Chapter 14

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I've been waiting to post this for so long!! Please enjoy😏😏 and remember... Enough feedback and you'll get the next chapter tomorrow instead of next weekend.

As soon as we landed back on our home soil I went straight home. I took another shower and then I took a tablet, grabbing my hot water bottle as well.

I went downstairs and sat on the couch, telling my mom and brother about everything. Martijn went back to his place to sort some stuff out and then he left to go to the studio.

The pain slowly faded and I started to feel better. I ate some delicious food that my mom prepared for dinner, feeling stuffed I headed to my room to catch up on my sleep.

Roxanne is spending another three extra days in Los Angeles with Justin. I hope that when she comes back her hymen is still intact and he's not up to any funny business with her.

I get a text and I smile at my phone, my favorite person.

Martijn: Do you want me to come fetch you ? :)
Me: No, I'll sleep here for tonight.
Martijn: So then why is there like a dozen cops outside my house ? :|
Me: At least I know that you're safe ;-)
Martijn: But I don't know if you're safe baby :(((
Me: I'll be just fine, I'll message you in the morning and anyway, if you wanna check in on me just wake me up or something :/ okay ? :)
Martijn: Fine.. I'll be lonely tonight :/
Me: Sorry Marty :( <3
Martijn: I'M SO LONELY
Me: Lol, you should so do a remix ;)
Martijn: ^^see that text right there is proof that I chose the right girl from the sea of thousands of people at Ultra that day.
Me: :-$ shut up! Now goodnight Marty, I love you xx<3
Martijn: Goodnight sweetheart, I'll be thinking and worrying about you. Sleep tight, I love you too xxxxxx<3


I spent the day with Raj and Laura, third wheeling at some moments. We did a little shopping and I came across a magazine. I was paging through it and that's when I saw some pictures of Martijn and I in it.

I gasped and put it down, not even wanting to read it. The pictures of when we were in Los Angeles, us entering the paintball place, us going out of the hotel, there's even one of us having lunch with my cousin! Lastly, there's one of us leaving the beach, when he was carrying me.

I don't know if this is good or bad but I'm not entirely sure that I like it.

"I guess you're just going to have to get used to it. " Laura said, putting her arm around my shoulder, giving me a comforting squeeze.

"Yeah. " I sighed back.

Later after Laura went home, it was just Raj and I in the car. He informed me that he's thinking of proposing to Laura but to keep it a secret from her. He's already asked her parents, he's got their blessings.

He picked out the ring already, it's bloody gorgeous! He wants some help on where to propose and when.

"How are your guys' relationship right now ?" I ask him on the way back home.

"It's really great, that's why I want to do it. I feel like it's time... We've been together for four years now. " he replies.

"Does mom know ?" I look at him, curious as to whether he's told her already or not.

"Yeah. I told her two days ago. Now I need help. How should I do it ?" He's anxiously awaiting for my help and opinions.

"I know Laura likes things classy so maybe a fancy dinner. You can do it alone or with friends and family there, doesn't really matter. Wear a good suit, maybe your silver one and do it in the middle of your main course maybe ?" I think about the details as I answer him, Laura deserves the best.

Troublesome//M.G.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