Yes or No?

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I smelled food when I came out of the bathroom. I slipped on my red, custom made sweatpants that had "Kai La'Shae" printed on the back in black, a black long sleeved shirt with my picture on it and my black, sparkly Uggs. I put my hair in a ponytail and put one of Cam's Polo hats on. I sprayed on some perfume then walked downstairs.

Cam had some trap music playing and was cooking bacon. I snuck up behind him, trying to scare him but he didn't even turn around. I hit him, upset that I didn't scare him. He kissed me then continued to cook his bacon. I sat down in the living room and my phone started ringing. Why is my old high school calling my phone?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, this is Principal Anderson -" I cut him off.

"This is Kai, Mr.Anderson."

"I thought it sounded like you! How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm good. Rodney got into a bad altercation and he told us to call you."

"I'm on the way right now."

"Ok please hurry up because he's livid. We have him locked in a room by himself because nobody can handle him."

"I'm leaving the house right now, bye."

I hung up, got my keys and Louis Vuitton bag then headed for the door.

"I'll be right back baby!" I yelled to Cam. His music is so loud, he can't even hear me. I locked the front door and got into my Benz truck, heading to the school.

When I got to the school, police cars were parked outside and I'm just praying Rodney doesn't have any drugs or weapons on him. I entered the school and went straight to the office.

"Mr.Anderson, where is he?"

"He's in your old homeroom," he answered. I exited the office and felt someone behind me. I turned around to see two police officers following me. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Don't follow me," I put my hand up.

"Ma'am just who do you think you are to tell us where we may and may not go?"

"Because I said so! Mr.Anderson please get them because if they think Rodney's going crazy, I'll show them insane with no hesitation."

"Sirs, please don't follow her," Mr.Anderson said. They stopped and just glared at me. I rolled my eyes and walked into the room, closing the door behind me.

"What's wrong with you Rodney?" I asked him as I put my purse down.

He turned around and saw me then just sat down on the floor.

"Two dudes in my class was talking 'bout how poor my family is and how my momma be fucking for money but she don't. I was just chilling but they kept on saying slick shit and then they started talking 'bout they was gon' catch you slipping and rape you. They said they was gon' rob Cam and all that rah rah shit."

"What? Who?" I asked him. His eyes were red and his face was, too.

"Black's son Lucas and his friend Mark."

"You shitting me?"

He shook his head no, "They the ones who shot at your parent's house."

"I don't want you fighting no more, aight?"

"They ain't gon' talk about my momma or you! You like my big sister man."

When Rodney said that, it warmed my heart.

"It's ok Rod, just chill. I'll talk to Mr.Anderson so they won't press any charges. You got anything on you?"

"Nah, I don't ever bring work to school."

"Good, lets go."

Later that evening, Rodney and I went to his house. He has to live in the most rundown part of town. He doesn't live in the ghetto, he lives in the slums. It was trash everywhere, abandoned buildings, toddlers walking around by themselves; this is horrible!

"Pull in right there, the blue house." He pointed to it and I pulled in the small, grass covered driveway.

"You live here Rod?" I asked him, in disbelief of what I saw.

He nodded his head and we went inside. It smelled like piss and it could've sworn I saw a rodent. There were two small kids in the living room, a girl and a boy, sitting on the furniture I gave to them. He led me down a hall and into a small room. There was a dark skinned lady sitting in a rocking chair. She looked to be in her mid thirties. Her face was pretty but you could see stress written all over it.

"Ma, this is Kai," Rodney introduced me.

"Hey," I said to her.

She stood up and wrapped her arms around me, "I'm so grateful and I thank you so much for all that you've done."

"No problem but I'm not done."

"Excuse me? What do you mean?"

"I'm not judging you so don't take my words the wrong way but your living conditions are horrible. Nobody should have to live this way."

"Sweetheart we'll be just fine."

"Please let me help you."

She was quiet for a while before speaking, "Ok." I smiled.

"Pack all your clothes up, ok? I'll be back in about an hour."

"Sure. Thank you Kai." She smiled.

"You're so welcome."

I sold my house for eight hundred thousand after I killed Black in there. It sold quickly and I was planning on moving into a townhouse about five minutes from the city. When I found out about Rod's living conditions, I immediately wanted them to have it. I paid cash for it and bought furniture for the house. I stocked the fridge and freezer with food and stuff to drink and stocked the cabinets, too. I bought bikes for the two kids and a used car for their mother.

