Chapter Five: Anna and Alastair

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Sam said Uriel had told him we remembered hell, but me and Dean denied it at all costs. I didn't want to remember it, and Dean obviously didn't either. We decided to check out a case about a ghost which turned out not to be a ghost, but a rotten teenager who wanted to look at girls boobs. Then there was a depressed teddy bear, a kid with superpowers, a man who won the lottery, and a guy who got a girl that was way out of his league. It turned out that the guy with the girl did it, Wesley was his name. Sam died... again. Dean got beat up by a kid half his size, and I... Well, I had to take care of a large, unhappy Teddy bear, who shot the stuffing out of his head. Once Wes set everything straight, everything went back to normal, and Sam lived, luckily.

We were currently on the case of a girl named Anna. We were walking up the church stairs, me pacing behind Sam and Dean. I heard a whooshing sound and turned around, holding up my gun when I was met with Castiel.

"You can't go." he said and put two fingers to my forehead. Dizziness surrounded me and I collapsed into his arms.


I woke up in the motel me and the boys were staying in and I groaned.

"Dammit." I mumbled.

"Hello, Henrietta." I heard Cass. I looked to the direction of his voice to see him standing by the bed.

"What'd you do?" I asked.

"We need to talk." he said, not answering my question. I stood up and looked to him.

"After I help my brothers." I said.

"Your brothers will be back soon. We need to talk, now." he said, grabbing my hand so I wouldn't walk out. I looked at him and sighed.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You have to stay back on this case." he said and I scoffed.

"No." I said. He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion.

"No?" he asked.

"No. Cass, you can't just walk in here and expect me to bail on my brothers." I said.

"Trust me, you must." he said.

"Sorry, Castiel. Sam and Dean might need me." I said.

"Well, then. I'm sorry, too." he said and pressed two fingers against my forehead again.

"Not again." I said before everything went black.


"Rhett. Hey, Rhett." I heard. I woke up to Sam shaking me awake, bleeding.

"What did you idots do?" I asked in a groggy voice.

"Idots?" I heard Dean.

"Shut up," I growled. "I have a massive head ache." I groaned, putting a hand to my forehead.

"Where were you? You were there one moment and then you just... vanished." Sam asked.

"Yeah. Thank Castiel for that," I groaned. "What did you two do?" I asked, noticing Sams bleeding arm and Deans out-of-place arm.

"Jumped out a window." Dean said, walking to the bathroom. I stared at them.

"Glad Cass held me back, then," I mumbled and dug through Deans bag, finding the first aid kit. I opened it and got the sewing stuff. "Sam, arm." I commanded, sitting on the bed beside him. I started sewing him up, him groaning and wincing throughout. After a while of Dean spitting blood in the sink and me sewing Sam, Dean broke the silence.

"Are you almost done?" he asked.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Dean." I said.

"Good, cause you know I got a dislocated shoulder over here." Dean said, being the smart mouthed, cocky bastard he is, I scoffed as I finished sewing Sam up. I held my hand out to Dean, who had just took a swig of a beer.

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