Chapter 8

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We spent most of the day wondering around and looking at little details of everything and coming up with possible theories for the mysterious things around here.

You know... Spending three days here, you learn a lot and it's pretty boring. But we have Justin to lighten up the mood.

I can't believe it's our last night here! I'm just going to be so happy to be back at the hotel again. I finally get to have a nice shower and feel fresh again.

"Hey, Justin ?" I call him.

"Yes, that's me. " he smiled a goofy smile.

"Do we have to spend the whole night here ?" I groaned at him and pouted.

"Well... I guess we could leave at midnight. " he shrugged.

"Yes! Okay. You go talk to Roxy and I'll talk to Martijn!" I clapped and we went our separate ways.

I found Martijn in the middle of the passage way, leaning against some furniture which was plush against the wall.

He was looking straight ahead at something but he heard me coming once I was a bit closer to him and so he looked over.  He gave me a small smile and blinked.

I got to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and leant some of my own weight onto him. He wrapped his left arm around my upper back and gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"Hey babe ?" I smiled and looked up at him.

"Mm hmm" he hummed in response.

"We get to leave at midnight. " I gave him the good news.

"Yes. Now I get to spend time with my babe. " he leant down and kissed me.

"Now now, don't get too ahead of yourself. How much longer are we here ?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow and the following day and then we leave the next morning after breakfast. " he answered.

"I still need to visit my cousin. " I reminded him.

"How about we have lunch with him tomorrow ?" He suggested.

"That works. " I nodded.

Just then his phone made a noise and vibrated so he took it out to read it.

"Who's that mate ?" Justin asks as he walks to us, drinking from a bottle of water.

"Just work. " Martijn sighed.

"No. No! No work now. Tell them to talk to you tomorrow. I'm sure it can wait. " Justin scolded him.

"Yeah, you're probably right. " he agreed and put his phone away.

Martijn grabbed my hand as we walked out in the icy cold weather. He pulled me closer and I don't know whether it was for my warmth or for his.

We all made it to the car and Roxy immediately turned on the heat and we were off. The car was a rental of course, she's giving it back on the day we leave.

Martijn told her that she could come back home with us but her she had gotten herself a return flight.

I cuddled up onto Martijn's shoulder and took a little well deserved nap. After a while I felt his head slowly ease on top of my own.

When we arrived Justin decided to wake Martijn up by opening his door and pulling him out. I woke up because my head slipped off of his shoulder and he jolted awake when he realized what Justin was doing.

As we were getting our bags a bunch of paparazzi came.

"Oh shit!" Justin cursed.

"Alright, uhm. Girls just keep your hair down and look down.  " Justin said.

We listened and we made our way into the hotel. The security did not let anyone through the doors. All four of us were now in the elevator. The only sound being the boring elevator music.

As we stood outside our room and Roxy's room Justin sighed.

"That's going to be sent out to the public isn't it ?" Martijn groaned and leant his head back on the wall.

"Hell yeah. They always do this. " Justin rolled his eyes.

"Well.. You two better be prepared to have people knowing you and sending you hate. " Justin folded his arms and stood close to Roxy.

"We're sorry girls. We didn't mean for this to happen. " Martijn apologized and grabbed my hip with his hand.

"It's okay. You didn't know they were going to be there. " Roxy smiled at him.

"Having the public watch your relationship really does take a toll on you, take it from experience. Having other people interested in my previous relationship with Selena didn't make things any easier for us. Not at all. " frustration was evident in his voice, he cleared his throat.

{A/N: sorry for interrupting but Jelena for life everybody!! Continue..}

"Well, I'm off to bed. " Justin said, his room was elsewhere in this huge hotel. He hugged Roxy and gave her a kiss on her cheek. 

He bro hugged Martijn and gave me a hug. He walked down the hall, running a hand through his hair. Roxy's cheeks were tinted a bit red.

I hugged her goodnight as Martijn opened our door, "Goodnight Martijn. " she said as she closed her door.

"Goodnight!" He called to her as he closed and locked our door.

"I call shower first!" I said as I dumped my bag next to his and removed my jacket.

"Okay, love. " he sighed. He sounded really tired.

"Have some tea. " I ordered him as I massaged his tense shoulders where he sat down on a single sofa.

"Okay. " he said.

I brushed his hair with my fingers and I leant over and gave his cheek a peck and went to have a shower.


I came out with my towel wrapped around my body and wet hair. Martijn was still sitting on the same sofa. Typing away on his phone with an empty mug next to him.

I cleared my throat and stood there awkwardly. He turned back and noticed I needed to get dressed.

"I'll go shower now. " he nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

I put on my sweats and sat down in bed. I took my phone out and answered all my messages. I had some from my brother and mother. 

I went onto Instagram and realized I have about 100 new followers.. What the hell! I scrolled through them and realized they were fans of Martijn's. My fellow Garrixers.

I went into Twitter next. I saw a trend saying 'mystery girls'. I didn't think it could be about today but it was. I clicked on it and scrolled through the tweets.

Both the Garrixers and Beliebers were saying mean things. Some of them were really nasty. I was shocked, they even used the pictures of us that the paparazzi's had snapped.

I got a little teary and that's when Martijn decided to finish up in the bathroom and step out. Great... 

All he had on were a pair of boxers but he soon fixed that with clothes. When he looked at me he realized something was wrong so he climbed into bed immediately.

He took the my phone from my hands and read what was going on. He sighed and gave me a sympathetic smile and kissed my forehead. I did see his eyebrows furrow and afterwards his jaw clench when he read it though. 

He grabbed his phone and sent out a tweet. I got a notification and read it.

"Hate does not help the situation nor does it get you anywhere. Have some respect for the people in my life please. "

He threw both of our phones on the couch and pulled me close.

"You're perfect to me. " he said.

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