Chapter Twenty Seven: Gabriel and Gods

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We had been out on cases since Adam, trying to look for leads while also saving people, to no avail. I hadn't gotten much sleep, afraid for Cass, and afraid of Lucifer and the visions I was seeing. I had told Dean about the visions, and Lucifer coming to me in dreams, and even about the times I could find him while awake if I concentrated, and I'd confided in him about how much it frightened me, begging him not to tell Sam. I was Sam's big sister, I never wanted him worried about me. In the past week alone, I'd gotten maybe three or four hours of sleep at most because of the fear. Sam was having troubles too, but I wasn't quite sure why.

Either way, we were currently out looking for a case when a crazy tropical storm hit and we were forced into a motel nearby. It was a nice, fancy place for once, but something was off, especially with the receptionist. Now I may be weird, but he was downright strange, and pointed out a shaving nick on Dean's jaw that neither I nor Sam had noticed before. After we got the key to our room, we went out to what looked like an all you can eat buffet, Dean was starving, but Sam and I, not so much. I could just feel something was... Wrong, with this place. Dean kept telling us to relax, eat some food, and get some rest, bringing up the fact that Bobby's looking and we've looked almost everywhere we can.

"We're gonna find a way to beat the devil, okay? Soon, I can feel it. We're gonna find Cass, and find Adam, but neither of you are any good to me burnt out," he said and I nodded. He wasn't wrong, but how could I be sure that the next time I slept, I wouldn't be in the grasps of the literal prince of darkness...

Afterwards, we made our way to our room, and Dean got distracted by a couple making out. Inside the room, it was incredible. Huge, two king sized beds and chocolates and many other luxuries that we didn't get with most-if not all-rooms we stayed in, including porn. It was like Dean's heaven. Sam brought up the point that the hotel was so good, yet it was literally in the middle of nowhere, before we heard the couple in the room next to ours having quite a bit of fun. Then, the wall literally busted in from all the "fun" they were having, causing us to run out of our room to get a look.

There was no one there, as if nothing had happened, other than a single wedding ring on the floor. We went to the front desk, where the strange receptionist was and asked him about it. He said, in quite possibly the creepiest way ever, that the two had checked out. When Dean presented the ring, he said that he'd put it in lost and found, and then we left, noting just how creepy the encounter was. Dean decided we were going to split up and scope the place while Sam was to keep an eye on the creepy receptionist, very unhappy about his one night off being ruined.

As I was walking around, I couldn't help but notice some awfully strange things about the place in general. I ended up spying through the kitchen doors, seeing pots and pans and ovens full of types of food I'd never seen before. And I could've swore, I saw a whole... Human arm. That was until I felt a prick on my neck and winced, putting my hand over it. When I pulled back, there was blood on my fingers, confusing me more than the kitchen. I shook it off and looked back in the kitchen, but the arm was gone.

I met back up with my brothers. Dean told us he had seen a whole elephant in a room. When I told them about the arm, Dean gagged, having eaten some of the food here. We made our way back to the lobby to find that no one was in there. Sam tried the door, but the stupid thing was locked.

"I knew we should've left. Did we not try to tell you, Dean?" I asked, sighing, "If I get killed by an elephant, I am so gonna haunt your ass."

"Think about how we got here," Sam spoke, "That detour on I-90? The friggin' hurricane?"

"You saying we were led here?" Dean questioned.

"Like rats in a maze," Sam answered.

"Isn't that just dandy, now," I sighed, looking around to make sure we weren't going to be ambushed.

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