Chapter 15

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I woke up in a hospital room and was instanly confused. Why am I here? I sat up and felt pain in my back and between my legs. I tried to replay today's earlier events to figure out why I'm here. All I remember is going to the bathroom, seeing blood, and Cam helping me to the truck. I looked down at my stomach and put my hand over it.

"You finally awake," Cam said walking into the room with breakfast.

"Hey babe. Why am I here?" I asked him. He put his food on a table and sat down in a seat beside my bed. He took his Polo hat off and stroked his waves with his hand, back to front. He took a deep breath and grabbed my hand.

"Bae we um, we lost it."

"We lost what?" I started shaking.

"Our baby."

"What? My baby?" he just nodded. "Get me out of here. Now." I said staring at the floor, trying my best to not cry in front of him.

"I'll be right back," he said and stood up. He opened the door and walked out. As soon as he closed the door behind him, I broke down. My baby was all I could think about. Is it my fault that the baby didn't make it? Cam and I both have taken so many people's lives and stripped mothers of their motherhood, I guess karma came back to bite me in the ass. I didn't know it would come back this hard, though.

When I made it home, my family was there with baloons and chocolate. Who in the hell wants to be surrounded by all this happy shit when they just lost their child? Their first child! With the nigga they're in love with! Why me? I would've thought twice about all the things I've done before I did it if I would've known this would happen. I just want my baby to be back in my belly.

"Kai you're not even gonna be thankful and grateful towards these people when they've come to support you and lift your spirits?" my momma stopped me and asked.

"Thanks," I said and kept it moving up the stairs. They wanna lift my spirits? Put my baby back in my belly! Fuck it all.

I walked into my room and went straight to the bathroom. I turned the hot water knob on my tub on and put the stopper in the bottom. I got some bath and body works body wash and squirted it in the tub. I opened one of the drawers on my dresser and got some shorts with a tank out and carried them back into the bathroom. While I waited for the bath water to fill up my large tub, I lit candles and turned on some music.

"Bae!" I heard Cam call to me.

"I'm in the bathroom!" I yelled back to him and started stripping out of my clothes. He walked in the bathroom and grabbed my waist, pulling my bare body towards him. I love being in his arms, it soothes me and I feel safe.

"I love you girl, my brownskinned goddess."

"So you got a lightskinned goddess and a darkskinned goddess on the side?" I joked trying to make myself feel better.

"I used to, but you top them on your worst day. I know where home at."

"Oh really?" I smirked at him.

"Yeah, the cookie too good for me to leave." I started laughing and he did, too.

I backed away from him and walked towards the tub to turn the water off and get in. I looked in the mirror and saw Cam admiring my frame. He bit his lip, not knowing that I saw him the whole time. He still gives me butterflies.

"See something you like?"

"Yeah, I see something that's all mine, too."

I got into the tub and sat down, my body disappearing into the bubbles. I slid down and let my head rest on the side. I needed this badly; for emotional and physical purposes. Hospitals make me feel so dirty.

After a few minutes, Cam stripped down and got into the bathtub along with me. He laid back and closed his eyes. I need to take my mind off all the events that has happened recently that has me in this current emotional state. I hate being like this. I soon felt hands traveling up my thick thighs. I smirked and let Cam do whatever he wanted to do. He fondled with my pearl under the water and I smiled. I pushed him back to the other side and straddled him. I began kissing his neck as his hands roamed all over my body.

"Make another life with me," he whispered in my ear. I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly stood up. "Hold on, where you going?" he asked me as I stepped out of the tub.

"To get in my sleeping clothes."

"What? Nah bae, let me put you to sleep first!" I tried not to laugh at his freaky ass.

"You not about to get me pregnant again so I can go through all this shit again!"

"Wait, I can't get none?"



"I'ma get on the pill anyway, I refuse to go through this again. I'm not even over it yet."

I felt the tears whelling up as Cam dried off. I put on my shorts and tank top with no underwear since I don't plan on going anywhere else. I gotta get to the point where I don't want to cry because this is such a horrible feeling; wanting to cry all the time. Cam put on his boxers and the both of us climbed into my soft bed.

"I'm sorry you have to go through all this baby," he said to me in a sad tone. He pulled my body to him and I turned around to lay my head in his chest. A tear escaped my eye and he wiped it away. I kissed him and actually saw a tear fall from his cheek, too. I wiped it away and silently cried myself to sleep.


