Chapter 4

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Me and Carter were at the gym playing basketball 1 on 1. He's so silly, I was crying laughing. He was guarding me and I had the ball. He pinched me between my legs, stole the ball and dunked it. He was laughing and saw that I was irritated cuz he cheating.

"Fuck you Carter."

"Again? I was trying to give you a break for the day." I started laughing.

"Shut up! I'm hungry, let's go."

"Witcho fat ass." He said. I put my hands on my ankles, twerking.

"It didn't just now get there." I started switching really hard towards the door.

"Go ahead and break your hip." He said. He threw the ball at me and it hit my booty. I flicked him off then opened the door. I came face to face with Cam. He stopped.



"Late night hoop session?"


"Can I get more than one word back?" He asked then Carter came out and grabbed my hand. He sighed heavily and turned red.

"Don't take it to heart, that's 5 words for you." I said and walked off with Carter.

I swear I don't feel bad cuz I would be leaving the gym with him but he chose someone else. Besides, I'm happy with Carter. He makes me smile and makes me feel loved, if I even go a day without seeing him I feel weird.

Me and Carter were laying in his bed playing call of duty when his phone started ringing.

"Hello? .. when? .. I'm with my ole lady right now man .. hell naw I ain't finna leave .. that's for me to know and for you to never ever find out .. man, I'll see .. yeah." He hung up.

"You wanna go bowling?"

"Yeah, with who?"

"A few of my niggas, they say they wanna meet you but really they just wanna see you."

"Oh, let me get dressed then." I ran in his closet and threw out some booty shorts I wear around the house.

"What? Hell naw, we not going." I burst out laughing.

"Just playing." I put on a red Lacoste shirt, light wash cuffed shorts with some red Lebron's. I parted my hair in the middle, let my bangs fall to the side and put the rest into a bun.

We got to the bowling alley. Tonight they're staying open until 1 AM and it's only 10:45 right now. We walked up to 3 dudes. All of them were fine but Carter still looks bettter.

"Y'all this is Kai, baby this is Isaih, Marcus and Pierre."

"Pierre?" I asked making a face.

"I'm mixed with Puerto Rican, don't be trying to make jokes." He said and everybody started laughing.

"I was just playing with you, nice to meet y'all."

"Nice to meet you too." They all said.

"Carter how you pull her? She so bad." Pierre said.

"Don't be looking at her nigga! Let's bowl." He said, I laughed and we started playing.


It's been a month since I saw Kai and a month since Maria had the baby. I had a DNA test done and the results came back. She ran in my house with the yellow envelope.

"I'll let you open it cuz I already know what it says, hmph." she said as she handed it to me.

I opened it slowly. I read it and a smile spread across my face. I looked at her and started laughing.

"Yeah so um. . pack your stuff and go." I handed it back to her smiling.

"What?" she snatched the papers and read them. "No, I want a re-test!"

"Re-test? Pshhh, that shit been dead." I walked to my game room and started playing call of duty. I saw Kai was online. After a few minutes, she got off. I just sighed, I miss her.

It's Jai's birthday and his party is in a few hours. He told me to make sure I'm there cuz we acting up tonight. I took a hot shower, did my hygiene then got dressed. I put on white Levi's with a white true religion shirt and white 1s fresh out the box. I brushed my hair, got my phone and left.

I got to the club about 30 minutes later. It's packed like hell out here, I skipped line and went straight in. I spotted Jai in V.I.P and he waved for me to come up.

Soon as I got up there, I saw an angel. I mean close enough, it was Kai. She had on a white leather dress with a gold, metal band fitted around her waist and white red bottoms. Her hair was laid straight down her back and she had curled her bangs.

I walked up to her and surprisingly, she didn't walk away from me. I wanted to pick her up, take her home and pick up where we left off but that's gon take time.

"How you?"

"Good, you?" she flashed her million dollar smile.

"Aight, you look like an angel."

"I see you tried to match my fly."

"More like the other way around."

"Hmph." Just then a photographer came up and was snapping pictures of the special guests. "Wanna take a picture?"

