Chapter Twenty Eight: That's What You Get Working With A Demon

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(A/n sorry I love Crowley)

We had started investigating anywhere that there were a lot of illness cases, looking for Pestilence. We were always two steps behind, and Bobby only knew that he was heading East and nothing more. That was until Crowley showed up, telling us he could get us Pestilence and telling Dean to hold me and Sam back from ripping his throat out. I listened, but I wasn't happy. We needed Pestilence, though, and I wasn't about to let my anger over Ellen and Jo get the better of me. He brought us to his home, which was now burnt down, gave us a sob story about how demons are looking for him and ate his tailor, then told us that he knows the demon who knows where Pestilence is. We created a plan, my brothers and I were to find said demon, bring him to Crowley's disaster of a home, and let Crowley deal with him and get Pestilence's location.

Before we went, Crowley decided to uninvite Sam, purely because he didn't like him, but also because, unlike me, Sam couldn't put his anger aside for the mission. I understood why he was angry, I was too, and I knew Dean was, but if Crowley was our only chance at Pestilence, then I wasn't going to pass it up. So we left Sam in Crowley's home, after I gave him a hug and promised him we'd be back soon.

When we got there, we first scoped out the place. Crowley said everyone on the bottom was human shields, and when we started discussing going through the back, Crowley vanished and reappeared inside, a knife in his hand as he waved to us. I immediately knew what he was going to do, so before he had the chance, I zapped right next to him and grabbed his arm, pulling it down and pulling the knife out of it. The guy he was behind must've heard, because he turned around, looking up at us.

"Who are you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My apologies. My... Husband got a little lost. Didn't you, dear?" I asked, watching him roll his eyes as I led him back outside, meeting up with Dean, who looked incredibly worried.

"Husband?" Crowley looked at me, smirking. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes as I let go of him, pushing him towards Dean a bit.

"We do this our way, not yours. Through the back."

We found a way through the back to get to an unguarded elevator. At the last second, Crowley said he wasn't going up, but I didn't trust him near the humans by himself, so I told Dean I'd stay and watch him as long as he got the demon. I gave him a hug before telling him to go as Crowley and I stayed behind. Crowley, once again, rolled his eyes and we waited around in silence.

"How do you know it'll work?" I asked.

"I don't," he said, just as the elevator dinged again and out came a very bloody Dean. I quickly ran up to him, looking him over worriedly.

"What happened?" I asked, just as we both got hit over the head. Out stepped the demon of the hour, greeting me now. I looked up, my vision a blur, but just good enough to see when I lifted my hands and threw him back into a wall. Right afterwards, Crowley appeared by the demon, throwing a bag with a Devil's trap on it over his head, then beat him over the head with a crowbar until he went down. I let down my hands as I felt liquid run out my nose and looked between Dean(who had fallen on the floor) and Crowley(who looked very happy with his actions), moving to help Dean off the floor.

"What the hell was that?" Dean asked, grabbing onto my shoulder as he stood.

"That was perfect," Crowley responded.

"Perfect?" I asked, thinking about the very obvious blood gushing from Dean's skull.

"He didn't want the rings. He wanted me," Dean added to my confusion.

"Imagine the surprise on your face," Crowley spoke proudly.


"Your ignorance and misinformation--I mean, completely authentic. You can't fake that," he obviously saw the anger appearing on mine and Dean's face, "What? I-It went like clockwork."

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