Chapter 2

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A few months later

Amy's POV.

I've spent these last few months getting things ready for my new life at uni, and today's the day I leave. I felt so scared, but I'm kind of hiding it as my mum and dad think I am ready and fine. I am, but I also felt terrified. I wasn't able to come down to the applicant day as it was my prom and my best friend forced me to go. I did want to go but this I felt was more important, most of these people have probably already made friends with each other and exchanged numbers. I am going to be studying History and Politics at uni.

"Already" my mum asked as we packed the last of the boxes in. Luckily my uncle has enough room for my boxes in his garage so I can store them in there until my second year when I move into London.

The drive was a couple of hours away, so at least family can come and visit. When the gate was opened and we parked up, we were met by six Maltese dogs. I had only ever seen them on their vlogs; they are so fluffy and cute in real life! We were then greeted by Jonathan and Emilia who came and hugged me. It was so cute. Mum and dad and my sister stayed for a few hours and then left. It felt really strange not being without them. I've been on my own without them before, but with friends and other family members but not like this. They are so lovely. I told them I watched their vlogs.

"Would you be okay if you appeared in the vlogs?" Jonathan asked. "We won't be offended, if you are, we can figure something out."

"I would love to, if you want me too." I said.

Emilia squealed.

"I guess that's a yes then." Anna laughed.

Anna helped me unpack while Jonathan was down stairs vlogging. Emilia and Eduardo both came to help. Jonathan had put all my breakable boxes in the garage out of the kid's way. I told Anna I was a vegetarian, she said that they do veggie things quite a lot so I would be fine. We heard Jonathan talking to the camera coming up the stairs.

I whispered to Anna, "This is my first time talking on a video on YouTube, other times I've been in the background. "

"It will be okay, you don't have to say much if you don't want to." She said comfortingly.

"So I forgot to tell you friends that my niece has come to stay with us while she is going to uni for her first year. Her name is Amy." Jonathan said so confidently to the camera.

"Hi." I said waving, (why did I wave).

"So, Amy what are you studying at uni?" He asked.

"I am going to be studying History and Politics" I said very enthusiastically.

"Wow! So what do you want to do when you leave uni?" Anna asked.

"I don't really know." We laughed, then Emilia and Eduardo came in laughing, we laughed for ages.

Emilia, later on in the evening asked (more told me) to read her a book. Eduardo had already been put to bed.

I said goodnight to Jonathan and Anna. I sat in bed for a while. I could get used to this.

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