Chapter Twenty Three: Death Sure Is a Funny Thing For an Angel (Part One)

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(A/N Not Cass sorryy!)

We were on a case about zombies popping up around where Bobby lives. I shit you not-zombies. While we were questioning some guy, we were made by the Sheriff of the town, Sheriff Jody Mills, who apparently not only knew, but also hated Bobby. It was a small dent in our investigation, but we got back to it.

We tried to kill one of the zombie guys who had killed someone else, but were arrested by, guess who, Sheriff Mills. Bobby came to bail us out and apparently in that time became friends with Sheriff Mills. Bobby brought us back to his house and apparently his dead wife had come back to life, which made him want us to back off of the case. Of course, my brothers and I knew something was up, so we tried to warn him, to which he pulled a gun on us and told us to get out.

Of course, as we'd expected, the zombies started going insane and eating peoples faces. Sam and I helped Jody. Her undead son had killed her husband; a bit tragic in my opinion. We got the rest of the zombies in the town while Dean watched Bobby and made sure he didn't get hurt. Apparently, Bobby had had it under control and shot and killed her before she had the chance to do the same to him. I felt bad, honestly. It was the second time he had to kill his wife... It was pretty heartbreaking.

But then Bobby told us what she had said to him before she died. Death-yes, the Death-had given her a message for him. Death had come for Bobby; to kill him or scare him so much he backed off. To get him out of the picture, our picture.


I woke up to the voice of someone unfamiliar, opening one eye. I saw Sam already awake while Dean sat up and I sat up as well. Sam and I had shared a bed this time, a switch from sharing with Dean like normal. I looked around to see two men in black ski masks with guns aimed at us.

"Mornin'." Dean said groggily.

"Shut up." The man on his side ordered and I looked at the two, too tired to do anything angrily. "Hands where I can see 'em." he said to Dean, who raised his hands. The man then looked at me and I rolled my eyes and raised my hands as well.

"Wait a minute." Dean said after a moment, fully sitting up. "Is that you, Roy?" he asked and I narrowed my eyes at the man, somewhat confused. Why would a hunter come after us? Then it hit me and I glanced at Sam, scooting closer unconsciously as my protective side kicked in. "It is, isn't it?" Dean asked again when Roy didn't answer; Dean being the sassy little shit he is. "Which makes you Walt." he said, looking at the other man in a ski mask; the one on mine and Sam's side with a grin. "Hiya Walt."

Walt and Roy glanced at each other before turning their attention to us again.

"Don't matter." Walt said, lifting his ski mask to show his face and Roy did the same.

"Well, is it just me, or do you two seem a tad upset?" Dean asked and glanced at me, knowing I'd back him up.

"Yeah, they do look a bit upset, don't ya think Sammy?" I asked, nudging Sam, who simply bitch faced at both of us.

"You think you can flip the switch on the apocalypse and just walk away, Sam?" Walt asked Sam and I knew my theory was correct.

"Who told you that?" Sam asked, looking at him with his master puppy dog eyes, which didn't seem to work on Walt.

"We ain't the only hunters after you." Walt replied and they both cocked their gun.

"See you in the next life."

"Okay, hon. We can calm down and talk about this." I said, trying to reach for Sam in any way possible, protective.

"Hear me out, I can explain, okay?" Sam asked and he lowered the shotgun a tiny bit. "Please." Sam begged with those award winning puppy dog eyes. Roy looked at Walt and they just stared for a moment before Walt pulled the trigger twice and Sam was down.

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