Chapter 21

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"Auntie? What the hell you talking 'bout?" Kai asked Mark. Instead of easing up and becoming interested in the words that left Mark's mouth, she tensed up.

"You're my aunt. I swear to you I'm not lying. Please don't kill me!"

She smirked at him, "Explain."

"Jai is my real daddy. My momma is older than he is, though. You know a lady named Martisha?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "Jai went to prom with her when he was in the tenth grade."

"That's my momma. She was a senior that year. They left prom together and a couple months later, she found out she was pregnant with me. Jai didn't claim me and wanted no part of me because he was only sixteen."

"That sounds legit and everything but I'm calling Jai to make sure you aren't lying," Kai said with suspicion.

"Go ahead but don't tell him I'm here because he won't come," he said.

Kai nodded before stepping out of the room to make the phone call. I sat down and sighed heavily. When we came here, the plan was to off them then leave. Staying here all night wasn't anywhere in the plan.

Almost an hour later, Jai showed up. He walked into the house and saw Lucas but didn't say anything. He stepped right over the bloody carcass.

"What's up?" Jai asked before sitting down. Jamie and I spoke, waiting for Kai to tell him why she called him.

"So I'm ready to kill this lil' boy here, right? I ask does he have any last words and guess what he said to me," Kai said.

"It must really be something special if you put your gun down and called me all the way up here," Jai responded.

"It sure was. He told me he never thought his auntie would be the one to kill him."

"Auntie?" Jai looked confused. You could tell from the look on his face that he was wracking his brain to come up with an answer to his own question.

"Martisha is my momma," Mark said.

"Aw hell," Jai said out loud. "Listen lil' boy, I'm not your daddy. Your momma put that bullshit in your head but I'm telling you what's real." He stood up and walked towards the door. "Kai take care of your business."

"Jai I can't do it," Kai blurted out. "I actually feel bad for him."

"What the fuck? Cam got your ass in lovey dovey land and whatnot. You soft now Kai?"

"I just can't kill this lil' boy, I can't." Kai sat her gun on a table beside her. "Don't kill him."

"I didn't shoot at my grandma anyway, Lucas did," Mark said. "I just rode with him, I didn't know what was going down at the time."

"Grandma? Shut that shit up," Jai snapped. "I'm not your daddy."

"Leave him alone, Jai!" Kai's nose started flaring like she was pissed. "Just leave! Everybody fucking leave!"

"What's wrong with her?" Jamie asked after Kai walked out of the house.

"Man, I don't know." I dapped him and all of us walked out. "Rodney you want to finish this?"

"I gotta make sure Kai straight, call one of them other niggas to come do it," he answered before walking out of the door.

"Jamie do what you want," I said then followed Rodney to the Tahoe. "Baby what's wrong with you?" I asked.

"I just want to go home, Cam. I don't feel good at all. I'm hot for no reason and I'm lightheaded."

"I got you, baby." I started the truck and pulled out of the yard behind Rodney.

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