Chapter Eighteen: Hello Death

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The boys and I went on a hunt after Dean got a text from Chuck telling us to meet him somewhere. We were met with a ton of LARPER's as us. Trust me, you don't know true horror until you see big hairy dudes dressed as you. Becky was there too, being cringey around Sam as usual. It was only slightly disgusting. There were people wearing black contacts and selling the Supernatural books. I felt like I was going to throw up as I looked around. I got hit on by at least five different people that were wearing the exact same thing as my brothers, it was gross. I threatened to stab one and he backed off very quickly.

There was a whole Q&A with the "fans" and Chuck. We got dragged by some guy dressed as hook man. Then Chuck said that he was going to start publishing the books again and I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in anyone as much as I was with Chuck then. My brothers yelled at Chuck while I just stood back with a look of annoyance.

Then the LARPING started. Everyone went on a goose chase to find the "ghost of Leticia Gore" which was actually walking around the halls, mind you. After all the role play, we got drinks. Then some guy legitimately got beat up by a ghost and that's when our game began.

Apparently Leticia Gore actually ran the place back whenever and killed four boys. Some guy said we could find stuff in the attic, so that's where we went. We found a kid with a chunk of his head gone. Sam told us that Leticia scalped her kid, which is, one, wrong, and two, gross.

We found out two dudes pretending to be Sam and Dean had a real map of the place from over a century ago. At least the fake Dean had the same comebacks as our Dean. Fake Dean had showed a fake gun and our Dean began to pull out his own gun before me and Sam stopped him. They started calling Sam and Dean Rufus and Bobby, but I was still Rhett since there wasn't another one, which annoyed the Hell out of Dean. They had a conversation, like ones that my brothers would have, except it was as if they were making fun of them, and Dean and I finally stepped in, our anger and annoyance at it's high point.

After that, we dug up Leticia's grave, which fake Dean and Sam were very much against. Then she appeared and almost killed us all, as usual, before Dean salted and burned the bones.

We were going to leave, but the doors were locked shut and we were suddenly faced with a much worse situation. No exit opened, so we figured out that something was keeping us locked in. We found scalp kid once again and he told us that Leticia wasn't the one that scalped him. We heard a yell and found German hook guy dead. Sam told Chuck to keep everyone in one room as Dean got everyone else in the place into the same room. We got an actress that looked like Leticia to play Leticia to scare away the ghost kids, and it almost worked, but her phone went off. Me and Dean fought off the children while fake Sam and Dean dug graves and burned the kids bodies. Long story short, we all almost got scalped.

Before we left, Becky stopped us and told us where to find the colt. Apparently, Bella sold it to a demon named Crowley.


We were now having Cass follow that demon and I was on a phone call with him.

"The demon Crowley is making a deal. Even as we speak, it's... going... down." Cass said through the phone and furrowed my eyebrows.

"So, he's kissing someone. Just don't lose him, okay?" I said.

"I won't lose him." Cass answered and I smiled as we hung up.

It wasn't long before I got another call from Cass and sighed, answering it.

"I followed him. It wasn't far, but... It's layered in Enochian warding magic. I can't get in." he said and I sighed.

"That's fine. Thanks Cass. You did great. We got it from here."


We got Jo's help on it. Remember Jo? Yeah, she decided to help us with Crowley. I was apparently, "too known as a hunter." or something like that. She got us in there, having a run in with some creepo demons. When we got in, we cut out the power, setting up a devil's trap as we waited for Crowley to come to us.

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