Chapter Thirty: The Beginning of The End (Part 1)

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"Cass, I gotta get up," I mumbled, staying clung onto him. Cass didn't usually sleep at all and I didn't need to sleep much, but after all the recent events, I was basically beat, and I'd asked him if he could... Stay with me for one night. And he did. And when I woke up it was like I'd just woken into an amazing dream. He was staring at me, laying down next to me with only his white button up. His tie, trench coat, and suit jacket were all hanging on a chair in the corner of Bobby's guest room.

"You're the one not moving," Cass spoke, but one glance up and I could see the small smirk playing at his lips. I nodded and pushed on his chest to pull away from him, but he quickly wrapped his arms around me and held me in place.

"Maybe five more minutes," I mumbled, snuggling up into his chest.

When I finally got up I left Cass to find the boys, wondering if we could go pick up a pie or something for breakfast. I walked outside and saw them leaning against the impala. I smiled and began making my way towards them. I started to wave before I realized they must be in the middle of some big important talk, so instead, I did the thing I always did.

I eavesdropped.

I made sure I was out of the line of sight as I continued my way over to them, trying to get close enough to hear what they were talking about without alerting them of my presence. I would normally just walk up and ask what they were talking about, but if it was something super touchy-feely, I would back off. The closer I got, the more I could hear them.

"Maybe I gotta grow up a little, too," I heard Dean and tried to figure out what they could possibly be talking about, "I don't know if we got a snowball's chance. But... But I do know that if anybody can do it... It's you," they both looked so solemn, there was only one thing I could think of that they could possibly be talking about, but Dean wouldn't be so calm and collected about it... Would he?

"Thank you," Sam responded.

"If this is what you want... Is this really what you want?" Dean asked. Oh no... They really are talking about it, aren't they? Sam inhaled.

"I let him out. I got to put him back in," my eyes widened as I turned away from them, covering my mouth as I thought about it. Dean was really okay with Sam saying yes to Lucifer? Even after apocalypse world? After watching himself die? After watching me go dark? He's just fine with it? I had so much faith in Sam, but what if he just wasn't strong enough to jump into the hole? And even then, he'd be gone. I don't want to lose him. I realized in my thoughts, I had missed a bit of their conversation until I heard Sam, "Should we tell Rhett?"

"Let her have a day with Cass, then we will. One good day before a world of hurt," I heard Dean and sighed, pushing myself off the car next to the impala and walking back to Bobby's house.


Instead of that one good day they thought I'd have, I spent the whole time sitting on the floor of Bobby's guest room... Praying to whatever God would hear. Eventually, my prayers were interrupted.

"Someone's panicking," I heard as I closed my eyes, opening them to see the dark Lucifer room again, and who to be there but the devil himself, "Why could that be, I wonder," he tapped his chin in thought.

"Oh, you know what, it's actually two words. 'Nonya' and 'business'," I said and he faked a laugh before grabbing my cheeks in one hand, holding me still as I tried not to let my fear show.

"You're funny, Rhett. But I don't have time for funny right now. What's your brothers plan?" he asked. I stared into his eyes as they burned red right into my soul. After a minute I shrugged.

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