I walked downstairs and saw Kai in the kitchen all dressed up. She had on dress pants, a blue blazer, a white button down tucked into the pants and blue heels to match the blazer. Her hair was in a sock bun with a side bang. I walked up behind her, pulling her to me.

"Goodmorning," she said and turned around to kiss me.

"Where you going all dressed up?" I asked her as she fixed me a plate.

"I have a few business meetings and things to take care of. I'ma start modeling and promoting again."

"No you not," I said taking my plate from her and sitting down on a stool at the island.

"Why you say that? Even though I still am."

"Because Carter was your business manager and he booked all them events and shit for you," I said really not wanting to have this conversation with her stubborn ass.

"He's not my manager, another guy offerered and we're meeting later for my final decision," she corrected me simply.

"How about you get a female manager?"

"I don't fuck with females and you know that. And what, you don't trust me?"

"How 'bout we drop that trust conversation before it even starts, aight?"

"It's okay that you're jealous baby," she said, somewhat dropping the trust part. She kissed me and got her bag, walking towards the door. "See you later, love you."

"Love you, too."

I picked my keys up and got my phone before locking the door and walking out. I crank my red Audi r8 up and backed out the driveway. I got business to handle later with Jamie but right now, I only have time to kill. I decided to get Kai some things to lift her spirits. She can act like she's okay all she wants but I know Kai, she really isn't okay. If I'm not, I know she ain't.

I walked into a Krispy Kreme and got in line. I looked up and saw some looking familiar girl watching me. I can't quite put my finger on who it is but I know for sure I know her. I got snapped out of my thoughts by the cashier and realized I was staring at the girl. Not because she looks good but because it's irritating me that I can't remember.

I paid for Kai's donuts and started towards the door. I heard somebody call my name so I turned around in that direction. I saw who it was and walked over to the table where she was sitting. She pointed for me to sit down in front of her. I sat the box down and took a seat.

"What's up?" she asked, crossing her legs.

"Chilling. Don't I know you?"

"Better than you think you do. You don't recognize me?"

"Nah, I can't say that I do."

"Kierra fool! I can't believe you don't recognize me!"

"Aw shit," I said shaking my head. "You damn sure don't look how you used to."

"I know, I look even better don't I?" I shook my head at her. Kierra looks a mess to be honest. Her body's sloppy and pudgy plus her weave looks stale and she missing her edges.

I was about to get up so I can go get the rest of Kai's things. I saw Carter pull up in his old Ferrari and he hopped out, coming this way. He was looking directly at something. I saw Kai's Benz truck pull up and park a few seconds later. I know this shit ain't really happening! I sat back down and tried my best to cover my face. The both of them hugged and Kai looked around the shopping center like she was making sure to not get caught. I watched them sit down at a table in the corner and Kai put her Ray Bandz over her face to hide. I got up and walked over to their table.

"This the business you had to handle Kai? This the meeting you had to go to?" I asked, staying calm and keeping my voice down.

"Cam I can explain."

"Oh you can? I'll give you thirty seconds to come up with your huge lie since you tell 'em so good," I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"I don't lie to you Cam, this was last minute."

"Yeah man, you know DNA results don't have a specific scheduled time," Carter said smirking.

"Carter don't you dare lie!"

Kierra walked up and stood beside me, "Ain't this some shit? Your perfect brownskinned goddess ain't so perfect, huh?"

"Kierra shut the fuck up!" I commanded.

"Nah! You with this bitch?" I looked at Kai confused. "I get it! Y'all probably been fucking since before I even went to jail, y'all been fucking, haven't y'all?"

"Don't try to flip this shit on me and I wouldn't fuck her with this nigga's d*ck!" I said truthfully.

"Nigga ain't you lying? You both my babies' father!" Kierra blurted out.

"You a fucking liar!" I said defending myself.

"I'm so over this shit," Kai said getting her stuff.

"Kai I told you that though, didn't I? You ain't wanna believe me," Carter said to her.

"You better shut your bitch ass up nigga!" I said to Carter.

"What bitch? I been wanted you!" he said back.

He swung on me, I ducked and slammed him on the floor. We were going at it until the cops came and all four of us went our seperate ways.

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