Chapter Eight: Guess Who's Back, Back Again, Lilith's Back

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"A soul mate is someone you're automatically connected to the moment you see them. After a while, things begin to happen to both participants." Cass started to explain.

"And? What does this have anything to do with what just happened?" I asked, holding a napkin to my bloody nose.

"A bond has started to form. One of the effects from it is, you feel what I feel and I feel what you feel." he explained.

"Physically, mentally, emotionally? Explain?" I said, making strange hand movements as I did.

"Normally only physically," he answered. I nodded.

"Anything else I should know about this?" I asked and he sighed, looking away.

"I can read your mind." he said and my eyebrows went up.

"What am I thinking?" I asked. Sexy ass fluffy feathered dick. I smirked at him as his eyes went slightly wide and cleared his throat. "What happens if one of us die?" I randomly asked. He looked back to me, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I mean, do we both die?" I tried to clear it up, only making it worse.

"No, but there will be agonizing pain for the other." he said and I groaned.

"Great, horrible either way," I said. I looked over to Dean before sighing. I stood up. I walked to the door. "I'll be back."

"One more thing," I heard. I turned back to him. "Soul mates can feel when the other is unfaithful." he said and I snorted a laugh.

"Like a dude would kiss me. Ha!" I said, turning and walking into the hallway. I walked down to the cafeteria, not knowing where Sam was, not really caring either. I grabbed some pie, so that if Dean did wake up, he'd wake up to some half-eaten pie. As I walked back to the room, eating some of the pie on the way. When I got there, the first voice I heard was Dean's.

"Is it true?" I heard. I hid behind the wall, listening, but not entering. "Did I break the first seal? Did I start all this?" There was a slight pause, my eyes went wide.

"Yes," I heard Cass. I let out a silent sigh. "When we discovered Lilith's plan for you... We laid siege to hell, and we fought our way to get to you before you-"

"Jump started the apocalypse." he said.

"But we were too late." Cass said after a long pause.

"Why didn't you just leave me there, then?" Dean asked.

"It's not... Blame that falls on you, Dean. It's fate," Cass said and I remembered our conversation from earlier, only a couple of hours. Cass paused. "And the righteous man who begins it... Is the only one who can finish it. You have to stop it."

"Lucifer? The apocalypse? What does that mean?" Dean asked, I felt like I should've stopped listening then, but I couldn't just waltz in there. "Hey! Don't you go disappearing on me, you son of a bitch. What does that mean?"

"I don't know."

"Bull!" Dean shouted, even though his voice sounded strained.

"I don't. Dean, they don't tell me much. I know... how our fate rests with you." Cass said.

"Well, then, you guys are screwed," Dean said and I closed my eyes, slightly out of sadness for my brother, and slightly to focus on listening. A couple people had passed by me, but nobody seemed to notice me much, which was good. "I can't do it, Cass. It's too big. Alastair was right. I'm not all here. I'm not- I'm not strong enough," I heard his voice crack, and knowing he was crying or on the verge of it made my heart break. "Well, I guess I'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else. It's not me." There was a slight sound of Castiel's wings flapping and I looked over to the door. It slammed, making me jump slightly and looked back to the wall. There stood Castiel.

I Don't Believe |:| Castiel |:|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon