Chapter 12

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"Kai! Yo' food getting cold!"

"I'm coming," Kai was getting so impatient because the test was taking forever to show her results.

I pray I'm not pregnant, she thought. If I am, everything's gonna change plus that's gonna take a toll on me and Cam but I don't know how much.

She decided to just eat so the time would pass. She washed her hands again and walked into the living room.

"What took you so long?"

"I told you I had to wash my hands," Kai answered, putting jelly on her biscuit.

"Nah, you was in there taking a shit! Stinky ass," he said laughing.

"Cameron I'm eating! Yo' bitch ass."

"My what?"

He picked her up from the couch and threw her back down, getting on top of her. He had her hands pinned down and begin kissing on her neck.

Kai moaned making Cam smirk - he knew all her hot spots. He took her shirt off and started undoing her bra. She pulled his basketball shorts down and grabbed his manhood.



"What the fuck?" Kai stopped, irritated.

"Who is that?"

"Nigga this your house, I don't know."

"Make me whoop yo' ass, always wanna be smart and shit," Cam said getting up and walked to the front door.

He opened the door and saw Jamie. He walked past Cam towards the living room with beer and COD: ghost. Right before he got to the living room, Kai had slipped her shirt back on.

"Man who the hell invited you?" Kai asked Jamie.

"Shut up smart ass," he answered sitting down.

"I gotta piss," Cam said and walked down the hall to the bathroom. He closed the door and turned the light on. "What the fuck?" he looked down at the counter to see a pregnancy test; the one Kai obviously forgot about. He opened the door and walked into the living room, "Kai!"


"Come here," he went back down the hall, entering his game room.


"What's this?" he showed it to her.

"A pregnancy test," she looked at the floor.

"Wrong," he said, making her look up, confused.

"I'm lost."

"It's a positive pregnancy test!"

"What?" she snatched it from him, looking for herself. "Fuck," she whispered to herself.

"How you let this happen?"

"Cam don't you dare! Don't act like I got myself pregnant!"

"I damn sure didn't," Kai was trying so hard not to slap him.

"Who did then? Tell me who got me pregnant!"

"You still be fucking with that nigga Carter don't you?"

"You know for a fact I'm not! You such a fucking bitch!" She stormed out into the hallway. Cam grabbed her and pressed her against the wall.

"Calm the fuck down Kai!"

"Get off me! Get out my fucking face! I can't stand you!" Kai wanted to get away from him to hide the fact that she wanted to cry. Cam's words hurt and she's not even the emotional type.

"You crying?" Cam calmed down, really looking at her.

"Let me go," she tried to hide her face.

"I'm sorry Kai, hold on."

"Let me go!" she hollered. He picked her up and took her in his room. He put her on the bed and climbed on top of her.

"I'm sorry baby. I ain't know I hurt you 'til I seen you cry."

"Well you know now. You such a child," she shook her head while wiping her tears.

"I didn't think before anything Kai, that ain't me."

"I know you better than you do, that is you. Bet money you didn't act a fool with that other bitch when she said she was pregnant with your baby, huh?"

"Nah," he said getting off of her.

"I guess I ain't got shit on her then."

"You shitting on her actually. Please don't be mad at me," he kissed her hand.

"I'm fine. Make me a doctor's appointment 'cause I need to make sure this is all true."

"I gotchu', you hungry?"

"No," she got up off the bed and went into the bathroom, turning the shower on.

"Can I take a shower with you?"

"No, get out, thanks."

He shook his head and walked back into his living room, regretting that he spazzed out on her. He sat down and went through the yellow pages.

"You and Kai be fighting like cats and dogs man," Jamie said.

"That ain't shit," Cam assured him.

"She pregnant for real?"

"That's what the test said but we getting another one done," he found the number and called to make an appointment.

Cam P.O.V

I sat in the waiting room trying to be patient. Kai's childish ass wouldn't let me shower with her, now I can't even go in the room with her to get the test done.

She came out with a blank expression. I stood up and walked her to the car. Once she was in, I went to my side and started the engine.

"You gon' tell me what it said?" I got into the turning lane, waiting for traffic to pass.

She shook her head.

"Quit acting like a fucking child girl, damn!"

"The results are in, Kai is pregnant by a bitch ass nigga named Cam!"

"What the hell is your problem?" I yelled at her.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"You know what? When we get to my house, get your shit and leave! All I did was fucking ask if you pregnant or not!"

"You asked me is it Carter's! Talking 'bout am I sure? I'm so over this shit, I'm done with you!"

"Yeah aight," I shook my head and pulled into my driveway.

She walked in slowly and went in my room. From closet to dresser to bathroom, she got her belongings that she had brought here over time.

She picked up her keys and closed the door. I heard her crank her Mercedes truck up and saw her back up. I shook my head and laid in my bed, I need some rest.

My sleep was interrupted by somebody ringing my doorbell. I slowly got up and walked downstairs. I stretched, answering the door.

"Hey Cameron baby," Kai's momma walked in and I closed the door behind her.

"Hey ma," she kissed my cheek and went into the kitchen.

Me and Kai's momma have a great relationship. My momma isn't there for me and I don't see her often. Shit, Kai's momma is my momma as far as I'm concerned.

"What you been doing?" she asked coming to join me in the den.

"Nothing," I answered trying to hide the fact that I was still pissed off.

"Where is Kai?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay, I get it. What happened?"

I got comfortable in my spot and she gave me a look. I told her everything. I told her every word, every action and every look. I could tell she was upset.

"Y'all are so pitiful. Now I'll tell you one thing, my grand baby ain't coming to this world without both it's parents there, okay? Y'all better come to some kind of agreement and like Kai says, get y'all shit together!" she stood up. "I baked a pound cake and it's in your kitchen, see you later."

She right but at the moment, I don't give a damn. I'm not about to kiss Kai ass, that shit dead. I'm going to Club Blue tonight, fuck what's going on right now.

Kai P.O.V

Instead of being all cuddled up tonight, I'm going out. I'll be damned if I mope around, that ain't even me. Club Blue gonna be packed out tonight, why wouldn't I go?

When I stepped out of the shower, I dried off and put on lotion. I'm wearing a black dress with a gold, metal waist band. I flat ironed my hair and put on a burgundy colored lipstick to match my heels.

I looked myself over in the mirror. Damn, I look good! It won't be too much longer until I'll be too pregnant to go out so I'm going to enjoy my remaining nights.

"Kai you know you ain't gotta wait in line baby girl, come on," the bouncer, Spook, let me go right in. Like I said to Kierra once, I don't get in because of who Cam is, I get in because of who I am.

Everybody who's anybody is in attendance. I spotted Jamie and he waved me over. I cut through the crowd and got to where he was.

"Wassup lil dawg, you look sexy."

"Thank you," I smiled and he handed me a bottle of Ciroc. Right when I was about to turn it up, I thought about it - I can't drink or get high anymore. "Shit," I cussed to myself.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I can't drink this, I'm pregnant."

"Aw damn baby girl, I guess I'm teasing you then huh?"

"Pretty much," I nodded.

I have everybody's attention in here and I'm loving it. I'm used to it but tonight feels extra, I feel excited. I turned back around to face Jamie and spotted Cam with some girl on his lap.

I shook my head and looked away, scoping the dance floor out. Damn, I need a drink something terrible! Maybe just a little sip. I headed towards the bar, arguing with myself the whole way there.

"Let me get a strawberry daiquiri," I hesitated, "virgin please."

"Kai you not drinking tonight?" the bartender asked me.

I shook my head, "Nah, not tonight."

I was sipping on my drink, taking in all the love people were giving me. I smiled at one, waved at the other; I'm bored as shit.

I Luv This Shit came on and I got up. I started swaying left to right, gently rocking my hips. If I could drink, I could actually have some fun.

"What the fuck you think you doing?" I turned around and Cam snatched my daiquiri.

"It's a virgin daiquiri Cam!"

"I don't give a damn,"

"Nigga fuck you!"

I snatched away from him. Who the fuck he think he is? I'm a fucking boss! He must mistake me for one of these chicken head hoes, clucking around. He's obviously popped a pill or two!

I walked towards the back and went in the ladies room. I got pushed into the wall and when I turned around, the barrel of a tech-9 was all I saw.

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