Chapter Eleven: Gone and Back Again

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"I'm sorry." Sam said, his voice breaking. A bright white light emerged from the floor and we turned to look at it.

"Sammy, Henry, let's go." Dean said, grabbing me and Sam.

"Dean," Sam said, stopping, grabbing me and Dean. "He's coming."


Light emerged even brighter and Dean grabbed us both again, pulling us along.

"Come on." we started running to the doors. Right before we got to them the doors both shut.

"Dean!" Sam and I yelled as we crashed against the now closed doors. We tried desperately to open them, no use still. There was a loud ringing noise and I started hearing this booming voice laughing. I knew it was Lucifer's and I knew Sam nor Dean could hear it. We looked to each other before turning around. They grabbed their heads while I stared at the light, hearing the laughing increase as the voice spoke. It was difficult to understand, like it was going through ten different filters, but I heard the word, "Finally!" Through the laughter and mumbles. Then, everything went white.

When it returned back to normal we weren't in the same room. A looneytoons episode was playing and I looked around. We were on a plane, strange.

"What the hell?" Dean said, cutting me off from saying the same thing but slightly different.

"I don't know." Sam answered. The pilot came on as we all looked through the window. We were apparently passing over Ilchester.

"Ilchester? Weren't we just there?" Dean asked.

"So, if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to- holy crap!" the pilot shouted as everything started shaking and the plane started going down. I grabbed onto my brothers and held on for dear life.

"Friggin' hate planes." I said. I felt Sam put an oxygen mask on my face and I placed my hand over it to keep it there. There was the high pitched screech again before the maniacal laughter started again. There was a bright light that seemed to consume the plane.


The boys had their heartfelt conversation like they do, while I laid in the back of the impala, staring at the ceiling. One sentence kept running through my mind. 'Is Cass okay?'.

We were walking around Chucks house, floorboards creaking. We all went our separate ways, I walked towards the stairs before something hit me in the face, making me turn and try not to fall onto the floor.

"Ow!" I yelled out but emotionless. I looked up to see Chuck standing there with a toilet plunger and grimaced. That just touched my face.

"Rhett! Sam!" Chuck said.

"Yeah, Rhett." I said, gesturing to myself as myself and not someone who needed to be hit with a plunger.

"Hey, Chuck," I heard Dean behind me as I rubbed my head where there was surprisingly less pain than there should've been since I got hit in the head with a friggin' plunger.

"So, you're okay?" he asked mainly Sam.

"My head hurts a bit." I said.

"No, I mean-I mean my-my last vision. You went, like, full-on Vader. Your body temperature was 150. Your heart rate was 200. Your eyes were black." Chuck told Sam.

"I just got hit, in the face, with a toilet plunger." I said, totally ignoring what he just said before it crossed my mind.

"Your eyes went black?" both me and Dean asked in unison.

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