and stayed silent "hello! don't you hear me talking to you?!".

She started to close the door and I blocked her from closing it and i pushed my way into the house and I couldn't take it anymore I was so mad I grabbed her and slammed her against the wall, I wanted to hit her so bad but I held myself back so much.

"Lizbeth I'm asking you nicely, now stop playing with me .. where is my daughter"

"She's at the park down the street" I let her go and didn't say anything to her and just headed out the house and to the park, when I see Marcus i'm knocking him out.

I got to the park and at first I didn't see them but as I got more into the park I finally saw them on the swings, I walked up to them and instantly Kassie got off the swing and ran to me and I got down and hugged her tight.

"daddy! I missed you" I smiled, I always got happy when I'm around her.

"I missed you to sweetie you wanna hang out with me today?" she looked st me and smiled bigger.

"yea come on!" I looked up at Marcus and he was just grilling me, I wanted to knock this nigga out but I'm not doing that in front of my princess.

" hold on baby imma talk to Marcus for a second" I got up and walked over to Marcus and gripped my fist and got up in his face " don't be taking my daughter out acting like her fucking father do you understand me? if you do I swear to god I will kill you, your not her father I am don't do shit with her". he looked at me and I could tell he was getting pissed off and I'm glad I was pissing him off.

"you know I'm getting so tired of you Christian" I just kept looking at him and I saw him take something out of his back and press it against my side and I looked down and saw it was a gun " every time I see you you always got some shit to say"

"so what you gonna do you gonna shot me in front of my daughter? shot me I dare you ..." I kept my eyes on him , I knew Marcus hes pussy he would not shot me "shot me!" he still didnt do anything, I punched him in the face and the gun went flying and he fell on the floor and i started punching him. "nigga the fuck is wrong with you" I got up and stopped before anyone could notice and walked to where Kassie was but she wasn't there.

My really stopped when I didn't see her, I started to look for her and she was no where to be found.

"KASSIE!?" she didnt run up to me or anything I didnt see her at all, all i could think in my head was someone took my daughter oh god Lizbeth is gonna kill me. I looked at Marcus and I wanted to blame him but it was my fault I should of kept my eyes on her. I started walking up to people and asking if they seen Kassie but no one did.

After a few minutes of asking people someone came up to me and said that they saw some women take her and she pointed in the direction of LIzbeth's house and I started to run over to LIzbeth's house. Yo if this women took Kassie and didn't even say nothing to me. I finally got to LIzbeths house and I wasn't playing no games.

I knocked on the door and instantly the door opened and I saw it was Kassie, I let out a huge sigh and got down and hugged her.

"Omg! Kassie your ok what happened to you why'd you just leave the park" she hugged me back.

"I didn't mommy came to pick me up and she took me back here" I was getting so mad but I couldn't let her see that.

".. really wheres mommy now" she pointed up the stairs and I walked in. " here bay stay down here don't move or imma kick your stank butt" she laughed and sat down on the couch and started watching tv.

I went upstairs and went to the bedroom and saw Lizbeth just laying on the bed chillen. seeing her acting like she didn't do anything wrong pisses me off even more.

"Lizbeth!" she hopped up off the bed mad scared "why'd you just take Kassie without saying anything"

"I thought you knew I took her"

"bitch why you lying you know damn well I wasn't even looking at you" she got up and pushed me.

"don't be calling me no bitch nigga I'll make you dumb ass pay child support"

I rolled my eyes "no you won't, stop lying .. look don't do that shit again alright that's it.. and don't be having Marcus around my damn kids or I will kill him"

She pushed me off her and walked away from me back to the bed, she acts just like a damn child I walked out the room and went back down to Kassie and she was just watching tv.

"Come on babe lets go" she got up and we walked out the house together and I saw Marcus heading back to the house but I didn't say nothing to him.

"Where we going daddy?" I looked down at her and smiled.

"Where you wanna go"

"Chuck e cheese!!" I laughed and smiled.

"Chuck e cheese it is".

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