Chapter Twenty: Time Travel? (Part Two)

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Dean and I set Cass up in a honeymoon suite, me pretending to be his wife and Dean pretending to be...someone. That was after we cleaned him up a little, of course. We then met Sam outside; he was tearing out a page in a book.

"I mean, the mustaches alone..." he pointed out. I looked around to see that practically every guy had a mustache grown out long over their lips while the rest of their face was shaved. I grimaced and shook my head.

"Either of you ever grow a mustache like that and I will personally disown you as my brother." I muttered and Sam smiled.

"So we paid for Cass for five nights up in the, uh, honeymoon suite. I told the manager, "Do not disturb no matter what." You know what he said to me?" Dean asked and I furrowed my eyebrows. That must have happened while I was still in the room. "Yeah. Don't sweat it. Want to buy some dope?" he quoted and I laughed while Sam scoffed. "Dope. We ought to stick around here, by some stock in Microsoft." Dean said cheerily.

"Yeah, we might have to if Cass doesn't recover." Sam said and I frowned. "Is he all right?" he asked, looking at me. Dean looked like he was going to answer, but I beat him to it.

"He'll be fine... If he doesn't get better by the time everything's over... I'll just give him some more of my grace, it'll be fine." I said the last bit quickly.

"No, Henry, last time you passed out for over an hour and scared the hell out of us." Dean said and I looked back at him, shrugging.

"So? His life or mine, I'd choose his in a heartbeat." I argued, knowing that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear as he looked taken aback. "Same with you two. And mom and dad." I added.

"He'll wake up." Dean changed the subject back to Cass, "He's, you know, tough for a little nerdy dude with wings."

"If he landed like that, hopefully, so did Anna. Should buy us some time." Sam said.

"So, did you find 'em?" Dean asked, referring to our parents, which was probably the page Sam had been tearing out of the book.

"Yeah. Uh...the Winchesters. 485 Robin Tree." Sam replied, reading off the page before showing us.

"Let's go pop in on the folks." Dean said and walked past us. Sam and I exchanged knowing looks before following.


It was nightfall before we pulled up to the house. I looked out of my window to see the impala outside of the house, but it looked newer, and made me smile unconsciously as I excitedly jumped out of the car. Sam and I quickly began walking to the house before Dean stopped us from doing just that.

"Sam. Henry. Wait, wait, wait, wait." Dean whispered, catching up to us. I hesitantly turned to him, just wanting to see my parents again.

"Dean, Anna could be here any second." Sam said, to which I nodded as if that would really back him up.

"What exactly are we gonna march up there and tell 'em?" Dean asked logically. I had to admit, he had a point. I had gotten so caught up in my love for them that I forgot that at this point in their lives, they were both still normal human beings, granted mom being a hunter.

"Uh, the truth." Sam tried and I laughed.

"What, that their sons and daughter are back from the future to save them from an angel gone Terminator? Come on, those movies haven't even come out yet." Dean explained like we were children.

"Well, then tell her something's after 'em. I mean, she thinks you're a hunter, right?" Sam asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, a hunter who disappeared right when her dad died. She's gonna love me." Dean said sarcastically, glancing at the house. "Just follow my lead." he instructed, looking at us before pushing past Sam to walk up to the house, us following.

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