Chapter 17

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"For tour ?" I ask him.

"Yes. " he nodded.

"Well, uhm... Okay. " I coughed and put the cloth down.

I can't believe he's doing this.
He's leaving just because he's mad at me.
Just because I cared for him and wanted to know that he's safe.
How is this in anyway fair ?!

But I can't let him know how I feel. I'm not gonna let him know that it frustrates me. It hurts but I'll live through it. Gosh Martijn!

"How long are you going to be gone ?" I ask him after the couple moments of silence.

"About maybe three months until I'm back, maybe more. " he shrugged.

"Oh. " was all that came out of my mouth.

"I'm going to go now, I need to pack and stuff. " he said, letting go of the counter.

"Alright. " I mumbled and put my hands on my hips.

I walked him to the door, I just trailed quietly behind him. He opened the door and stood in the doorway, turning around to face me.

"Send me a message when you arrive to wherever you're going ?" I quietly said and looked up at him.

"Australia. " he cooly said.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his body. My hands fisted the material of his jacket and he wrapped his arms around my upper back.

I felt his soft cheek rest against the top of my head, I felt his breath fanning my hair gently. He pulled away after giving me a little squeeze.

"Goodbye Rose." He stepped back.

"Bye. " I breathed.

I watched him turn around, and walk to his car, he started it and reversed out. He peered at me through the glass of his window, his eyes met mine for one last time in for a really long while.

I let the door shut and a tear slipped through my eye. He just really did that. I can't believe it.

Why ask me to join you on tour if you're not even one hundred percent sure that you want me there ? One argument and I'm just kicked out of it!

But I do think that space could be helpful right now... But still! We could've at least talked about this even a little, maybe even get me to agree or something.

He just dropped on me like a damn bomb, as if I have any say now anyway. That must've been why he didn't come to bed last night.

I mean, he did, but not whilst I was awake. I don't even know what time he came, I just knew he was there when I woke up.

He must've been arranging everything last night while he was downstairs. But so soon ? For the next day ?! As mad as I am at him right now, I do hope that he travels safely.

I stomp up to my room and slam my door shut and just flop myself down on my bed, face first into my pillow.

He just left, I'm not going to see him for months! I can't believe him, he didn't even kiss me!! Never said he loves me... Nothing! My gosh!

I didn't even notice the tears the welled up in my eyes, Raj is standing at my door, he just knocked.

"Uhm, what happened ?" He asks.

"Martijn..." I whispered.

"Oh god, what did he do ?" He asked as he walked in, taking off his blazer and hanging it on my chair before taking a seat on it and watching me on my bed waiting for an answer.

"He left. " I said, grabbing a pillow and hugging it.

"What ? He left you ?!" He asks, his voice harsher and his eyebrows crossing.

"No. I mean, we're still together. He just left for tour. " I said.

"Then.. Why are you crying ?" He asked, confused now.

"No, see you don't understand. He was super mad at me for coming there yesterday when those guys were there and so we've been mad at each other. He never spoke to me about it at all. He told me just now and left. All we did was hug! " I raise my voice a bit.

"That jerk! Well, don't talk to him. He doesn't deserve it. Any news on Roxanne ?" He gave me some advice.

"She should be back today, I'm waiting for her to text me. " I shrugged.

He just nodded. After a moment of silence I spoke up again, "Any updates on your proposal ? I need to prep, you need to tell me the location. " I asked him.

"Maybe next week or so ? I want to do it in the park where we first ran into each other. You know... Maybe just before sunset. It just has to be the perfect weather. " he sighs and rubs his forehead with his hand.

"Alright, well let me know. " I nodded at him.

"I will. I'm gonna shower now. " he said and got up, taking his blazer with him to his room.

I listened as his footsteps disappeared down the hall and listened to the door close shortly afterwards.

I neatened myself up and got my laptop out to look at some things.


Half an hour later my mom was home. We ate dinner and all I told her was that Martijn left for tour, not that we are fighting. She just said that it's so exciting.

We had a Greek salad and a vegetable soup. It was really delicious.

After watching some tv I went upstairs and went to bed, feeling pretty empty and hurt because of Martijn.


My sleep was disturbed and I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I heard my phone buzz and it was loud, I forgot to put my do not disturb on.

I groaned and picked it up, covering myself up with the duvet again, it's a pretty cold night.

Oh my gosh it's 2:00 A.M. Who the hell wants what at this time. Sadly, it wasn't Roxy. It was Martijn.

Martijn: Hello, I know you're probably sleeping but I just wanted to tell you that I arrived now.

I read it and put my phone down, not bothering to reply to him.

Troublesome//M.G.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum