Chapter 45

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So Martijn and I headed out. We drove all over trying to find her. We searched every single place I thought of, I don't know the sentimental part of her that well but I mean, I tried.

We're currently on our way back home, these cramps have only gotten worse. They're in my lower back.

It's so bad that I'm clenching my jaw and my hands are clenched into fists at my sides.

"Martijn.." I whimper. I see his head snap to my direction and that's when I closed my eyes.

"Baby ? Are you sleepy?" I hear him ask me and I feel his weight shift on the seat and he's now closer to me.

I shake my head at him. "What's wrong ?" He asks me. I can't take it anymore.. I just can't. My hands grab his shirt and I squeeze it.

"Hey, talk to me. " he tells me, in a gentle way. He puts his forefinger under my chin and strokes it with his thumb.

"I've got terrible cramps. They're so bad. The weren't like this earlier but now it's just terrible. " I say through gritted teeth.

"Where ?" He asks me and puts his arm around my waist, only after he draped his jacket over me.

"Lower back. " I mumble to him. I feel emotional... Frustrated. My phone vibrated and buzzed.

"Please check it for me. " I tell him softly, resting my head against him, a crease forming in between my eyebrows.

He picks up my phone from the seat. "Don't tell anyone. Let Justin know I'm fine. Don't message me until I message you again. You know who got me. I love you. " he paused, I think he just read the message out loud.

"It's from Roxy. " he says. I gulp. My tummy churns again.

"We're here. " he says maybe just twenty seconds later. It's about eight or so now. I open my eyes and see that both my mom and brother are home.

"I'll tell Justin. " he says.

I thank the driver and I get out, Martijn following me. I get inside and I act normal. I have a basic conversation with them both before heading upstairs, Martijn following.

Oh gosh what is happening inside my body right now.

"I can't.. Don't follow. " I tell him and I speed walk to the bathroom and close the door. I lean over the sink and my stomach cramps up so bad.

I shrug his jacket off and leave it next to my towel. I take deep breaths, hoping it will help.

It doesn't.

The next thing I know food is exiting my body through my mouth. My throat burns and my stomach feels terrible. Tears brim my eyes and I try to just blink them away. I rinse my mouth and wipe it. I try to calm down my emotions before I open the door.

"Martijn please go downstairs and get the hot water bottle, ask my mother or my brother. They should know where it is. Please. " I ask him. He gets up from my bed and gives me a worrisome look. I look down and he walks away.

I shrug off my pants and get in bed. I don't even want to care about my top. I unhooked my bra and threw that by my jeans. I laid down and held my pillow. My throat hurts so bad.

A couple minutes later Martijn returns and sits down next to me, handing me the hot water bottle. I take it and lay it behind my back, hoping it will calm my cramps.

"What happened?" He asked me quietly.

"I threw up. " I whispered. He sighs and leans over, kissing my forehead. Letting his lips linger there for a good few seconds.

"I'm not leaving you alone tonight. I'm going to get my laptop, we'll say we're watching movies if your mom asks. " he tells me and goes to his room.

When he comes back he's in sweatpants and a shirt, his laptop in his hand.


He spent the whole night with me, he fell asleep and I don't blame him, it's three in the morning now. I am yet to fall asleep, I just.. Can't.

The laptop is in between us and his limbs are sprawled out all over. My cramps have calmed down and I feel much better than before. Something to eat would be good but, I don't want make any noise and wake up any body.

I just can't stop thinking about Roxy. I know she's a tough cookie. Tougher than me, but what I also know is what it feels like to be taken. To be held captive and to have no control.

As long as she keeps herself good in her head she should be okay. I don't want those sick twisted bastards doing anything to her. If Justin really cares about her, then I can't even imagine what it must feel like.

I know Martijn probably can but I can't and I don't ever want Martijn taken from me like that. I stretch out one of my arms and softly just stroke his hair. He stirs at first but goes all still again, his chest rising and falling in its normal pattern.

I want to make a plan to get Roxeanne back. I just don't know how to.

My phone vibrates and I quietly take a look at it, turning my ringer off.

Unknown Number: You shouldn't have gotten our guys in trouble back in Australia.

This has to be the remaining people of the gang. I think I remember something about one of the guys saying that there's about for of them left.

Oh crap.

I don't know what to even say.

Unknown Number: First your dad and now your precious Roxeanne. 

Oh that is it.

Me: Leave her alone you prick.

Unknown Number: I wouldn't be calling anyone names if I were you.

Me: What the hell do you want ?

Unknown Number: To bring you pain of course :)



This will be continued in another book, called "I'll Be There For You" which will hopefully be up latest next weekend.

Thank you for your constant support, I really hope you enjoyed this!


Troublesome//M.G.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin