Chapter 26

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I got up from the bed and opened the top drawer of my bedside table. I got out one of my many pistols and took it off safety.

"Kai what the hell you doing, girl?" Cam jumped from the bed.

"Nigga not only is you being disrespectful, you just called me a ho!"

"What? Look-a-here, put the gat down Kai 'cause I dead ass ain't got time for the bullshit, aight?"

"You started the bullshit!" I started pacing, "I can't believe you would disrespect me like that, G!"

"It just came out 'cause I'm mad," he explained.

"That's the same thing I'ma tell the police after I shoot yo' ass!"

"Man, I'ma just sleep in the next room and let you cool off, aight? I don't want to argue and I ain't trying to get shot."

He started walking towards the door and opened it. Instead of walking out, he turned around to face me.

"You know what, G? I ain't going nowhere. You gon' put the gun down and we gon' talk this out."

"Don't come over here!" I crossed my arms and pouted a little.

"We not going to sleep mad at each other, Kai. Come sit on my lap, baby," he said then licked his plump lips.

I stared at him for a few seconds then finally gave in. I put the gun on my bedside table then sat down on Cam's lap. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Now what's this bullshit you talking? You know this baby is yours, I wouldn't dare get with someone else."

He rubbed his forehead, "I know Kai it's just that niggas be talking. I was down to the gym hooping and somebody brought the baby up, asking how we doing. To make a long story short, three different niggas said the baby isn't mine."

"Whose baby is it then? They hating, G. Foreal, I don't want anybody except you! I want to be your wife and raise our baby together, I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that."

"I'm sorry for even entertaining their lies, baby girl. You not like these other girls, you keep what belongs to me under lock and key."

I grabbed his chin, "You damn right." I kissed his lips over and over again.

"Now what was you talking 'bout when you first came in?" he asked.

"Let's just say Jai got bad judgement of his soldiers 'cause it's one that's out of line."

"One of his soldiers? Who, one of them young niggas?" he scrunched his face up.

I shook my head, "Nope. His goons straight, it's one of them that's up in rank. He got faith in this one but he shouldn't. I'ma off his ass."

He gave me a confused look like he still didn't know who I was talking about.

"As soon as this baby drops, I'm back to what I used to do 'cause this shit is unacceptable."

"No you not," he said. "I told you that you done with all that and since we got a child, you really through."

"This is my daddy that's in the grave, six feet under. He's down there lonely and cold! I'ma off this nigga and that's the end of the discussion. I'm finna go soak in the tub, night night."


"Cam," I started shaking him. "Cam wake up!"

"What's up, bae? Go back to sleep," he blew me off, turning over.

"Boy get up! The baby is on the way!" I said smiling from ear to ear.

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