Chapter Nineteen: Time Travel? (Part One)

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"You were referred to me by a Dr. Babar in Chicago." the doctor we were sitting in front of said. We had got a call from Martin, a hunter that had saved dad multiple times and was now, for some reason, in a mental hospital, or as I liked to call them, insane asylums. He'd called us about a monster that had been killing people and making it look like suicides.

"That's right." Dean confirmed. We had a fullproof plan. All we had to do was tell the guy about our actual life and he'd let us in. Dean wasn't too sure about it, but I thought that it'd be funny and Sam just wanted to help out Martin. The doctor put down his file on us.

"Isn't there a children's book about an elephant named Babar?" he asked and I bit my lip. Maybe Babar gave it away, or maybe it was the fact that our last name was Van Halen today.

"I don't know. I don't have any elephant books." Dean shook his head slightly, "Look, doctor, I-I think that...the doc was in over his head with this one, "Dean pointed at me and Sam, "Cause my brother and sister, they're, uh..." Dean twirled his finger around in a circle and whistled.

"Okay, fine, thank you. That's-That's really not necessary." the doctor said, holding up a hand to stop Dean and I snickered, "Why don't you tell me how you're feeling, Alex? Then we'll, uh, go on to you Val." he said and I nodded. I needed a name and the boys always use ones from bands or movies with no girls, as in there are no female Van Halen's so I had to use Eddie's wife and switch it up a little. Sam let out a sigh.

"I'm fine." He scoffed and I snickered once again, "I mean, okay, a little depressed, I guess." he said.

"Alright. Any idea why?" the doctor asked, writing things down on his clipboard.

"Probably because I started the apocalypse and my sister's a demon." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Half angel too." I added and the doctor looked at us like we were crazy, which is what we wanted.

"The apocalypse?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah, that's right." Sam nodded. The doctor looked at Dean, who smiled and I rolled my eyes once again.

"And you think you started it?"

"Well, yeah. I-I mean," Sam sighed, "I killed this demon-Lilith-and I accidentally freed Lucifer from Hell. So now he's topside, and we're trying to stop him." Sam said and I looked at Dean, who was looking around.

"W-Who is?" the doctor asked, confused.

"Me." Sam said, "And her, and him. And, uh, this one angel." Sam said and I smiled, thinking about Cass and slightly wishing he was here.

"Oh, you mean like a-like an angel on your shoulder?" the doctor asked, trying to get things clear as he patted his shoulder and I snorted.

"No, no. His name's Castiel. He wears a trench coat." Sam said.

"And he's my soulmate." I added and the doctor just sort of gave us blank stares.

"See what I mean, doc? I mean, the kid's been beating himself up about this for months. The apocalypse wasn't his fault." Dean said and the doctor looked at him now.

"It's not?" he asked, still confused; probably more confused now than before.

"No. There was this other demon-Ruby. She got him addicted to demon blood. I mean, near the end, he was practically chugging the stuff." Dean explained, to which the doctor wrote something down on his clipboard, "Our brother's not evil. He was just... High."

  "Not to mention, none of it would've started if this boy hadn't had been killed by hellhounds and sent to Hell, and started torturing souls, which unlocked the first seal, the things that stopped Lucifer from escaping Hell." I added and Dean rolled his eyes at me, "And Castiel let Sam out of the panic room so that he could kill Lilith. It was more of a group effort." I smiled. 

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