"Yeah, might as well." I said. I sat my hand right on the top of her butt and pulled her to me. That's how we need to be. He snapped a few pictures and was on to other guests.

"You gon go home smelling like me, I would hate to cause trouble for you."

"I'm not with Maria. I really never was, just a baby mama." I said doing air quotes when I said baby mama.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The baby wasn't mine."

"Oh, sorry."

"It didn't affect me, I got other things to worry about." I licked my lips. She laughed a little.

"I gotta go." She walked off, I watched her the whole way. I saw her walk up to that nigga, Carter. He better have fun for the time being, I mean that.


I'm starting back with my modeling gigs and promoting. I have a photo shoot in less than an hour so I got into the car and Carter pulled off. He sets up so many things for me, that's how I meet all these celebrities. I love life right now.

I kissed Carter and got out of the car with my bag. I closed the door and walked into the building. I was greeted by a young looking girl. She smiled and led me to the dressing room.

I put on my first set. This particular shoot is for Victoria's Secret and I'm gonna like it plus I get free stuff. I don't know how Carter got me this shoot cuz most of their models are always skinny, I'm thick. I appreciate it though. I put on the black, lace lingerie and sat down waiting for the makeup artist and the hairstylist.

The shoot went great and I loved my photos. I got dressed and walked to the front of the building where Carter was waiting for me.

"How did it go baby?"

"Good, they putting me on the cover."


"I swear." I said as we got into the car.

"You feel like promoting a party Saturday?"

"Yeah, where?"


"Yeah, when we leaving?"


Carter was cut off by another car running into his side. He was slumped over on my lap and he had glass on his face. I wasn't hurt at all. I quickly got out calling 911.

After about 5 minutes they were there. They got here fast. They had to cut Carter out of the car and they took him away. I forced them to let me ride in the ambulance.

They pushed Carter through the double doors and they made me let them check me out to make sure I wasn't injured or had internal bleeding. I checked out fine and waited for a doctor to come out.


I walked into the hospital cuz I heard Kai was in a car accident. Jai was right behind me and I started looking around for her. I saw her in a corner dozing off.

"Kai." Her head snapped up.


"You good? What happened?" I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm fine, I got into an accident."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm okay."

The doctor motioned for her to come to where he was. They talked and she began crying and nodded her head. Jai walked over to her. The doctor walked off and Kai wiped her tears. She said something to Jai then walked off.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He not gonna be able to walk for about 2 months. He ain't gotta learn how to walk again but his legs too messed up right now." I nodded and both of us left.

I got to my house and saw a car sitting in my driveway. I parked and got out, Maria did the same. I sighed, knowing she coming with a sob story.

"Why you here?"

"I miss you."

"Oh forreal?"


"Cool story."

"What? What does that mean?"

"Get the fuck on."

"Ugh! Is it that punta?"

"She not a bitch, watch your mouth."

"I hate her! She took you from me!"

"You was a temporary fix, I ain't ever loved your crazy ass! Your slurp game was A1 so I kept you until she got out then you wanna claim you pregnant, you probably don't even know who the father is!"

"Don't do me like this." She began to cry.

"Bye." I locked my car, walked into the house and locked the door. She so crazy! Damn.


I was sitting in the room talking to Carter. He's so down about everything, I wish I could change what happened.

"You gonna leave me, huh?" He asked.

"What? No! I'ma stay right here by your side the whole time."


"You never gave up on me, why would I give up on you?" He smiled weakly.

"I love you Kai."

"I love you too baby. Get some sleep. I'ma go get some food then I'll be right back, okay?"

"Alright." He shut his eyes and I left the room. I walked down to the cafeteria. This girl walked up to me.

"You Cam's girl right?"

"Umm. . and you are?"

"That's not important, I just wanna know."

"Are you Cam's girl?"

"Stupid bitches these days."

"See I would whoop your ass but you not even worth it."

"Whoop my ass?"

"I don't remember stuttering."

"I'll catch you some other time, you just pissed off the wrong bitch."

"Yeah, I'll wait."

I ate then walked back up to Carter's room. He was still asleep. I kissed his forehead then sat back in the chair, watching him sleep. My baby.

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