Chapter 3

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The next day was my first day at uni. Jonathan drove me to the station on his way to drop Emilia off at playgroup. 

"Good Luck. You'll do great! Hey I've got a few friends in London, I'll give them a text and tell them to look out for you while your there." Jonathan said giving me a hug.

"Thank you. And thank you so much for letting me stay with you." I said.

"No problem, now get on the train you don't want to miss it." He said.

I got on the train. The train ride was so beautiful, until we got into the city with lots of scaffolding, the other buildings were nice. I got of at Oxford Circus Station, and came out of the station. The weather was a lot nicer her than were Jonathan and Anna live.

My phone beeped, it was from my mum.

Hey A,

How's it going? Jonathan told us that you managed to get on the train.

Enjoy your day, make lots of friends and have fun. You'll do great!!

Love your loving family xxx

I texted back saying thank you.

I just realised I have no idea where I am going. Just then a guy walked past me.

When he turned round I realised it was Joe Sugg, AKA ThatcherJoe!

"Hey! Your ThatcherJoe... I mean Joe Sugg! Sorry to bother you but do you know the way to the Kings College?" I asked.

"Hey! I'll show you." He said.

"Are you sure? Are you busy?" I asked feeling guilty.

"Yeah, it's actually on my way back home." Joe said.

"Okay, thanks!" I said. "My names Amy by the way."

"And you know my name" He joked. "Wait, your Jonathan's niece!"

"Wow! That was fast! He said he had friends in London." I said surprised.

"Let's get you to class. Maybe you could come for lunch with us and hang out after your lecture?" He asked.

"That sounds great, I'll let Jonathan know." I said.

It was only a few minutes walk from the station.

Joe's POV.
OMG she was hot! But she is Jonathan's cousin, what if we do go out and I do something stupid, he would kill me! Maybe I'll give it a few weeks. I arrived home, Caspar was playing Oli at FIFA.

"Who's winning?" I asked.

"Caspar is." Oli sighed slamming his controller down on the floor."Dammit!"

"I win!! You lose!!" Caspar chanted.
I laughed at how peed off Oli was getting.

"Guys I spotted Jonathan's cousin on my way back." I said, "Is that why you took so long?" Caspar said sounding like we had done something.

"I was showing her the way to college, actually" I said throwing a bottle at him. "She was quite hot."

Oli said," yeah she is, he sent us all a pic."

"I feel so strange, why do I feel like this?" I asked.

Caspar and Oli looked at each other, and in unison they said, "your in love!"

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