Chapter 37

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I watched her as she slept. I don't want her out of my sight to be honest, I'm terrified now. I'm terrified of what could happen. I'm terrified from what has happened. I didn't know where to look for her or how to contact her. She was alone with some dangerous people. Flippin hell.

About an hour later a man, maybe just a couple years older than me, walks in. He looks at Roseanne and then looks at me. He's tall, taller than me, and has blonde hair. He also looks very well in shape.

"Hello mate. " he greets me quietly. His accent tells me that he's definitely from Australia.

"Uh hi. " I say and get up, moving closer to him.

"I'm Detective Hastings and I'm here to ask Ms. van Hijt a couple of questions. " he informs me and shows me his badge and ID.

"I don't think you should question her today Detective Hastings. She's been through an awful lot. Is it okay if I suggest that you come tomorrow instead ?" I ask him kindly and cross my arms over my chest.

"Hmm, I suppose that's alright. I'll let her get her rest. There's a policeman outside the door, because of the circumstances we're going to have to have him there and he'll switch with others according to the different shifts. " he says and moves the door a bit. I see the policemen in uniform standing outside the door.

"Oh that's a good idea. Thank you. " I say to him and flash him a little smile. He returns it and nods his head before he leaves and closes the door behind him.

Roseanne's mother and brother are both super relived from hearing the good news that I shared to them. It's the loss of blood that's an issue here now. After looking out the window and watching the people down below, I turn around and go back to the chair.

I didn't get much sleep last night, probably around four hours maximum so I let my eyes close and I rest myself as well. I've got my team still back at the hotel. They've got more work to do which I am sorry for. They're busy rescheduling shows, appearances and interviews for me. Hopefully not too many things were impacted by this incident.


My sleep is disturbed once I hear something. I open my eyes and see Roseanne moving. Her feet are slightly moving and her head as well. Her eyebrows are crossed and I see her hands moving as well, one clenches into a fist.

"Rose.." I say trying to get her up.

"Roseanne. " I say a bit louder and gently as possible shake her a little.

She awakes with a gasp and wide eyes. She takes deep breaths, deep shaky breaths. I feel her hand take mine and she's soon holding it with both her hands.

"I love you Martijn. " she says with tears in her eyes as she finally makes eye contact with me.

Roseanne's POV

I feel the tears brim my eyes and I clutch his one hand with both of mine as I tell him that I love him.

"I love you too. " he looks me straight in the eye and doesn't even blink. 

"Could you please help me sit up ?" I ask him shyly.

"Of course. " he kindly smiles and supports me.

"Agh!" I wince from the pain but I get there. I'm sitting again.

"What happened in your sleep, did you have a bad dream ?" He asks me and strokes my hand with his thumb. After he helped me sit up I still held his hand the same way as I did when he woke me up.

"Yeah..." I answer shortly.

More like a bad memory.

"I'm here if you want to talk about it baby. " I hear him sincerely say and I look up at him. I take the image of him in, his eyes search mine for a reply. He looks tired. That chair can't be too comfy.

I let go of his hand and use all the strength in my core and arms to shift myself over as much as possible, of course feeling pain in the process. Hr stands up and tried to assist me as best as he can with his hands. It isn't as bad as when I first work up, it's probably from whatever the nurse gave me earlier.

"Please come lay next to me ?" I ask him. He doesn't even reply. He kicks of his shoes and slowly climbs on the bed. He moves his torso in behind me so I'm resting against him. The top of my head just about reaches his shoulder and his left arm goes under me and his hand rests on my left hip.

I let the right side of my face press onto his chest and that's when I get his scent. I finally get his scent again after being taken away from everyone that I know and being treated like that. It makes me feel safe... It makes me realize how much I just need something simple like this. My breath gets shaky and I feel my face heat up again.

No, you are not going to cry.

Martijn sighs, I hear and feel it as his chest rises and falls. He lifts up his right hand and strokes my hair. My back and right side warms up from his body heat.

"How long was I asleep ?"  I question him. I notice that the light from the outside doesn't really look all that much different.

"Just under two hours. I caught a nap myself for forty minutes. " he yawns.

"How long did you sleep since last night ?" I ask and tilt my head to look up at him.

"Add four hours or so to those forty minutes and you get your answer. " he says and rests his hand on my collar bone as he stops stroking my hair.

"You need sleep. " I groan at him and rest my face on his chest again.

"I'm alright Rosie. " he tries to convince me and his left hand gives me hip and squeeze.

"How about we take a nap like this ?" I suggest to him.

"We can try. " he shrugs.

"Okay get under the blankets. " I giggle at him.

He tries to get underneath as carefully as possible so that he doesn't move me and we're soon back in the comfortable position.

"Wait. " he says and does something on his phone quick before leaving it on the chair.

"Alright!" He speaks up cheerfully.

"Sleep well. " I say to him.

"You too. " he says and kisses the top of my head before resting his head there.

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