Chapter 34

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Martin's POV

{Still at the incident}

I heard this loud as I got there. I took a moment and paused. It was a white wooden beach house. The sky is completely dark now. It's just some stars that are sticking out. The light from the moon is reflecting on the sea.

Two cop cars are parked out here. I make my way around them just as I get to the door of the house a cop stops me. "Sir, you can't be here. " he shakes his head at me.

"I know the girl that's in there. She's my girlfriend. Please. " I beg him, trying to get past him.

"You can't, there's been a situation. Please wait. " he says and ushered me back.

A situation?

I hear an ambulance siren and I step back from the house a bit. The ambulance stops outside here, next to the two cop cars. My phone starts to buzz in my pocket,I reach in and I take it out to see who it is. It's Roseanne's mother. I can't ignore her.

"Hallo ?" I answer.

"Hallo, is het Martijn ?" She asks if it's me.

"Ja het is mevrouw van Hijt. Het spijt me echt, maar ik kan nu niet praten, " I tell her that it is me but I'm sorry that I can't talk now, "Roseanne is gevonden. Ik probeer er naar haar toe te komen. Ik zal je terug bellen als zaken worden opgelost. " I went on to tell her why. I told her that Roseanne has been found and I'm currently trying to get to her and that I'll call her back.

"Alright alright. Please make sure she's okay and send my love to her. Also, just know that none of us are blaming you Honey. " her mom tells me.

"Thank you. " I say from the bottom of my heart and hang up.

Just as I stuff my phone back in my pocket I see two cops dragging out a man, he must've had Roseanne in there. He's cuffed with his hands behind his back. His face is red. I give him a stern look and he narrows his eyes at me. They take him and put him in the cop car.

It's not long before some investigators show up as well. I take a walk to the cop that's stationed at the door. "Don't worry, I'm not trying to get in. I just want to know, who's hurt ?" I asked him.

He took a look in, "I think we're about to find out. " I see the medics rushing out someone.

Fucking hell it's her.

She's only in her underwear.

And she's covered in blood.

"What the hell happened ?" I asked one of the medics.

"She's been shot. " he tells me.

"Oh my god. " I... I am so shocked. I don't know what to feel.

I follow them to the ambulance.

"I'm sorry but who are you ?" The same medic asks me.

"I'm her fiancé. " I answered.

"Alright, jump in. We're taking her to the hospital. " he tells me in his accent.

Now that I think of it, this is probably how Roseanne hears me. She listens to me with my thick Dutch accent whenever I speak in English to her which is most of the time. Like 99% of the time.

I sit in the ambulance next to her as we start moving towards the nearest hospital.

"How bad is it ?" I ask the medic.

"Oh, my name is John by the way. It's hard to tell but I know she's suffered blood loss. We don't know if the bullet has injured or damaged any organ as yet. " he informs me.

I reach for her hand and hold it in mine, it's freezing. Her hand feels weak and dead. I hold onto it with my other hand as well trying to keep it warm. I look at her and my eyes start to get some tears. There's some blood that's actually started to dry on her skin now.

Once we get to hospital John speaks to me again as they're getting her in.

"We have to take her straight into theatre to operate on her. You're not allowed in. Please full in these forms. " he says and gives me the paperwork.

I nod at him and go to the waiting room. There's not so many people here. I pull my green hood over my head, not wanting anyone to recognize me. I don't want to see anyone right now. I just want her.

Before I start writing I look at the name of the hospital and send Louis a quick text to let him know where we are now and tell him about what happened to Rose.

Louis' POV

I really don't know how Martijn is coping with any of this. I feel such sorrow for him, although I know he doesn't want my or anyone's pity for that matter. I know he blames himself for this happening to Roseanne. Heck, if I was in his position I could easily say that I'd be doing the same.

I typed back to him on my phone telling him that I'll be there soon and to just hang in there. I get the directions and ask Siri to get me there. Peak time in traffic seems to be over so it should only take me about ten minutes or so.

I know I've just met Roseanne but in a short time I can say that I do care for her. After all she's my mates girlfriend I wouldn't hate on her unless she was actually terrible and he was blinded by love for her. She has such a good personality and she makes Martijn happy.

What's happening to her is unfortunate and horrible. I will keep my hopes up for the best. She is my friend too. I can't even begin to imagine what her family is feeling.


Did Martijn even tell them yet ?

If he doesn't do it then I will. They deserve to know, even if he isn't ready to tell them.


I know I know, I haven't been updating as often. I'm sorry. I have recently just finished my exams so Yayyyy.

If any of you are Dutch or know the language well, if there are any errors please comment or message me, whichever you feel.

And damn, how good is There For You ? I freakin' love it.

Vote and comment PLEASE.

Thanks -Rx.

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