Chapter Twelve: Arts and Crafts with Cass

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After Bobby scared the doctor away for telling him he might not be able to walk again he turned to us before back to the door.

"Can you believe that yahoo?" he asked us.

"Screw him, you'll be fine." Dean said. I was currently standing in between the two boys.

"So, let me ask the million-dollar question," Sam chuckled lightly. "What do we do now?"

"Well... We save as many as we can for as long as we can, I guess. It's bad. Whoever wins, heaven or hell, we're boned." Bobby replied.

"What if we win?" Dean asked. "I'm serious. I mean, screw the angels and the demons and their crap apocalypse. They want to fight a war, they can find their own planet. This one's ours, and I say they get the hell off it. We take 'em all on. We kill the devil. Hell, we even kill Michael if we have to. But we do it our own damn selves." Dean said, walking to the other side of Bobby's hospital bed.

"And, how are we supposed to do all this, genius?" Bobby asked.

"I got no idea," Dean shrugged. "But what I do have is a G.E.D. And a "give 'em hell" attitude, and I'll figure it out."

"You are nine kinds of crazy, boy." Bobby said and Dean shrugged.

"It's been said. Listen, you stay on the mend," Dean walked to Bobby, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We'll see you in a bit." As we walked out I heard him call to Sam and I walked back through the door to hear.

"I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that... That was the demon talking. I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever." he said and Sam sighed.

"Thanks, Bobby."

"You're welcome. I deserve a damn medal for this, but... You're welcome." he said and we walked out. I tapped Dean's shoulder and he turned to look at me.

"Is there a store nearby?" I asked.

"Yeah, one a few miles away-" he said and I thought about a store. In an instant I was in a grocery store and smiled.

I went through all the arts and crafty isle, each time praying something to Cass. It went from "I'm here" to "Come find me you son of a bitch." and I found some clay. I grabbed paint and opened the clay, sitting down in the isle as I started molding with the clay. After a while I heard the flap of wings and smiled as Cass started walking down the isle.

"Aren't you supposed to pay for that first?" he asked.

"Aren't you supposed to shut up?" I retaliated. He was standing near me and I patted the floor for him to sit down as I finished making a ball out of the clay. He sat down and I dusted away anything that may be on the floor.

"What are you creating?" he asked and I looked to him.

"A medal." I said, pushing down on the clay to flatten it from a ball to just a circle.

"Why don't you just buy one?" he asked.

"Because it has more value if you make it," I explained and grabbed a pack of pencils and some ribbons. I tore open the pack of pencils and used one to put a hole in the top of the clay circle. Cass watched me without saying anything as I started painting the metal with gold, explaining our plan about Lucifer. He just stared at me when I talked about that. After the whole thing was covered, I held it up. "Can you dry this?" I asked. He nodded and the paint dried instantly. I grabbed a smaller paint brush and black and painted a 'thank you' on it.

"Who is it for?" he asked before I held it to him, for him to dry again.

"Bobby." I said as he did. I grabbed some ribbon and put it through the hole I'd made with the pencil.  I put it around Cass's neck, despite him slightly tensing up as I tied it and pulled it off over his head. We both stood up and I quickly kissed Cass's cheek before 'zapping' back to the hospital. Bobby was asleep and I quietly walked to his bed, setting the medal down on his little plate thing. I kissed his forehead and left. I didn't care if it was sappy, Bobby has been there for us our whole lives and we repay him by taking his legs. I appeared back by the impala and Sam jumped.

"Where the hell have you been?" he asked. I didn't answer as I got in the impala, him following. Dean looked at us both as he was already in it, and started the car. Prepare for a long ass trip of emotions.


We visited Bobby the next day, and the next, and the next. He never even said a word. Dean came with some X-Rays of the enochian sigils on our ribs. Sam's phone started ringing and he answered it.

"Hello?" he asked and listened to the other person. "Castiel?" he asked.

"Speak of the devil." Dean said. I looked into the room, remembering the medal I made with Cass. It was still on the little plate thing, so either he didn't see it, or he didn't care enough for it.

"Uh... St. Martin's Hospital. Why? What are you- Cass?" Sam asked before looking back to the phone. I guessed that he'd hung up. After a few minutes, I saw a certain angel in a trench coat walking down the halls. He reached us and I smirked.

"Cellphone, Cass? Really? Since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone?" Dean asked before I could say anything.

"You're hidden from angels now, all angels. I wont be able to simply-" he started before Bobby interrupted.

"Enough foreplay. Get over here and lay your damn hands on," Bobby said and we all stared at him. He looked to us over his shoulder. "Get healing. Now."

"I can't." Cass said and I looked to him with wide eyes. Bobby turned around in his wheelchair.

"Say again?" he asked.

"I'm cut off from heaven and much of heavens power. Certain things, I can do. Certain things, I can't." Cass said, walking into the room.

"You're telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life?!" Bobby yelled.

"I'm sorry." Cass said simply.

"Shove it up your ass." Bobby said and turned around. I looked at the medal again and sighed, looking to Cass.

"Well, at least he's talking now" I heard Dean whisper.

"I heard that." Bobby said. Cass walked over to us.

"I don't have much time. We need to talk." He said.

"Okay." Dean replied.

"Your plan to kill Lucifer." Cass said and I looked to my brothers.

"Yeah, you want to help?" Dean asked.

"No. It's foolish. It can't be done."

"Oh, well, thanks for the support." Dean said sarcastically.

"But I believe I have the solution. There is someone besides Michael strong enough to take on Lucifer. Strong enough to stop the apocalypse."

"Who's that?" Sam asked while I took a couple steps toward them.

"The one who resurrected me and put you on that airplane. The one who began everything," Cass looked to all of us. "God. I'm gonna find God."


A/N Short chapter, but I'm lazy and at least I'm updating. The next chapter will certainly be longer because War is in it and ughhhhh. Stupid War. Death is better. Death is elegant. Be like Death.

QOTD: What religion are you?

Thanks for reading.

Hope you liked it.

Goodbye for now my lovelies.


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