I feel like, if I'm a millionaire, why not spread love and give to people who don't have? It warms my heart to know that I'm helping someone who can't help themselves.

When we pulled up to their new house, all of us got out. I unlocked the door to the house and showed them around. All of them fell in love.

"Thank you so much for allowing us to stay with you," Rodney's momma said.

"Miss Katie, y'all aren't staying with me," I told her.

"Then what is all this?" She looked saddened.

"This is your new house," I handed her the keys, "everything in here belongs to you now."

She broke down crying. Rodney put his arms around her and embraced her.

"That's not it," I said.


"That Nissan Maxima outside is yours also," I explained. "And don't worry about the bills and such."

"But I don't have a job and nobody will hire me."

"My mother owns a boutique downtown and it does very well, the job is yours if you want it."

"I want it! Thank you so very much! I don't know what more to say! You're an angel sweetheart! The Lord will bless you for this!" She gave me another hug.

"Yes ma'am, you're welcome. Y'all have a good night."


"Baby girl!" I walked into my bedroom as soon as Kai walked out of the bathroom. She had on a grey short sleeved top with black, leather sleeves, black pants, black and silver bracelets, a silver Micheal Kors watch, a silver chained necklace, a mint green beanie and Glow 4's. Her hair was flatiron and she had no makeup on, as usual.

"How do I look?" She asked then did a full spin.

"You beautiful baby."

"Thank you." She blushed.

I leaned down for a kiss but she turned her head so I kissed her cheek.

"What the hell?"

"If you kiss me you gonna be tasting lip gloss."

"I don't care, as long as I can taste something else later on."

She laughed, "Come on."

We went downstairs and I grabbed my keys. I opened the car door for her then walked to the other side and got in. I pulled out of the driveway and drove to the mall.

When we got there, it was already crowded. I grabbed Kai's hand and led the way through the thick crowd. I saw a bunch of dudes eyeing her but she on my arm, I can't be mad.

"Look baby," Kai said. She stopped and pointed at the Hermes store.

"What you see?" I asked.

"When did they put a Hermes store in here? Lets go."

She took the lead this time and pulled me into the store. She picked up a couple belts and I guess she didn't see anything else she wanted.

We walked around the mall, going from store to store for about an hour, then we decided to go grab a bite to eat. We sat down at a restaurant called "Bone's".

"What you wanna do tonight?" I asked then took a swig of my Bud Light.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I'm with you." She smiled. I grabbed her hand and rubbed it.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too Cam."

The waitress came and got out orders then disappeared into the back. When me and Kai were sitting there talking, I realized that I didn't wanna be with anybody else but her.

"Start packing baby," I said as we walked back into the house.

"We just got back from the club, what you mean pack?" She asked taking her heels off.

"Exactly what I said lil' girl." I smacked her ass and went upstairs to start packing.

About thirty minutes later, I was all packed up but Kai was still stuffing clothes and shoes into suitcases.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"It's a surprise, now finish packing."

We boarded the jet and Kai sat down across from me. She dug into her purse and pulled out an already rolled blunt. She lit it and took a pull before passing it to me.

I gave it back to her after two pulls. I can't wait until we get to where we're supposed to be going. I'm anxious and nervous all at the same time.


I woke up to Cam shaking me. I stood up and we exited the jet. We got into an all black Mercedez and the driver pulled off. I let my head fall back until I saw city lights. I got excited when I realized where I was.

"We're in Miami!" I said to Cam.

"Happy Anniversary baby," he said then kissed me.

"You're the best Cam, I swear. Happy Anniversary babe."

Instead of pulling up to a hotel, we pulled up to a private villa. Cam's getting hella brownie points! When the car stopped, we got out and the driver helped us take our bags in. The villa was so beautiful, I was speechless.

"I love this Cam."

"I love you," he said. I smiled and turned around to see Cam on one knee. I immediately started crying. "I want you to be in my life until my life is over. I want you to have my kids, have my last name and wear this ring. You been with my crazy ass through everything and I just want to return the favor, baby. I'm more than sure I'm in love with you and you're the only person I wanna be with."

I didn't say anything at all. I just continued to cry and looked at him.

"Can you say yes or no first, crybaby?"

"Yes! A million times yes Cameron!" I said. He slid the huge ring on my finger and stood up to kiss me. "I wonder is there any chocolate syrup or whipped cream here?" I asked.

Cam turned around and reached in one of his bags, coming out with chocolate syrup. I started laughing then grabbed his hand, going to one of the huge bedrooms.

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