Found Her!

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Harry's POV
At last I found Stella, after 9 months. I couldn't be happier. She was now right in front of me, I will never let her go ever again. I have to admit she looks better in her new hair colour, not that she wasn't gorgeous before but black suits her more. I said to her," Sweetie why are you crying all the time? They are tears of happiness aren't they?" She said while weeping, " No they are not tears of happiness, I am really sorry but I am not your Stella. I am Kendall Jenner, please let me go back to my family, they would be getting worried. "  she had said in an angry tone," NO! You are Stella, and you are not going anywhere, you are going to be with me, is that clear?" I said with anger, spitting on her face. She replied saying, " No, you are really mistaken, I am Kendall Jenner, what proof do you have that I am Stella? Tell me." With anger flowing in my veins I caught hold of her wrist and pushed her down to the floor, with a thick she landed down! I crouched down and twisted her right wrist, she cried in pain and I let go. I stomped out and got the album. I sat down next to her on the couch, she was looking at her wrist, I immediately said, " OMG! I am so sorry Stella dear. I never meant to hurt you, you know that right?You know when I get angry I turn into a devil. I would never in my wildest dreams hurt you." Then without any delay I opened the album and showed her our pictures.

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