Chapter 1

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After being trapped in the elevator for nearly three hours we got let out. We get out and go through the lobby, whilst we're making our way to the pool I see Martijn frantically looking around for me.

"ROSE! Rose wait!" He shouts over the large area. Some people turn around and look at him.

Roxy and I paused, he caught up, phone in his hand, eyes filled with worry. His hands grabbed my forearms.

"Where have you two been ?!" He demanded.

"We were trapped in an elevator for quite a few hours, hence why we're a bit sweaty. " Roxy pointed out.

"We had no service in there, so I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to. " I said to him.

"So are you guys going to the pool ?" He questions, looking me up and down, letting out a little smirk.

"Yeah! You should join us!" Roxy cheered.

"Alright, I'll head up and get changed. I'll be back in a few. " he pulled me closer and gave me a quick peck on my cheek.


I watched as the rich chick pranced around in her little white dress and like nine inch heels on stage. She was very touchy with Martijn, I did not particularly like it but hey, she's a fan.

Roxy and I, in Martijn's opinion looked smoking hot in our dresses. Both of our dresses ended just over mid thigh. Mine is a smokey grey color and it tugged to my body.

Her's was thin spaghetti straps and a bright vibrant red. Both of us wore heels, God knows why.

"Hey, I heard that Justin Bieber is here. " Roxy told me over the music.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Martijn didn't mention anything. "

We danced along to amazing remixes done by my man himself. Once he came down she went back up on stage.

He made his way to us and he tried to hug me but I groaned at him because he was literally dripping with sweat, his hair was even wet!

"Please welcome, Justin Bieber!!" She squealed after she thanked Martijn for performing.

Roxy gasped and her hand went over her mouth. She looked at me and she screamed coming to hug me. I guess she's a fan, haha!

Her eyes lit up when she saw him, the smile on her face was really something special.


****end of flashback****

"Do we really have to do this ?" Roxy said as we drove in the late night, it's something past eleven.

"Yes. I dared you guys so yes. " Justin replied, he barely let her finish her question.

"Martin I really hate you right now. " she said as she made the turn.

So what happened was we ended up spending the next day with Justin Bieber. Martijn noticed how Roxy likes him, it's not to obvious but it's just the way that she looks at him.

I mean, you never know what could happen with them, look at how Martijn and I are now. He stayed over, I slept with Roxy that night and he slept with Martijn.

We had a couple of drinks and played truth or dare. He dared Martijn along with the rest of us to go stay over at this super creepy haunted house for three nights. Crazy right ?

I didn't like the idea but hey, let's go on an adventure. So we packed our bags with enough clothes, food and water. We carried power banks for our phones in case our battery dies, then we can charge them.

Justin was the one who picked out the place. At the moment he's sat next to Roxanne in the front because he has the directions to the place and Martijn and I are cosy in the back.

"Do you guys want to know more about this house ?" Justin asks, he cocked his head back a little to peer at us.

"Well... Sure! Why not ? We're going there either way. " I shrugged.

"Well, there was this couple that lived there a long time ago, some time in the 1970s. No one has lived there since, they all believe that it's haunted and paranormal stuff goes on there. There has been footage of some very odd things occurring. The woman's name was Rynelle and the man's was Brandon. They were married just a year and then, they were murdered. No one knows how, but people believe that they haunt the place because evil spirits were put into them. It was one of the most gruesome murders ever. Rynelle was said to be raped as well, before she was murdered. They were both basically dissected. All of their organs were opened, blood covered the walls, furniture and floor. They were placed next to each other, hand in hand, laying on the floor, looking at each other, eyes open. Whoever did it stitched their hearts together. The murderer was never caught. " he finished.

"I wasn't that freaked out before but damn Justin, I'm fucking terrified now. " I shuddered at the thought of being in that same house for three days.

"I'll be there. " Martijn had moved closer, placed his arm around my shoulders and his lips brushed my ear as he spoke, he warm breath going down my neck.

"Things move unexpectedly, noises occur, you hear these groans and sometimes screams. People stopped moving the couple's belongings out of the house because each time they did, that person ended up getting injured or falling sick. Hah! That's pretty cool, we get to see some of their things!" Justin exclaimed and smiled.

I gave Martijn a look as in to say is Justin going mental now.

"Fuck you Rose. " my sister said, probably not happy that she's here now. Justin just chuckled at her and told her where to turn next.

"Don't fuck me, fuck Justin. " I teased her and bit my lip, winking at her through her rear view mirror.

She in return, gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes at me. After another twenty long, anxious minutes of driving, we finally arrived.

It's 23:45 now. Everything is quiet. There's barely anyone in this damn neighborhood, this place can't be that bad. I put my backpack on, along with the rest of them.

"Martijn. " my pulse increased and I looked over to him as I spoke.

"We can do this. " he assured me and took my hand in his.

"Let's go!" Justin cheered.

Roxy hasn't said a word yet. She walked in front of us to the place where shall spend the next few days. I held Martijn's hand tighter once we were stood right in front of it.

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