Chapter 9

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I woke up in a cold room, in pain. I saw four white walls and a small television hanging from the ceiling. I wiped my eyes and tried to sit up. I winced in pained because it hurt so bad. I just laid by down.


"Man this some hood soap opera shit," Jamie said. I shook my head.

"I'm finna head back to the crib, Eliana bringing my lil man over."

"Aight man, get at me later."

He got in his car and drove off down the street. I grabbed the handle on my truck door when I heard Kai.

"Cam! Get down!"

Before I could do anything, I felt bullets piercing through me. One, two, three. I thought they would never stop. Four, five, six. I blacked out.


"Wassup bruh? How you feeling?" I looked over to see Jamie and my godson.

"I'm aight," I mumbled.

"You know how many times you got shot?"

"I blacked out after six."

"Add six to that. You blessed man."

"Damn, I guess I am."

"Kai saved you though, it coulda been worse."

"Her telling me to get down is the last thing I remember before all them bullets. Where she at?"

"To be honest, I don't know. Nobody been hearing from her. Some people saying she dead."

"She what?" I tried to sit up, but the pain wouldn't let me.

"I don't know man, I don't know."

I closed my eyes and did something I haven't done in a long time; I prayed.

Carter POV

I pulled up to Kai's house. I knocked at the door and waited. I rang the doorbell and waited. I called her. No answer. I got out my key - she changed the lock.

Damn, I gotta find this out. I got in my car and drove to her parent's house. I knocked and after a few minutes, Jai came to the door.

"Wassup man?"

"Where Kai at? Is it true? Say it ain't so man." I started pacing in front of the door.

"Fool what you talking about?"

"Kai not dead?"

"What? Nah! I just got off the phone with her."

"Well why the fuck I'm hearing she got killed?"

"Shit nigga, you tell me!"

"Where she at?"

"I don't know."

"Man aight."

I walked quickly to my car and got in. I crank it up and pulled from their driveway. I pulled down the road and headed for the expressway.


Y'all thought I was gone? Shit, i'ma be the last one standing! Well, not right now 'cause I'm on crutches but y'all know what I mean.

When I was trying to save Cam, I got hit by the car and shot in the shoulder but I'm straight. I'm more worried about Cam's accident prone ass!

I pressed five and waited for the elevator to rise and stop. I heard a ding and the doors opened. I put my crutches back under my arms, picked up my right foot and started down the hallway.

I got to his room and took a deep breath. I knocked on the door and Jamie opened it soon after. His eyes widened.

"You gon let me in or nah?"

"My bad man, it's just that.." he trailed off.

Tiny grabbed my arm trying to help me. She been trying to baby me since it happened.

"Girl! I got this, damn!" I said and made my way into his room.

He was laying down, looking drowsy. I stood right next to his bed then plopped down.

"How you doing?"

"I'm good, you?" I asked.

"I'm here," he paused. "Because of you. You always saving my ass."

"Don't mention it."

"Where your ole boy at?"

"Who knows? Probably somewhere with Drika."

"Stupid ass," he said. I laughed a little.

"Why you say that?"

"He fucked over a good girl. I know the feeling."

"Tiny come with me, lil man wants some ice cream." Jamie said.

"What? I don't want any ice cream."

"Girl come your nosey ass on!"

He pulled her up and out of the room, closing the door behind him. I shook my head.

"The other day, I was listening to Refuse To Let You Go."

"By Boosie?" I asked. "Nigga you was in your feelings! Probably high at the time."

"I was on my way there," he said. I laughed. "It made me think about you."

"When I saw you the other day, feelings came rushing back to me."

"If you still saving my ass, after all I did to you, I know you still love me."

"I never stopped loving you but when I saw Maria pregnant, that shit hurt. I got with Carter that night 'cause five years was a long time."

"I don't wanna hear that shit Kai." I laughed.

"I'm sorry."


"Well I guess I'll let you get your rest or whatever."

I stood up, positioning the crutches. I kissed his forehead and left the room. Why do I still have feelings for him?

"Hello?" I answered Carter's phone call.

"Baby! I thought you were dead."

"What? Nah."

"Where you at?"

