Chapter Twenty Four: Death Sure Is a Funny Thing For an Angel (Part Two)

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"Buenos dìas, bitches."

"Ash?" I asked, genuinely shocked to see him. He clapped his hands together twice and the lights turned on. I was finally able to recognize the place we were in as Ellen's Roadhouse. He raised his arms into the air.

"Welcome to my blue heaven." he said with a grin, which I returned as I heard Sam chuckle beside me. I quickly ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug, which he gladly returned.

"It's been so long, we have so much to catch up on. I've missed you!" I said out of happiness and excitement as he chuckled. I had almost knocked him over I was so ecstatic.

"Damn, girl. You still look good." he said and I rolled my eyes, but felt my cheeks become hot. I had always loved Ash and seen us as good friends. We just clicked as soon as we met, but when he... It was devastating, to say the least.

"My God--the Roadhouse." Dean said in awe, looking around after most likely giving Ash a warning glare. "It even smells the same." he said. I pulled away from Ash and he picked up the clothes he had discarded on the floor.

"Bud, blood, and beer nuts--it's the best smell in the world." Ash replied, walking behind the counter, then snapped his fingers and pointed at us. "How 'bout a cold one? Up here, no hangover." he said, handing us all beers.

"Thank God." I muttered, thankful for the beer as I quickly popped it open and downed most of it in one go. When I put it back down, Sam moved it a little ways away from me and shook his head with a chuckle.

"So, I mean, no offense-"

"How's a dirt bag like me end up in a place like this?" Ash cut off Sam. "I've been saved, man. I was my congregation's number-one snake handler." he explained and I smiled.

"A-And you said this was your heaven?" Sam pestered him with another question.

"Yep. My own... Personal." he answered, punching a hole in the side of his beer can and gulping it all down with ease before crinkling the can in his hand and throwing it down, letting out a loud burp. My eyes were wide as I looked at Dean, who seemed self conscious of his own beer-drinking skills.

"And when the angels jumped us, we were..." Sam trailed off.

"In your heaven." Ash finished for him, trying to explain it to us while tapping his head and pointing to Sam. As country dumb as Ash seemed, we all knew he was smart and had excellent skills in hacking.

"So there are two heavens?"

"No, more like a hundred billion. So, no worries. It'll take them angel boys a minute to catch up." Ash explained and by this point, we were all utterly confused.

"Wha..." Dean trailed off in confusion.

"You're going to have to do a better job at explaining than that, Ash." I said, laughing softly even though I was just as confused as they were.

"See, you've got to stop thinking of heaven as one place. It's more like a buttload of places all crammed together. Like Disneyland, except without all the anti-semitism." he explained, and it began to set in with me.

"Disneyland?" Sam asked and Ash hummed in confirmation.

"Sorry, never been." I joked, to which Ash rolled his eyes in reply.

"You got Winchesterland..." he made a motion like flexing while making his voice slightly deeper. "Ashland." he gestured to everything around us. "A whole mess of everybody-else-lands." he kind of flailed his arms around to indicate other heavens surrounding us. "Put 'em all together--heaven, right? At the center of it all is the magic kingdom; the garden."

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