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So after that day Jessi and I, well I guess you can say we were on and off because when ever she came through she would always regret what we did the day before and that same day we still end up fucking, so please tell me what is her problem.

I haven't seen Jessi in a few days we text here and there but nothing serious, things only go down when were face to face.

I hadn't heard back from Marcus, Jason, Damon, or Maleek since that day they came over to talk about jumping Darren so I was basically still on my own. I still haven't spoke to Lizbeth so I guessed she was having her perfect life with Darren.

I missed Lizbeth but I couldn't text her because Darren got her a new phone with a new number so I couldn't even try to get in contact with her or even see her cause her and Darren work at the same place.

I wasn't pussy but I wanted to talk to her alone a place were Darren wouldn't be I know she got her own place now but I have no idea where its at so I was stuck. But yah know me and it wasn't gonna stop me.

I was about to turn on my ps4 to play grand theft auto 5 but someone knocked on the door I had a feeling it was Jessi because who else would it be or like Marcus and them to come chill and give me some news about Darren.

I went to the door and opened it and to my surprise it was Lizbeth more beautiful then ever standing right infront of my face, I was speechless I couldn't believe she was here.

"Hi Christian can I come in or are you just gonna look at me like I'm a ghost" she smiled and it was so beautiful.

"Um yea come in come in" I looked at her walk in and she still seemed like the girl she was two and a half months ago, it felt like the old days.

She sat down and looked around the house and I closed the door and sat next to her , she looked at my controller and smiled "I see your still the same Christian"

I smiled a little and looked at her "yea same old same old" having her in my house was nice but I wanted to know why she was here two and a half months of basically not speaking now she wanna pop up.

"So why you here Lizbeth this is so sudden like what's going on"

"Well I came because I just wanted to see how your doing and how everything's going with you"

"I'm good I'm just living life I haven't done much how about you how's your boyfriend" I didn't wanna talk about him believe me but I just wanted to see what she was gonna say.

"Me and him are ok I can't complain" I'm surprised she didn't ask about my face cause you can see what still some of the scratches Darren and his boys made.

"Awesome .." I hated that she was happy with someone else but I fucked that up myself I didn't treat her right so now she got someone who do.

"Yeea but I miss you sometimes" I looked up and smiled at her.

"I miss you to Lizbeth"

She smiled and kissed my cheek. I wanted to kiss her so bad but then again something was holding me back.

".... Lizbeth can I ask you something"

"Sure what is it" she turned her full attention on me.

"What made you start being with Darren in the first place did you tell him what happened and then he started being on your ass"

She laughed a little and smiled "no after that day I found out what you did I wasn't really doing much for the first couple of days and one of my friends came to check up on me and she told me how she hates to see me in the house and  be all sad and she was like I got someone who can make you feel better just hang out with him and see how it goes and then it was Darren and I found out that my friend is Darren's sister"

My mind was racing cause I wanted to know who this friend of hers was so I can get someone to smack her.

"We all sat together and talked about what happened and she already knew about you cause Yah use to talk before we met and me and Darren said he would talk to her about you sometimes and Darren and me just hung out that day and it was really nice and we just kept it going after that"

"So I'm guessing the stuff he said was bad because I don't like him so he'd be talking shit?"

"Idk christian calm down that's in the past he doesn't even talk about you"

"Yea why talk about me when he got what he wanted which was you he's more likely laughing at me then talking about me"

"Christian that's not the case please stop I hate that you guys dont like each other but I can't fix that so please just stop and let it be"

I dropped my head and sighed "fine Lizbeth for you I'll drop it" that's what she thought I wasn't dropping shit.

"Thank you"

"Wait wait Lizbeth who's your friend anyway?"


At that moment I got so angry because I had no idea Danielle and Darren were brother and sister and she hooked them up Darren must of always talked to her about how he wanted be with Lizbeth and my name had to come up and since I fucked her over she is doing the same to me tryna fuck up my life she knew seeing Lizbeth with Darren would hurt so that's why she hooked them up.

"Danielle the girl I .. You know?"

"Yes Christian her"

"Wow I didn't know that ... That's crazy"

"Yea I know right, it came into good use though I guess"

"Mhm so you happy"

"Yea but no one will compare to you" I wanted to smile but I couldn't cause I wanna to kill Danielle she's always doing some shit to me.

"Thanks Lizbeth" she looked at me and lifted my head.

"what's wrong"

"Nothing I just want us together cause I still got nothing but love for you and I want you back everyday" she looked at me and looked away.

"I dont know Christian you messed up and I dont know if I can trust you anymore"

I hated that I wanted to change it but how?

"Let me show I can change though let me just show you we can be together and it'll be different I won't fuck up again"

She didn't say anything but I can tell it was a no because I know she was scared she didn't want to get hurt again.

"I guess that's a no huh?" She looked at me and shook her head yes.

I lifted her head and kissed her and I didn't wanna let go but I had to. I let go of the kiss and she kissed me back and we started making out but then she stopped and covered her mouth and that reminded me of Jessi.

She got up and started to head to the door "I'm sorry I need to go bye Christian" she opened the door and left, I didn't even get to say goodbye.

After she left I got mad again because Danielle was the reason again for all the bullshit happening in my life i dont care if she's Darren's sister I was gonna fuck her up or get someone to fuck her up I can't put my hands on a women.

I couldn't even focus right all I was thinking of was Danielle I hated her and now hated her even more for being Darren's sister.

Temptation (COMPLETED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora