Chapter 40

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I checked the time and I took my headphones off. Roseanne said she needed to change her bandages. She's currently asleep on my shoulder and she's hugging my arm. I stroke her hair and call her name.

"Martijn ?" She says in a slightly bothered but confused tone. It's not often that I actually wake her up from her sleep.

"You need to change your bandages, sweetheart. " I remind.

She groans and and squeezes my arm. She rubs her eyes and her face before she takes my arm off of her and I get up so that she can get up as well. I stand with her as she gets her bag and I follow her to the bathroom.

"Would you like some help ?" I offer her.

"No thanks. " she says and closes the door.

Roseanne's POV

I closed the door and got the bandages out of the bag, leaving the it on the counter. Thank gosh we're in this private plane, I would've never have had this space in a normal plane. I take my hoodie off but it hurts as I stretch my abdomen and I have to refrain from letting out any noise so I bite my tongue.

I look at how this set of bandages are put on me so I know how to put the other one on. Basically you just need to wipe the wound and then place these bandages on top and tape it all around the edges.

I take off these ones and toss them in the little bin. I decide to get the tape and cut that up into strips first so that I don't have to hold the bandages in place and battle to get the tape there.  I get a cotton ball and get some of this disinfectant thing onto it.

I hiss as I feel the cotton come into contact with my skin because it's cold how.

"Babe, you okay ?" I hear Martijn from the other side of the door.

Well I guess that hiss must've been loud.

"I'm alright, almost done. " I wipe it good and throw that away as well. I take out the the bandages and place them over the wound and hold them in place.

After I stuck the tape back on I put my hoodie on and packed away everything into the bag and got out. I see Martijn leaning against the opposite wall.

"How did that go ?" He asks me. 

"For a first time, fairly well to be honest. It just hurt to take my hoodie off. " I tell him.

"Give me this. " he says and holds his hand out for the bag. I give it to him and I got to sit down. It's been around two hours and forty five minutes now, still a long way to go before we're anywhere near home.

I throw the blanket over myself and I look over at Martijn's laptop. He's been busy working on a song.

"Do you want to hear it ?" He asks me as he sits down and I give him some blanket.

"I'd love to. " I beam at him. He puts the headphones over my ears and starts the track from the beginning. I pay attention to the lyrics.

"If I told you, this was only gonna hurt.
If I warned you, that the fire is gonna burn.
Would you walk in, would you let me do it first ?
Do it all in the name of love ?
Would you let me, lead you even when you're blind ?
In the darkness, in the middle of the night.
In the silence, when there's no one by your side.
Would you call in the name of love ?

In the name of love
In the name of love
In the name of love
In the name of love
In the name of..."

He stopped the track and I took the headphones off and gave him a look.

"Why would you ever stop the track before the drop ? What is wrong with you ?!" I scold and complain to him.

"Oh I've so got myself the right girl. " he sighs with a satisfied smile plastered on his face as he sits back.

"No, it's just that I'm not done with it. " he explains. 

"I like it. I can't wait !" I cheer him.

"Thank you. " I kiss her cheek.


After a long flight and sleep for all of us on the plane we finally landed in Amsterdam. We all went our separate ways but Roseanne and I are going to her home. We told Louis that we'll catch up with him either later or tomorrow if he isn't busy doing anything.

We got in the car successfully without any photographers around. It's a good thing there was no need to rush because I know that she can't walk fast. At least not for a while.

Our driver leaves us outside her place.

"Thank you. " I say and he nods his head at me.

I see Rose grabbing her bags and then she reaches for the suitcase. "No. " I scold her.

She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

"Go inside in the meantime. " I say to her. She leans over and clutches my arm, standing on her tippy toes and kisses my neck. She turned on her heel and made her way to the door.

Not to be dirty minded on purpose or anything but fuck that felt good.

Even though her lips touched my neck it was as if it was felt somewhere else, if you know what I mean.

Her mom opened the door and embraced her in a hug. I walked towards them with both of our suitcases, I have more luggage but the kind driver helps me with the bags.

"You can leave them here, I'll take care of it. " I smile at him once he's on the porch with me.

"Have a good day. " he mumbles.

"You too. " I say.

"Ahh! Martin! Come here and give me a hug. " Roseanne's mom says and then she squeezes me tight.

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