I Miss Her Too.

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Dean's point of view

I knew one day the day would come. Y/N would get older and she would ask me what was mommy like.

I didn't think it would come as fast as it did but it did. I was ready for it though. Y/N was growing up so fast it was just like yesterday she was born.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. Her bump was larger than life. I don't know how she got around the way she did. I wouldn't of been able to.

That day she said she was starting with pains.

I told her she should go lay in the bed and just rest. She waved that idea off. I gave her no choice picked her up in my arms and lead her into the bed. She protested but I told her it was for the best for her and the baby.

Plus she had been saying that she hasn't been getting any sleep recently because of her back. I made she was comfortable as possible and kissed her forehead.

I checked on her a little while after that and I like I thought she went off to sleep. I felt like such a good husband. Well it turns out those weren't just pains. She woke up an hour and half later screaming. I rushed into your room and saw all over the bed.

"My water broke!" She gasped excitedly. I was excited too but I was more concerned about her. "Isn't a little early?" The baby is gonna come when it wants to. Those doctors don't know what they are talking about sometimes."

You waved me off again. Today was April 4th. The due date is April 22nd 2010. "If you say so let's just get you to the hospital." I said helping her up. "Good call." She moaned in pain when another contraction came over.

"It'll be alright." I rubbed the lower part of her back as the contraction was ending. "Let's make it to the car before my next contraction okay?" She smiled once it was over.

"Sure thing but we are not having the baby in baby." I wasn't kidding.

Once we got to the hospital they got her all set up and she asked them if she could have the magic epidural. The nurse told her that since she was so close to pushing it wouldn't even be worth giving it to her.

"Maybe next time Y/N." I said with hope in my eyes for another baby after this one. "We'll see." She looked warily. Soon our baby girl was born.

We named her Y/N. But a little while after she had given birth she got tired all of sudden. I told her she should be after giving birth to our little miracle. I also told her she deserved some rest.

She told me good night and never woke up again. April 4th 2010 was the best and worst day of my life.

Y/N lost her mother and I lost the love of my life. She was brought into my life and taken out of it just as fast. I was thankful she did leave something behind. She left me with Y/N.

And six years later Y/N finally asks me totally out of the blue. "What was mommy like?" She looked up at me from the table in the library where she was coloring away.

What was mommy like? She was beautiful. She was graceful. She was silly at times and serious when needed. She was one hell of a hunter. Of course Y/N doesn't know what hunting is yet but I didn't know what to say.

"Daddy?" Y/N interrupted my train of thought with her Uncle Sammy's eyes. When I look into her eyes I see a mini Sam Winchester.

I sat down across from where she sat. "Your Mom was...a good person. Did I ever tell you you are like exactly like her?"

There was a lot about Y/N she related to her. They have that same laugh and smile. It was almost like they were twins sometimes.

She liked to make jokes and be silly just like her Mom. She gasped with joy. "I am!? How? Tell me Daddy!?!"

I chuckled at her excitement. "Sure thing pumpkin." I scooted my chair open and told her to come here. She got up and was on  lap in seconds.

She looked up at me with eager eyes. "Your mom use to get excited over everything just like you do." It was true. It would be over the littlest of things, but they couldn't help it.

"You and your mom have the same exact laugh. You and your mom were the only ones who laugh at my jokes even when they aren't that funny." That was so true it was scary. I will admit I am not good at making jokes.

"Another thing you and your mom is you know how to keep me check. Y/N, for only being a six you already act more mature than me. Just like your mom."

She giggled. "I am really glad you are here to tell me what mommy was like." I sighed and stroked her dirty blonde hair.


Y/N knelt her head on my shoulder and I rubbed her back a little. "Daddy?" Her little voice spoke up. "What is it, Sweetheart?" I asked her as she brought her head up. "How can I miss mommy if I didn't even know her?"

What did I say about how mature she is for her age? She didn't get that from me but that's a tough question.

"Sweetheart you may not of have known you mom but you can always ask me about your mom and I'll tell you anything about Mommy."

"Thank you, Daddy." Her smile was back. I held for a little longer and kissed her on the cheek. Y/N will always be my baby girl. Always.

I don't know what I will do one day when she is all grown up and off somewhere where she doesn't need her Daddy anymore. But she needs me now more than ever and for that I am glad.

The End!

Hope you guys like! XOXO

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