Chapter Six: Killing Death

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After Anna and Deans story, we continued on. We faced a 'ghost' that didn't turn out to be a ghost at all, but an uncared for child and her brother. After that we faced three magicians and almost died, like we do. We visited our old school and Sam had to face an old bully of his, as a ghost. We faced a siren and might or might not have died if Bobby hadn't showed up in time. We were currently on a case about the people who wouldn't die and Pamela made us spirits. We'd figured out that demons, Alastair, was taking Reapers to break a seal. We met a reaper named Tessa that Dean knew when we got in the car crash with dad, she was taken too. After walking around the place where Alastair was keeping the reapers, we found the two reapers. They were guarded by a demon.

"Dude, check me out." Dean said before he vanished and appeared behind the demon. He tapped him on the shoulder and when the demon turned around he got punched in the face. Next, I tapped him and punched him, and finally, Sam did the same. This repeated one more time before Sam kneed the demon. We continued fighting until some demons tied an iron chain around us.

"Oh, great." I said sarcastically, as usual. Alastair walked out from behind a curtain and I stared at him, fear building up inside me.

"Girls and boys, find the place okay?" he asked.

"Actually, technically, it would be girl and boys because I'm the only girl here other than Tessa and well, she can't answer you because she's passed out!" I rambled, yelling the last part. Alastair walked forward as I talked and a demon handed him a gun. "Uh, what are you going to do with that?" I asked. He aimed it at me and shot. I disappeared for a second before coming back, pain consuming me.

"Alastair... You bastard." Dean said. Alistair chuckled.

"Well, go on. Why don't you try some of your mojo on me now, hot shot? It's hard to get it up when you're not wearing your meat, huh?" Alastair said to Sam.

"Go to hell." Was Sams reply.

"Ah, if only I could, but they just keep sending me back up to this arctic craphole." he said, turning and walking away.

"To kill death?" Dean asked.

"No, to kill death twice. It takes two to break a seal. I figured another one would show up, though. they're like lemmings," he said, cocking his gun before shooting Sam and walking over to me and Dean. I looked at where he used to stand. "By the way, it's, uh, good to see you again, guys." he said, looking from Dean to me. The uneasy feeling I felt towards Ruby came back, although this time there was a reason.

"You can shoot us all you want, but you can't kill us." Dean said. I looked at him, there was one way. Sam appeared again, grunting.

"Ah, that so?" he said. He started cleaning a scythe, the one he could kill the reapers with. "Anyhoo. Moons in the right spot. The board is set. Let's get started, shall we?" he said.

"You're gonna kill a reaper with that?" Dean asked as if it was the dumbest plan he's ever heard. "It's a little on the nose, don't you think?"

"Is it? An old friend lent it to me. You know, he doesn't really ride a pale horse, but he does have three amigos. And they're just jonesing for the apocalypse," he said and walked toward the two reapers. He kneeled down to the older looking one. "Pays to have friends in low places, don't you think?" he said, lifting up the reaper. He chanted something before slicing the reapers neck, killing him. He walked over to Tessa and I looked to Dean and Sam for a plan. They were staring at a chandelier and I caught on quick. I focused on the lamp and as he finished chanting it fell, shattering on the edge of the symbol. Tessa vanished and reappeared, taking the iron chain away so we could leave.

"Bya." I said before we all teleported outside of the place. We noticed Sam wasn't there, Tessa did too.

"Where's your brother?" She asked.

I Don't Believe |:| Castiel |:|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz