Chapter 9

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Joe's POV

I got the ring one day a few days after we started going out.

Myself, Oli and Caspar went into Camden Market. We went for lunch at this nice restaurant Caspar's mum told us about. I started to vlog, as I haven't done it in a while.

"Hey guys, I am so sorry for not vlogging recently as I have someone in my life. I will talk to you about them in video on Sunday. So I am here with Caspar and Oli! We have come to this restaurant that Caspar's mum told us about. Isn't that right Cas."

He nodded.

Oli said, " He's annoyed cos it doesn't have pizza."

I laughed.

"It's not funny. My mum knows I like pizza." He sulked.

"Don't sulk you Rodney. At least they have fries." I said.

I turned the camera off. "I need to tell you guys something."

"What is it? Oh god, you've not broken up with her have you?" Oli sighed.

"If you have can I go out with her?" Caspar said.

We both looked at him. He put his hands up in surrender.

"No guys I've not broken up with her, I wouldn't do that. I want to marry her." I said innocently.

Caspar almost choked and Oli sprayed his coke in my face.

"Sorry dude!" He laughed. I stared at him wiping the coke from my face." I thought you said you wanted to marry her?"

"I did! I do want to marry her." I said angrily.

"Your twenty five , she's only turning 19 in a few weeks." Oli said.

"So! She's over the legal age! Can't you guys be happy for me?" I said, I got up and stormed off.

Caspar's POV

"Well I think it's cute." I said.

"I know. Oh god, what have I done? Will I go after for him." Oli asked.

"Just leave him, he'll calm down." I said. Just as I said that, Joe came back.

Joe's POV

I felt bad. I shouldn't have shouted at Oli. He does have a point. I arrived back to the table.

"Hey Oli, I am so sorry I shouted." I sobbed. Why was I crying, I'm just causing a scene.

Oli chuckled." Dude, it's okay, I was just surprised that's all. Do you have a ring?"

"No, that's the reason why I wanted to come to Camden Market." I said.

We paid the bill and left to find a jewellery shop. When we entered, we were greeted by this elderly lady.

"Hello dears, how can I help." She asked.

"Where are the engagement rings?" I asked.

She showed us to the rings and there was a small diamond on top.

"I'll take this one." I said.

She put it in a small box and I paid for it. As we went out the shop, I looked at the ring. This is perfect.

Amy's POV

I can't believe it! Did he propose, not the best location but, that was down to me.

"I...I...don't know what to say?" I said kinda crying. "Yes! We don't have to wait long."

"Are you serious?" Joe said shocked. I nodded with tears in my eyes.

"I was asking your mum and dad for permission. Your dad was so keen, your mum was a bit hesitant at first, but cos she loves me, she gave in." He said smugly.

"That's so sweet!" I said. I rung my mum and dad to tell them the news. I then told Jonathan and Anna, they practically screamed, but stopped because Eduardo started to cry. Then Alfie and Zoe came in, they definitely heard.

"Oh my god! We'll be sisters in law!" Zoe squealed hugging me.

"Yo! We going to be brothers in law!" Alfie said giving Joe a hug.

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