Chapter 22

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Thanks so much for being patient 🙏🏽

The past few weeks have been okay, I've managed to do some more photography whenever I wanted to escape and just wander on my own. 

Martijn has been doing things, we call at least once every week. We've snap chatted and FaceTimed. Yeah okay he hasn't been here in person but I don't mind it, I can handle this.

Right now I'm walking around in a store looking at clothing, debating whether I want to buy anything or not. My phone starts to ring and it's an unknown number.

I usually don't answer unknown numbers so I just shove it back in my pocket. A little while later I get a call from the same number, I still ignore. I'm not one to talk to people that I don't know.

Next thing I know I get a message from the number saying:

Unknown: Please answer it's Louis :)

Then my phone starts ringing I kinda panicked because I was thinking this can't be Louis van Baar now. I decided to answer.

Me: Hello ?
Unknown (possibly Louis): Hey, it's Louis van Baar, you know, Martijn's photographer guy ?
Me: Oh yes I know. Uhm how are you ?
Louis: Ah good, I'm good and yourself ?
Me: I'm good. Not to be rude or anything, I'm just curious but, why are you calling me ?
Louis: I understand haha, it's alright. Uhm well I don't know how to tell you this.
Me: Just say it as it is.
Louis: Basically this kind of has something to do with Martijn but also something else to which I will get to later.
Me: Is everything alright ?
Louis: Physically his fine, emotionally eh...
Me: Did something happen ?
Louis: I've just noticed that recently he's been a bit distant from the rest of us and you know him, usually he'll be up for anything.
Me: I can talk to him about it if you want.
Louis: No, I want you to surprise him.
Me: Surprise him ??
Louis: I may have already gotten you a ticket and stuff so.. If you say no then it's gonna suck for me too.
Me: You what!! For when ?
Louis: This weekend.
Me: This weekend! That's in two days!
Louis: The sooner the better okay but you see, I want you to not talk to him.
Me: Not talk to him ? Why would I do that ?
Louis: Because I know him, he'll probably be all grumpy, moody and upset and then he'll see you. Then he'll be happy happy happy.
Me: Fine.
Louis: So you'll do it ?
Me: Yes.
Louis: You better start packing and stuff. I'll be there to pick you up from the airport okay.
Me: Alright. Well, thank you and have a nice day Louis!
Louis: You can all me Lou if you like and you too Rose.

The call ended there.

What the flip just happened... I shake my head and get out of the store. I put my shades back on and run my hand through my hair. As I leave I get stopped by some chick with blonde hair.

"Hi I'm sorry but are you Rose ? Roseanne ?" She asks me.

"Uh yeah that's me. " I nod.

"Aren't you with Martijn ?" She asks me.

"Not to be rude but I'm not answering any questions sorry. " I quickly said and walked away from her.


I get home after my mom is back from work. She's just finished eating and my brother is still nowhere to be seen as yet.

"Is it okay if I go away for the weekend ?" I ask her.

"Uhm where to ?" She asks me.

"Well... See, Louis, Martijn's photographer, called me. He said Martijn has been a bit... Well, not himself lately and he thought it would be a good idea for me to surprise him. " I explained more.

"How long will you be gone ?" She questions me.

"That I'm not sure of that as yet, because he said there's also a surprise for me that will only happen once I'm there but for now he just wants me to focus on Martijn. " I said.

"Well I'm okay with it just as long as you stay in touch with me. I mean, you are old enough after all. " she smiles at me.

"Yayyyy! Thank you thank you thank you!" I jump up from my seat.

I send Lou a quick text message telling him that it's confirmed. He sent me all the details about my flight.

I looked up the weather and stuff like that and packed accordingly. I stripped and changed into some pajamas and got into bed.

I sat with my laptop, looking at pictures and deleting some. I was thinking about it and Louis is actually pretty cool.

He's kind and caring, I mean, look at what he's doing for Martijn. If that's not a good friend then I don't know what is. I think it's wonderful for Martijn to have people like that around him.

It's better than having people that are just there for the jobs, Martijn's whole crew/team have an actual bond with each other. Imagine having to work with someone that just put pressure on you and they only wanted the outcome ? That really wouldn't be nice at all.

But all in all with Martijn being away so far it's been good. I've got more things done, I've been sorting out my life. I spent more time with everyone else and last weekend I visited Penny, we caught up with what's been going on with each other's life.

I had time to focus more on myself and see what I do actually want in life. Yes I do miss him but it's not at the point where it's so bad and I feel like crying.

We had another family dinner, not too long ago. That was good, everyone was together and we all had a good time. I haven't heard from Roxy lately, I assume she's better but I assume that whenever she does want to do something or talk to me, she'll just have to message.

Usually she'll talk to me and update me on things between her and Justin, at the moment I'm blind because I have no idea what's going on between them nowadays.

I feel like I should contact her but I also want her to have her space. Maybe after I'm back then I'll see what's up.

I shut my laptop and tried to get some sleep. Just two more sleeps until I see him again.

Seriously thank you for being so patient. It's been nearly two months since I haven't updated.

I hope I didn't lose any readers.

I think that for me, it's important that I do get feedback on this chapter because I want to know whether you guys like where this is going so please comment.

I am still kind of in the writers block part and I'm trying to think of things, this is what I came up with. I need feedback so I know where to go next so please....

Vote and comment PLEASE

Thanks -Rx

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