Chapter 22

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I stood at the burial site, Cam's arms around me, watching the funeral director put roses on top of my father's casket.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust," he recited the words that I had heard so many times before.

"I know this motherfucker didn't really come to the funeral," I heard Cam mumble. "Bitch ass."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked, turning around to face him. "Aw, shit."

"What's good, baby girl?" Carter approached us with roses in his hand.

"Fine, what brings you into town?" I asked, taking the flowers.

"I heard about your father getting killed and I came to be by your side but I obviously got here too late," he explained. "I apologize but my flight got delayed."

"It's fine. Thank you for coming, though. Are you going to my mother's house to eat?" I asked. Cam pulled me to him and Carter looked disturbed by it.

"Yeah, if you'll be there," Carter answered.

"My nigga like you don't even fucking see me right here?" Cam asked with an attitude.

"Do you really think I give a damn?" Carter challenged.

"I'm just gon' chill because one thing about it, she with me."

"My nigga I gave her back to you. I was there when you weren't. I was the one treating her good and d*cking her down even better," Carter said with a devilish grin.

"Y'all lets not start today, okay? I don't feel like breaking anything up."

Jai and Jamie obviously knew what was about to happen because they took Cam to the family car and took his gun from his hand. I shook my head in irritation.

"It's my father's funeral, Carter! Some fucking respect would be nice."

"That nigga is nothing to me and shouldn't be anything to you!" His nose flared.

"He's my fiancé," I began. "Sorry you feel that way."

I collected myself and walked to the family car. The funeral director opened the door for me and closed it once I was inside. I got comfortable and laid back on Cam. Drained is not the word!

"Kai, how you holding up?" Boris, one of Jai's workers, asked me.

"I'm doing good. How have you been?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

"I've been good. Family's good, life's good." He smiled at me and I was instantly irritated. Is he serious?

"You're going to be one broke nigga if you don't hurry up and spill it. I'm not worried about that stupid smile on your face, I need information!"

"Information? About what? I just wanted to come talk to you and see how you've been," he said.

"Oh, is that right? Well thank you for the concern. You know what would really warm my heart, though?"

"What?" He seemed interested in the answer.

"Get me some fucking information about who killed my father!" I yelled into his ear.

"It's going to take time, Kai! You have to be patient because people not out her throwing names around and snitching. People are scared of you but they're scared of losing their life even more, don't you think?"

I took a seat on an empty picnic table, "I guess you're right. It's just that, revenge is something that I want so badly, you know? Nothing can bring him back and I want them to feel the same pain I feel."

"You need to sit back, roll you a fat blunt, and relax. For all we know, this nigga could be watching us right now."

"You're right, Boris. I'm just going to go home and chill." I walked a few steps to my truck, "Watch yourself, aight?"

"You too, Kai. Stay up," he said.

I nodded as I got into my truck, started the engine, and left the parking lot. I have to think of a master plan.

"Baby," I called out to Cam as soon as I stepped in the house. "Baby, I'm home!" I sat my purse down and walked into the living room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who was in front of me, sitting comfortably. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I cocked my gun before he could even get to his. "Didn't I tell you I was going to kill you the next time I laid eyes on you?"

He chuckled, "Well, sweet thing. . Here we are."

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