"Leaving the hospital. I'm coming by your house in a few."

"Aight, love you."

I hung up and waited for the elevator. Time for some changes.

"Put all his clothes in those boxes, I'll get his other stuff."

Tiny was helping me get all of Carter's stuff together and into boxes.

Tiny pulled up to Carter's house. I saw a few unfamiliar cars in the driveway. I got out and Tiny popped the trunk. I rang the doorbell and waited.

A tall dude opened the door. Curly hair, light-skinned, green eyes - this dude is sexy! Wish I woulda met him before Carter. I laughed at myself on the inside.

"Wassup?" he said. His voice is so deep it damn near ran through me.

"Is Carter here?"

"Yeah, come on."

I walked into the living room and a bunch of guys were play GTA 5 and drinking beer. Carter got up and walked over to me.

"What happened babe?"

"I got shot and hit by a car. Can I talk to you outside?"


We walked outside and Tiny had all the boxes sitting at the door. He looked at me confused.

"Carter," I hesitated. "I'm sorry."

"What is all this?"

"Your stuff."

"The fuck?"

"I'm tired of the ups and the downs. The downs be on the pettiest shit ever but anyway, I just want something new. I feel like we're holding each other up anyway. I got love for you but I don't love you like that."

"Ain't this some shit."


"You wasted my fucking time."

"Carter I told you that night you were like a toy, please chill out."

"Get the fuck away from me."


I chuckled a little shaking my head and made my way back to my car. I got in and Tiny pulled off.

- 2 weeks pass by -


Today is the day I get outta this stupid ass hospital. It's been too long. I got up and got dressed. My back still hurts like hell but I gotta get to the money.

I walked out of the hospital and got in Jamie's car.

We were riding to this Jamaican spot downtown 'cause I heard the food is good. I saw some dumb ass with a boot on her foot, jogging on the side of the road. She got one helluva shape though.

"That look like some shit Kai would do," Jamie said. We passed by the girl and I looked back to see her face.

"Man that is Kai!" I said. He pulled into a parking lot and waited until she got to where we were. I slowly got out.

"This girl done lost her mind," Jamie shook his head.


She stopped and looked around then her eyes fell on me. She walked over to me.


"Why the hell you out here running with a boot on your foot going up your leg? That's real stupid."

"I got bored, when did you get out of the hospital?"

"I don't care if you were bored, you gonna hurt your foot."

"I'm fine," she said putting her hands on her hips.

"What you about to do?"

"Go home, I gotta be somewhere in a little bit."

"Let us take you home."

"I'm okay --" I interrupted her by pushing her into the backseat and closing the door.

Jamie drove us to her place. She got out and walked in. He pulled off and headed the the restaurant.

We sat down and this young girl took our order. About fifteen minutes later I saw Kai's dark burgundy Mercedes jeep pull up.

She walked in with her shades on. She obviously took a shower 'cause her edges look curly and she changed clothes. She had on a red Hermes sweatsuit with white forces.

She approached this lady that I'm guessing is the manager. She embraced Kai and they walked to a booth and sat down. They started talking.

The waitress sat our food down, that's when Carter pulled up.

Carter POV

I walked into my mama's restaurant and saw that it was busy. I spotted her at a table in the back, sitting alone. I started walking over there and some girl with shades on sat down in front of her.

She looks pretty from my angle so maybe I'll introduce myself. I got to the table and hugged my mama.

"Hey baby," she said.

"Hey, how you doing?" I asked the girl.

"Fine, you?" I looked at her harder.

"Kai? Mama what you doing talking to her?"

"Carter you sound really childish. Your mama loves me."

"I don't give a damn."

"Don't be bitter."

"Don't be a bitch."

My mama slapped my neck and pushed me. I got up and she made me follow her into the back. Fuck Kai!

When I came outta the back, I didn't see Kai at the booth alone. Cam was with her. I was gonna apologize, hell naw.

"Y'all can see y'all selves out."

"Carter you such a child."

"Fuck you."

"You were saying I love you not too long ago."

"Get out."

"Tell your mother I said bye and I'll call her."

She got up and walked out. I looked down at Cam.

Next thing I knew, we were battling it out, all through the restaurant.

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